This page contains a list of libertarian weblogs. Please feel free to add any others that you know of and remove those that die. The blogs are seperated by "Institutional", "Group" and "Personal" sets, and then listed in alphabetical order. Please add new blogs in their proper place. Libertarian blogs may also be found on del.icio.us and at BlogCatalog.
- Libertarian Party
- The Adam Smith Institute
- FIRE's Torch (education focus)
- Lew Rockwell Blog
- LP Colorado Blog
- Reason: Hit & Run
- Tech Central Station (articles)
- The Von Mises Institute
- Libertarian Party of NY
- America in Denial
- Seitelplasm Headquarters for the War on Statism
- The QandO Blog
- Catallarchy Eleutheria. Praxis. Kosmos.
- ...muttered the ogre
- The Agitator Radley Balko, CATO
- Aggressive-Voice Daily
- All Things Libertarian Paul Elledge
- AnarCapLib
- The Arkanssouri Blog
- Asymmetrical Information
- The Bayesian Investor
- Blessings of Liberty
- Blogging from the Black Side Chris Bennett
- Blognarik Michael Badnarik
- Blog-IT-o-ergo sum Jim Capo
- Baptists & Bootleggers (dead?)
- The Brain Spur
- Bureaucrash Blog
- Catallarchy
- Coyote Blog
- The Decadent West
- Dave Friedman's Soul of Wit
- Decline and Fall of Western Civilization
- Dick the Butcher
- Democratic Freedom
- Enjoy Every Sandwich
- Eternal Vigilance
- fling93 loves fishies
- Free Market Fairy Tales
- Freeman, Libertarian Critter
- Full Frontal Liberty Rachel Mills
- Gene Healy
- Hammer of Truth
- The Idiot (SaltyPig)
- Indiana State Chairman's Report Mark Rutherford
- Instapundit
- The International Libertarian
- Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey female liberarian economics student from Washington state.
- Julian Sanchez
- Knappster Tom Knapp, Rational Review
- Last One Speaks
- Libertarian Jackass
- Libertarian Rant
- The Libertarian Soapbox
- LibertyFlash (dormant)
- Liberty for Sale Tim West
- the life you live could be your own Allison Jaynes
- Life's Better Ideas David Aitken
- Mike Linksvayer
- Militant Libertarian
- The Modern American
- mshiltonj Steven Hilton
- Musings, Rants and Monologues John Kaiser
- Mutualist Blog Free Market Anti-Capitalism
- A New Age of Reason
- The NC Way Sean Haugh
- Nothing Could Be Finer Stephen Burr
- Omnia Mutantur Ricardo Mendez
- The One Man Rebellion
- The Orange County Remnant Ben Brunk
- Philoponia
- The Puffington Host
- Questions and Observations
- Random Act of Kindness Jeff Trigg
- Redneck Feminist
- Restore Our Republic Thomas Hill, LPNC Chair
- Samizdata
- Sarwark, Nicholas (AKA "X")
- The Shadablog
- Smith: No Force, No Fraud
- Social Anomoly Seth Ilys
- Southwest Missouri Libertarian Party blog
- Spenwah! Poliblog!
- Small Government Blog Greg Dirasian
- Sunni Maravillosa and the Conspirators
- Tom Rants
- Unqualified Offerings
- View of a JenXer Jennifer Schulz
- Verité
- Vinod's Blog
- WatchBlog (Third Party)
- Where HipHop and Libertarianism Meet
- Wienerville Bert Weiner