James Gholston's Talk Page
If you have questions, comments, suggestions, flames, or ideas, please feel free to post them here. Also you should let me know if you need a page deleted or if you want to change a locked page (I believe the Main Page is the only one presently locked). I will try to get back to you soon. Please remember to sign your comments with '~~~~'
Pagerank Fraud....
I know you do it for all the girls, but thanks for deleting that morons spam.
--Gölök 12:48, 24 Jul 2006 (EDT)
Random Deletions
Major portions of Michael Badnarik's page were just deleted by user AlaS6r. Do you have any idea what gives?
BTW, I'm trying to make one entry here per day (most days, anyway). -- Stephen Gordon
- I'm not completely sure either, but it seems to be automated. Partly because that it seems to be a different new account doing this every time. Note that requiring email confirmation and typing in hard-to-read codes from pictures are steps that are pretty consistently defeated and serve to discourage legitimate contributions. There was an almost identical attack on http://lunarpedia.org a few days ago, but they were all from the same numerical address, and it stopped after a three hour ban on it.
- My only guess of motive is that I've angered a vandal/spammer/pagerank fraudster with my constant deletion and reversion of their attacks and that this is an attempt at petty revenge. I have not yet figured out a solution for blocking it, not that we can do much until we finally get upgraded to a newer version of MediaWiki.
- Thank you very much for your additions. I've been trying to have five updates per day but have been too busy with five space wikis (one of which isn't up for lack of a good name that's not being squatted on (general space wiki), that's almost more of a problem in absentia than having to get it up and running will likely prove to be -- a whole bunch of stuff on http://lunarpedia.org and even some stuff finally added to http://marspedia.org need to be moved there) -- plus I'm starting to run low on low-hanging fruit here (tagging articles, making sense of categories, et c) that doesn't take too much time away from the other wikis I'm responsible for.
- Any chance of getting Shane Cory to give you sysop status? My policy for Lunarpedia. et al. is to follow the '150 contributor problem' interpretation of the GNU FDL and require importation of the full page histories to ensure that all '150' or whatever literal figure of contributors are credited as accurately as possible. You need sysop status to import pages, unfortunately.
- ...plus reverting vandalism and the like gets a LOT easier with sysop status (click on [Rollback] instead of manually changing every bleeping article, which I spent too many months doing). My present rule of thumb, if you have any interest, separates ban times by degree to note how much damage was done by that account: one page: 3 years (presently 1092 days), 2 or more: 5 years (presently 1827 days IIRC), and for deluges I've started using 'infinite' (one case I did 25 years (9131 days) -- only one vandal seems to do deluges: they're all extremely consistent. I also preemptively registered what I believe are the next 8 names that wandar will used based on one's most recent successful attack.
- --Strangelv 18:32, 12 Apr 2007 (EDT)
1) I probably don't have enoughb wiki background to be a good sysop.
2) If you talk with Shane, he'll probably say I don't have enough time for it, either.
I'll be happy to continue to make entries (more on a hobby basis), but I'd feel committed to a higher level of responsibility if I was a sysop.
