LNC Staff

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LNC Staff refers to personnel responsible for national Libertarian Party business who are not themselves members of the LNC. They may be employees or contractors, and may do their work in the national headquarters, at some other fixed location, or in the field (e.g., affiliate support, ballot access projects).

The way that these personnel are organized has varied over the years. Generally there has been one person, with a title like "National Director" or "Executive Director", who has hiring and supervisory authority over all or most of the rest of the staff. But at various times specific functions have been performed by staff who report directly to the national Chair or to an LNC subcommittee.

Note that although these people are collectively referred to as LNC Staff, and they have usually provided some support for the LNC's function as a committee (e.g., arranging for a meeting location, copying/distributing reports) most of their work is not of this nature.

Current Staff

Position Officeholder List
Executive Director Wes Benedict List
Political Director Carla Howell List
Operations Director Robert Kraus
Assistant Editor Elizabeth Brierly
Candidate and Affiliate Support Specialist Bob Johnston
State Affiliate Development Specialist Andy Burns
Special Projects Nick Dunbar
Head of Development Lauren Daugherty
Designer Denise Luckey
Development Coordinator Jess Mears
Membership Renewals Matthew Thexton
Special Projects Burly Cain

Former Staff

Wes Benedict, Executive Director (2009-2011, 2013-present)
Elisabeth Brooks, volunteer coordinator
Bill Burt, National Director
Louise Calise, Development
Gene Cisewski, National Director (1993)
Shane Cory, Executive Director (2005-2008)
Ed Crane, National Director
Ron Crickenberger, National Director (1997-1998)
Steve Dasbach, Executive Director (1998-2002)
Nick Dunbar, National Director (1988-1993)
Art DiBianca, staff assistant
Susan Dickson, member services
Kelly Dirkes, Member Services Specialist
Kyle Hartz, development & new media assistant
Chris Hocker, National Director
Carla Howell, , Executive Director (2011-2013)
Ned Hutchinson, national director (c. 1975)
Paul Jacob, National Director (1987-1988)
Honey Lanham, National Director (c. 1983)
Nigel Lyons, Video Production
Bob Meier, National Director (c. 1976)
Terry von Mitchell, National Director
Eric O'Keefe, National Director (c 1981)
Austin Petersen, Volunteer Coordinator
Stuart Reges, National Director (1993)
Joe Seehusen, Executive Director (2003-2005)
Perry Willis, Executive Director (1993-1997)
Edward Wilson, Special Projects