The Libertarian Party of Massachusetts (LPMA)
This organization is the Massachusetts state affiliate of the Libertarian Party of the United States of America. Its territory is the state of Massachusetts. Its official web site is at http://lpma.org The Libertarian Party of Massachusetts has at times been among the most effective Libertarian Parties in the United States. More recently, it has been subject to interesting issues. For a different description of Massachusetts events, see LPMA/LfM schism.
- Most of the decisions for the LPMA are made by its legislative body, the LPMA State Committee. The State Committee most recently met in October 2005. Other decisions are made by the State Convention, such as appointment of delegates to the National Convention. The State Convention has historically been held in early spring, but as of May 2006 no convention has been scheduled, emaning that a convention cannot be held sooner than August 2006.
Mailing List
- The LPMA mailing list is managed by the LPMA Membership Secretary.
Local Affiliates
- Notes:
- Basic contact information is included below for each LPMA affiliate that does not yet have its own wiki page. Some private e-mail addresses have anti-spam strings that must be removed manually to work.
- For help in creating a wiki page for your affiliate, see LPMA SampleAffiliate.
- City and Town Committees
- LPMA Boston (Bob French rfrench@lpma.org 617-948-1609)
- LPMA Cambridge (Rob Power power@robpower.comis the reliable contact for the Cambridge City Libertarian Club and for Drinking Liberally)
- LPMA Chelmsford (Edward Hayes ehayes@lpma.org chelmsford-committee@lpma.org 978-250-8947)
- LPMA New Bedford (Lee Nason lnason@lpma.org)
- LPMA Provincetown (David Atkinson datkinson@lpma.org 508-487-0759)
- LPMA Waltham
- LPMA Watertown (Edward McCormick emccormick@lpma.org 617-926-2214)
- LPMA Westford (westford-committee@lpma.org)
- Regional Groups
- Lowell Area Liberty Association (Arthur Torrey atorrey@lpma.org 978-663-0241)
- LPMA Worcester County The Worcester County Libertarian Association is not affiliated with the LPMA (George Phillies phillies@4liberty.net (508)754-1859)
- Student Groups
- LPMA UMASS Dartmouth (Katie Rosen krosen@lpma.org)
- LPMA UMASS Lowell (Tristan Lewis GaltsGulchDELETETHIS@DELETETHISwuml.org)
- LPMA Clark University (Larissa Price LPriceDELETETHIS@DELETETHISClarku.edu)
- LPMA Boston University (Mark Dranias mdraniasDELETETHIS@DELETETHISbu.edu)
- LPMA Harvard University (Julio Machado jrmachadDELETETHIS@DELETETHISfas.harvard.edu HarvardLibertarians.org)
- LPMA Regis College (Sarah Duevel dueveyDELETETHIS@DELETETHIShotmail.com)
- LPMA Worcester Polytech Institute (Prof. George Phillies phillies@wpi.edu)
- LPMA Worcester State College (Jess Peysech Jess46224DELETETHIS@DELETETHISaol.com)
- Other Affiliates
- If your LPMA affiliate is not listed above then please click the (Edit this page) link and add it.
- For help in creating a wiki page for your affiliate, see LPMA SampleAffiliate.
The Election