Rodger Paxton

Revision as of 13:48, 14 September 2017 by Faemoon (talk | contribs) (updated predecessors and term dates)

Rodger Paxton is a long-time libertarian activist, formerly he was the Chairman, First District Representative, and Secretary of the Libertarian Party of Arkansas. In his time as Chairman, he took a completely dead party and brought together a dynamic team that kicked the party into overdrive, thus turning it into one of the most active LP affiliates in the nation at the time. As Chairman, he also brought full ballot access to the LPAR for the first time in state history, which led to running 15 Libertarian candidates across the state in 2012 and 30 in 2014.

Rodger Paxton
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Rodger Paxton at the 2017 Libertarian Party of New Hampshire convention
Vice Chair
Libertarian Party of New Hampshire
Predecessor: Brian Chabot
Successor: Incumbent
Personal Details
Party: Libertarian Party
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In 2012 and 2014, Rodger also ran for Arkansas State Representative in the 51st district, garnering 20.18% and 26.26% respectively. He has worked with End the Fed rallies in Little Rock and been active in marijuana legalization activism. He has also served on the national Libertarian Party Judicial Committee. Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors for the Free State Project, as a Regional Captain for the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence and the Vice-Chairman of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire.

In 2015, seeking to find “liberty in his lifetime,” Rodger and his family moved 1,500 miles from Arkansas to New Hampshire to join the Free State Project, joining the exclusive ranks of nearly 2,000 “early movers” who made the decision to move prior to the Free State Project receiving it’s first 20,000 signatures. Rodger and his wife Jessica also unschool their children at home. They believe these two activities are among the most important activities you can do for liberty.

Rodger is the owner of Pax Libertas Productions, a podcast production company working to bring about the best libertarian podcasts possible.