- --StephenGordon 13:29, 13 Apr 2007 (EDT)
- Newer versions of mediawiki have the "undo" button which is similar to "rollback", but it's there for everybody right on Recent Changes. Also, wiki spam is business as usual, not based on revenge for something you've done to them. Mdh 00:19, 29 Aug 2007 (EDT)
Hiya, James. Unfortunately a lot of the content on the WI and MI pages are information that isn't readily available to us. I'd have to dig around quite furiously to find phone numbers for old state party folks, then try and get in contact with them to find out a lot of it. Prior to 1994 may be lost for good. Of the current membership of the state party, the person who's been around longest joined along with the 1994 reformation, however I know we had a state party before that (long story short, the state chair during Ron Paul's 1988 presidential bid is a cab driver here in Morgantown and has driven my drunk libertarian friends and I home before.) Anyways, digging up history is a bit of an ordeal. I'll likely add it if someone volunteers to serve as party historian and gathers it together for me, which is something that Kirsten is interested in having. We are still by and large in the very early stages of reformation - I don't know when we last had a secretary at all, when I moved here the position was vacant and our state chair had gone missing without saying goodbye and... well, yeah. So that's where we've started from. It's been interesting so far. I'm right now working hardcore to get at least the few casually active folks to become official voting members of the party and about 50,000 other things - laying down initiatives, drumming up support (myself and another LPWV'er were out at a moveon.org anti-war vigil tonight and handed out some LP literature - I do stuff like this a LOT), trying to find a gubernatorial candidate so that we can consider a drive for major party status, buying voter rolls for outreach projects, upgrading our IT infrastructure (I'm a systems security guy by trade), determining proper regional divisions to create regional affiliates, making friends with folks at the LNC HQ, etc. And that's just the LPWV stuff. I will definitly lurk on here, make updates to what exists now, try desperately to keep our information current here, and slowly add more of our state party people. Also, I was thinking you should consider a mediawiki upgrade. Versions this old have some security issues. See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/News for more information on that. Mdh 00:15, 29 Aug 2007 (EDT)
- Corey Stern... Hey, I know that guy! He's the liberty cards guy. :) I will reach out to him about lpedia. Mdh 02:21, 13 Sep 2007 (EDT)
Region information
Hello, Strangelv. I have not thought too much about historical regions. My main intention was to have a resource to send newbies to for information, as a lot of new folks are coming into the party, and some of them will even be joining us in Denver. My hope is to get them the best information possible especially with regard to things like who their LNC rep is, what platform and bylaws amendments will be on deck, etc. As far as I know, the only change in region this year will be the addition of WV to region 5, though I'll go around in Denver and hit up the region reps for current lists so that I can update things when I get home. One thing that'd be nice is historical regional rep information on the region pages, but I don't know where to find that information. The only historical region reps I really know are people who I know personally and have mentioned it in their bios/etc, which isn't a reliable way to put together that sort of information at all. It may also be worth asking the LNC to provide us with their historical data which they recently voted against placing on the lp.org website (I've spoken with Chuck Moulton about this, he's the one who raised that motion, and I'll be speaking with him some more in Denver...) -- Mdh 22:03, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
- Hey James, I'm the WV delegation chair and I'll be there Friday morning - maybe you can help with lobbying for the historical data. This site's turning into a good resource, if there are any complaints about the LNC having to pay workers or do work or pay for hosting or anything, we obviously can take that problem off their plate by putting it here. A wiki is a wonderful format for it. - Mdh 19:55, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
Libertarian Wiki
Shouldn't this wiki somewhere mention Libertarian Wiki, as an external link? See related wikis. Nathan Larson 22:54, 27 October 2008 (UTC)
- Good idea. There's unfortunately a lot of things that need to be mentioned here that aren't yet (although random contributions have picked up since 400 or so copies of a flier I developed were distributed towards the end of the Denver convention). Thank you for making a start on some of these things. -- Strangelv 23:46, 27 October 2008 (UTC)
LP Idaho
Beware of lpidaho dot org, which is a spam page. It had been listed on the Idaho party page. Hope you're doing well since Denver, it was good meeting you James! Mdh 20:31, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
- The honor is reciprocal. I'm glad you're back. There's been a significant increase in contributions by random people and some new accounts since the flier at Denver and Fossil Creek (Texas convention), but evidently nobody long term. Thank you for the warning about the link. -- Strangelv 05:18, 18 November 2008 (UTC)
A WikiProject for Wikipedia
Hi James. I will be happy to start helping out on Lpedia, but I also want to recruit people to help with a newly proposed WikiProject on Wikipedia. It turns out that IRS regulations instruct non-profit organizations like the The Wikipedia Foundation to treat all candidates in a U.S. election equally on their websites. Wikipedia does not do this currently, but I proposed a WikiProject to fix this. See my talk page. Rock Howard 13:27, 7 September 2010 (UTC)
New Wiki
I thought that you might like to know that there is a new wiki Mises Wiki. Pstudier 02:07, 15 December 2010 (UTC)