Henry Laurens

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Henry Laurens
Presided over the
Second Continental Congress
from 01 November 1777
to 09 December 1778
Vice President(s):



Henry Laurens (1724-1792) was a pre-Constitution president presiding over the Second Continental Congress.

He served from 1777 to 1778.


He served in Congress from 10 January 1777 through 1780, including his time as diplomat to the Netherlands, which resulted in his capture and Britain declaring war on the Netherlands. After negotiations, he was released from the Tower of London in exchange for Cornwallis.

While he made his fortune as one of the partners in Austin and Laurens -- the largest slave-trading house in North America -- he freed all of his slaves at the end of the war.


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Preceded by:
John Hancock
US President
Succeeded by:
John Jay