
Joined 31 March 2017
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D. Frank Robinson:

Founding Chair of the Libertarian Party of Oklahoma.

Chair of the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee, Founding Convention, 1972 as a co-founder of the Libertarian Party. Author of the seven-eights rule of the LP Bylaws and the Judicial Committee Bylaw.

At-large Member, LP National Executive Committee, 1972-74.

Delegate, Cleveland Convention (Strongsville), 1973.

National Convention Parliamentarian, Dallas Convention, 1974.

Chair Emeritus, Oklahoma Libertarian Party.

Delegate, San Francisco convention, 1977.

Candidate for LP nomination for U S Representative, CD5, Oklahoma, 1980; This was the first Libertarian Party Primary Election in Oklahoma. Mr. Robinson lost to Mr. James Rushing by four votes.

Candidate for U S Representative, CD3, Libertarian, 2016; Mr. Robinson's filing for office was rejected by the Oklahoma State Election Board for inability to pay the filing fee and lack of a petition in lieu of the filing fee. Mr. Robinson contended the State's action was in violation of U S Supreme Court decision, Lubin v. Panish (1974).

Delegate, Orlando Convention, 2016.

Announced candidate for the Libertarian Party nomination for U S Representative, CD3, Oklahoma, 2018; Mr. Robinson anticipates litigation will be necessary for his name to appear on the Oklahoma ballot in 2018.

Mr. Robinson is author of Slashing the Gordian Knot of Campaign Finance: A Plan for Anonymous Contributions (1994), privately published.

Mr. Robinson is the principal advocate of the FABulous Reform (2017) for Congressional legislation requiring a uniform write-in ballot for all candidate elections in the U S, or a Constitutional Amendment to that end. This reform would moot almost all ballot access issues of filing fees, petitioning or quotas to have candidates recognized as eligible to receive votes in an election. Voters would have full First Amendment rights to publish their candidate choices, regardless of party Primary Election "winnowing", on the General Election ballot.

Born: September 22, 1942; Cushing, Oklahoma.