List of Issues
List of Federal Issues
- Emissions -- more fuel efficient, less polluting engines used in other countries are banned in the United States on the pretense that they don't meet our emissions requirements.
- War on Drugs
- Federal Communications Commission
- Bailouts -- the transfer of wealth from the poor and responsible to the rich and irresponsible
- Common Core -- dumbing down education, increasing manipulability, and getting rid of literature (probably because most literature doesn't exactly endorse blind fealty to the state)
List of State Issues
- War on Drugs -- most states actively support Federal drug laws and impose ones of their own
- Medical Boards -- these bodies micromanage the private sector with government level controls, often to the detriment of patients as well as doctors and other medical workers.
- State Bar -- the right of the people to choose their own representation in court is severely curtailed in many states. This can also be used to coerce lawyers into not rocking the boat as much as their clients may need them to.
- Emminent Domain
- State Enforcement of Unconstitutional Federal Statues
- Red Light Cameras
- Speed Tickets
- Common Core -- States participate or decline to participate one at a time.
List of Local Issues
- Emminent Domain
- Local Enforcement of Unconstitutional Statues
- Zoning -- in addition to being a tool for economic control, it can also be used to control speech and other activities that should be unimpeded.
- Red Light Cameras
- Speed Tickets
- Food Trucks -- cities like to control or prevent mobile vendors
- Recording the Police -- the courts are consistently on the side of the people, yet the police continue to violently behave otherwise