Historical Resources
Historical Resources of the Libertarian Party
- Web site for lp.org in November 1996
- Joe Dehn's LNC table, 1981-2002
- Joe Dehn's Local Party FAQ, first half of 1995
- https://groups.google.com/forum/?_escaped_fragment_=#!search/Libertarian$20Party$20FAQ$3A$20Directory$20of$20Local$20LP$20Officials/talk.politics.libertarian/Y6ieEah7oZo/XRoO3OpKK00J (February1995)
- http://groups.google.com/group/talk.answers/browse_thread/thread/62d0eb4b9544596d/907069fa5ef6617c (March 1995)
- http://groups.google.com/group/talk.answers/browse_thread/thread/9b1eda2e9bec196/eeef763576708e10 (April 1995)
- http://groups.google.com/group/news.answers/browse_thread/thread/87ca6c5cab3cc2a3/2e4b839bb2cea0c (May 1995)
- Joe Dehn's State party FAQ, first half of 1995
There are various offline archives containing Libertarian Party records and other material relating to the history of the LP.
Some of the collections included in these archives are described here. It would be good to find people who can visit these locations with scanners.
- The Lawrence Samuels Collection in California
- Collection number 2007C18
- Hoover Institute, Stanford University
- http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt2r29r4w9/dsc/
- The Libertarian Party Papers at UVA in Virginia
- The archive can be search here