- Libertarian Party
- The Adam Smith Institute
- FIRE's Torch (education focus)
- Lew Rockwell Blog
- LP Colorado Blog
- Reason: Hit & Run
- Tech Central Station (articles)
- The Von Mises Institute
- Libertarian Party of NY
- The LP of Pittsburgh (blog for www.lppgh.org)
- America in Denial
- Catallarchy Eleutheria. Praxis. Kosmos.
- ThePhalanx.com
- The QandO Blog
- Seitelplasm Headquarters for the War on Statism
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- ...muttered the ogre
- The Agitator Radley Balko, CATO
- Aggressive-Voice Daily
- All Things Libertarian Paul Elledge
- AnarCapLib
- The Arkanssouri Blog
- Asymmetrical Information
- The Bayesian Investor
- Blessings of Liberty
- Blogging from the Black Side Chris Bennett
- The Golden Gate of Liberty The Golden Gate of Liberty
- Blognarik Michael Badnarik
- Blog-IT-o-ergo sum Jim Capo
- Baptists & Bootleggers (dead?)
- The Brain Spur
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- Catallarchy
- Coyote Blog
- Dave Friedman's Soul of Wit
- Decline and Fall of Western Civilization
- Dick the Butcher
- Democratic Freedom
- Ernharth Perspective | The Vigilant Investor Daily commentary on the Markets and the Economy for Libertarian-minded Investors.
- Enjoy Every Sandwich
- Eternal Vigilance
- fling93 loves fishies
- Free Market Fairy Tales
- Freeman, Libertarian Critter
- Full Frontal Liberty Rachel Mills
- Gene Healy
- The Idiot (SaltyPig)
- Indiana State Chairman's Report Mark Rutherford
- Instapundit
- The International Libertarian
- Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey female liberarian economics student from Washington state.
- Julian Sanchez
- Knappster Tom Knapp, Rational Review
- Last One Speaks
- Liberated Space Angela Keaton
- Libertarian Jackass
- Libertarian Rant
- The Libertarian Soapbox
- LibertyFlash (dormant)
- Liberty for Sale Tim West
- the life you live could be your own Allison Jaynes
- Life's Better Ideas David Aitken
- Mike Linksvayer
- Militant Libertarian
- The Modern American
- mshiltonj Steven Hilton
- Musings, Rants and Monologues John Kaiser
- Mutualist Blog Free Market Anti-Capitalism
- A New Age of Reason
- The NC Way Sean Haugh
- Nothing Could Be Finer Stephen Burr
- Omnia Mutantur Ricardo Mendez
- The One Man Rebellion
- The Orange County Remnant Ben Brunk
- Philoponia
- The Puffington Host
- Questions and Observations
- Random Act of Kindness Jeff Trigg
- Redneck Feminist
- Restore Our Republic Thomas Hill, LPNC Chair
- Samizdata
- Sarwark, Nicholas (AKA "X")
- The Shadablog
- Smith: No Force, No Fraud
- Social Anomoly Seth Ilys
- Southwest Missouri Libertarian Party blog
- Spenwah! Poliblog!
- Small Government Blog Greg Dirasian
- Sunni Maravillosa and the Conspirators
- The Three Rivers Post and Standard Commentary on the Libertarian Nightmares of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County and Pennsylvania
- Tom Rants
- Unqualified Offerings
- View of a JenXer Jennifer Schulz
- Verité
- Vinod's Blog
- WatchBlog (Third Party)
- Where HipHop and Libertarianism Meet
- Wienerville Bert Weiner