Arapahoe County Convention 2018

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The 2018 Libertarian Party of Arapahoe County (LPAC) Convention is an upcoming county convention for the Libertarian Party of Arapahoe County. It will be held on April 7 2018, at the Salvage Restaurant in Aurora, Colorado.[1]

2018 Libertarian Party of Arapahoe County Convention
Dates: April 7, 2018
Location: Aurora, Colorado
Venue: Salvage Restaurant
Facebook: Facebook

Convention Overview

The Convention will consist of amendments to the LPAC Bylaws. In addition, elections will be held for Board Officer positions and the nomination of candidates to run in the 2018 elections for various Arapahoe County Offices.

Declared 2018 Arapahoe County Elections Candidates

The following individuals have declared their intention to run Arapahoe County offices in 2018 under the LPAC banner. They have declared their campaigns either through a public statement or the creation of a social media page/website.

Arapahoe County Sheriff

  • Eric Mulder, Aurora Veterans' Affairs Commission. LPAC Outreach Director.[2]
