List of Books
Populating the wiki with a bunch of book articles is a good job for a bot.
possible spreadsheet columns:
- article name
- short name (probably main article name)
- verbose name (possibly create redirect if it's short enough)
- other names (create redirects)
- authors (single or list)
- published (date of first printing)
- summary
- image (need to get image uploads working again)
- notes (create talk page and add this)
- redirects
- original publisher
- pages
- word count
- LCC (Library of Congress classification)
- Dewey
- OCLC (Online Computer Library Center/WorldCat)
- online (link if it's online somewhere)
- previous book (for succession box)
- following book (for succession box)
- succession (by author or group or similar for succession box)
- links
Links to Lists of Libertarian Books
Attempt to get complete bibliographies (possibly skipping off-topic books) for these to add to the spreadsheet
- Ludwig von Mises
- Thomas Woods
- Walter Block
- FA Hayek
- Harry Browne
- Michael Badnarik
- Rose Wilder Lane
- Peter McWilliams
- Mary Ruwart
- Ayn Rand
- Karl Hess
- Murray Rothbard
- John Hospers
- George Phillies
- Jerome Tuccille
- Percy Greaves
- Hans Sennholz
- Ron Paul
- Thomas DiLorenzo
- Stefan Molyneux
- Wendy McElroy
- Henry Hazlitt
- Albert Jay Nock
- Robert Nozick
- Isabel Paterson
- Justin Raimondo
- Lew Rockwell
- Walter E. Williams
- Israel Kirzner
- Joseph Salerno
- Dave Barry
- Neal Boortz
- Howard Buffett
- Larry Elder
- Richard Ebeling
- Robert Heinlein
- Jerry Doyle
- JD Tuccille
- Mike Gravel
- Barry Goldwater
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- Camille Paglia
- HL Mencken
- Ilana Mercer
- Justin Raimondo
- Andrew Napolitano
- Grover Norquist
- Gary North
- Peter Schiff
- John Stossel
- Jesse Ventura
- Matt Welch