Trevor Southerland

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Trevor Southerland is a former Executive Director of the Libertarian Party of Georgia from December 2005 until January 2007, Michael Badnarik campaign Tennessee Coordinator in 2004 and Region IV Alternate Representative to the Libertarian National Committee from 2005-2006. He served as Chairman of the Catoosa County Libertarian Party (GA) from 2000-2003, the Hamilton County Libertarian Party (TN) from 2004-2005, Affiliate Development Director of the Libertarian Party of Georgia from 2002-2004, Treasurer of the Libertarian Party of Tennessee in 2005 and Chairman of the National Libertarian Party Youth Caucus from 2004-2006.

Trevor Southerland
Executive Director
Libertarian Party of Georgia
December 2005—January 2007
Personal Details
Party: Libertarian Party

Trevor Southerland resigned his membership in the Libertarian Party and joined the Democratic Party in February 2007 and served as Communications Director for Georgia Students for Barack Obama from April 2007 thru November 2008.[1] Since 2008, Southerland has served as Communications Director for General David Poythress, a Democratic candidate for Governor of Georgia. In 2009, he was elected Vice President of Finance of the Young Democrats of Georgia and was re-elected in 2010.

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