Unified Membership Plan

UMP is the "Unified Membership Plan" that specifies how the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) and the state parties share membership and dues.

LNC Obligations

The UMP contract specifies LNC obligations. The obligations of particular interest are Transfer Fees and Database Dumps.

Transfer Fees to the State

The Transfer Fee is paid monthly.

The categories have been given names, but the author does not know which names correspond to what level of contribution.
Category Prior 12-month contributions Transfer Fee to State
minimum maximum
1 $10 $99.99 $1
2 $100 $249.99 $2
3 $250 $499.99 $3
4 $500 $999.99 $4
5 $1000 none $5

LNC Database Dump

What follows is from the UMP contract and is not representative of the present database dumps, March, 2005.

An LNC Database Update that is available in any of several formats including ASCII comma delimited, ASCII tab delimited, ASCII fixed field or dBase/FoxPro compatible .dbf. The file will contain ALL records which contain a YOUR STATE mailing address, regardless of their membership or subscription status. Fields include:

  • name
  • postal mailing address
  • telephone numbers
  • LNC id number
  • LPUS expiration date
  • date the record was originally created
  • LNC source code for the record
  • flags which indicate records that are:
    • duplicates
    • deactivated
    • should receive no external mail
    • should receive no phone calls
  • a field indicating how many times a record has had mail returned due to some address problem.

This format may be changed in the future at the discretion of LNC but will be adjusted so that information is available in greater detail, in no case will less information be presented.

State Obligations


When LPYS or its local affiliates solicits new or renewing members or subscribers, they offer the same categories as those offered by LNC. LPYS and local affiliates also may offer the same categories of combined local-UMP memberships or subscriptions. In either case, LPYS sends to LNC the full amount LNC charges for that category. Any amount remaining, and amounts designated for other purposes such as a separate additional contributions, may be retained by the collector.

LPYS may issue renewal notices before LNC does and, in doing so, gets the first chance to solicit donations from renewing members and subscribers.