LPedia:List of Celebrities

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Film & Television 
   * Dean Cameron
   * Drew Carey
   * Dixie Carter
   * Tommy Chong
   * Clint Eastwood
   * Don Galloway
   * Kennedy
   * Kenny Kramer
   * Leah Lail
   * John Larroquette
   * Sam Longoria
   * Russell Means
   * Sean Morley (WWE's Val Venis)
   * Trey Parker
   * Penn & Teller
   * Jason Reitman
   * David Ruprecht
   * Kurt Russell
   * Aaron Russo (1943-2007)
   * Tom Selleck
   * Howard Stern
   * John Stossel
   * Jimmie "JJ" Walker

Humorists / Comedians

   * Dave Barry
   * P.J. O'Rourke 
   * Tim Slagle 
   * Doug Stanhope
   * Tim Wilson NEW!

Cartoonists / Comics Creators

   * Peter Bagge
   * Rex May (Baloo) 
   * Paul Pope
   * Mike Shelton 
   * Ted Slampyak


   * Robbie Fulks
   * Paul Marshall (Strawberry Alarm Clock)
   * Melanie
   * Mojo Nixon
   * Neil Peart (Rush)
   * John Popper (Blues Traveler)
   * Jimmie Vaughan
   * Johnny Walker (Soledad Bros.)
   * Dwight Yoakam
   * Joe Young (ANTiSEEN)


   * Mark Cuban (Owner, Dallas Mavericks)
   * Chris Lewis (Tennis)
   * Cody Mattern (Olympic Fencing)

Radio Talk Show Hosts

   * Comprehensive list
   * Art Bell
   * Neal Boortz
   * Larry Elder 
   * Mike Foudy 
   * Reginald Jones
   * Gary Nolan
   * Lowell Ponte
   * Doug Stephan
   * Charles Sykes
   * Dimitri Vassilaros 
   * Brian Wilson

Nobel Prize Winners

   * James Buchanan (Economics)
   * Milton Friedman (1912-2006)(Economics)
   * Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992) (Economics)
   * Kary Mullis (Chemistry)
   * Vernon Smith (Economics)
   * James D. Watson (Physiology/Medicine)

Pulitzer Prize Winners

   * Dave Barry

Syndicated Columnists

   * Doug Bandow
   * Dave Barry
   * Stephen Chapman
   * Larry Elder
   * James Glassman
   * Ilana Mercer
   * John Rosemond
   * Joseph Sobran 
   * Thomas Sowell 
   * Jacob Sullum
   * Vin Suprynowicz
   * Walter Williams

Journalists / Editors

   * Barbara Amiel
   * Alan Bock
   * James Bovard
   * R.W. Bradford (1947-2005)
   * David Brudnoy (1940-2004)
   * Matt Drudge
   * Glenn Garvin 
   * Nick Gillespie
   * James Glassman
   * Alan Goldstein
   * Carl Oglesby
   * Virginia Postrel
   * Glenn Reynolds
   * Jeff Riggenbach
   * Jay Severin
   * Jacob Sullum
   * John Tierney
   * Dimitri Vassilaros
   * Richard Winger

Financial Writers

   * Doug Casey 
   * Richard Maybury
   * Robert Prechter
   * Robert Ringer 
   * Daniel Rosenthal 
   * Mark Skousen

Business Leaders

   * Robert E. (Bob) Bidwell
   * Richard Branson 
   * Mark Cuban
   * Sky Dayton
   * Dan Fylstra 
   * David Koch 
   * John Mackey 
   * Lachlan Murdoch
   * T.J. Rodgers
   * Jim Rogers
   * Peter Thiel
   * Marty Zweig 


   * Bill Frezza
   * Daniel Fylstra
   * John Gilmore
   * Eric Raymond
   * Will Wohler


   * Robert J. Barro
   * Walter Block
   * James Buchanan
   * Donald J. Boudreaux
   * Richard M. Ebeling 
   * David Friedman 
   * Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
   * Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992)
   * Robert Higgs
   * Israel Kirzner
   * Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)
   * Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995)
   * Mark Skousen
   * Thomas Sowell 
   * Vernon Smith
   * Mark Thornton 
   * Richard Timberlake 
   * Walter Williams

Psychiatry & Psychology

   * Nathaniel Branden 
   * Peter Breggin 
   * Michael R. Edelstein
   * John Rosemond
   * Thomas Szasz


   * John Hospers 
   * Tibor Machan 
   * Jan Narveson 
   * Robert Nozick


   * Wendy McElroy
   * Tonie Nathan
   * Sharon Presley
   * Christina Hoff Somers

Non-Fiction Writers

   * Norma Jean Almodovar
   * Covert Bailey
   * Doug Bandow
   * Bruce Benson
   * David Bergland 
   * David Boaz
   * Clint Bolick
   * James Bovard
   * Barbara Branden 
   * Nathaniel Branden 
   * Harry Browne (1933-2006)
   * Bob Burg
   * Roy Childs, Jr. (1949-1992)
   * Esther Dyson
   * Michael R. Edelstein
   * Larry Elder
   * Richard A. Epstein
   * David Friedman 
   * Jeffrey Rogers Hummel 
   * Bill Kauffman 
   * Richard Kostelanetz 
   * Richard Maybury
   * Wendy McElroy
   * Peter McWilliams (1950-2000)
   * Carol Moore 
   * Charles Murray  
   * Durk Pearson 
   * Daniel Pink
   * Earl Ravenal 
   * Justin Raimondo 
   * Sheldon Richman 
   * Robert Ringer
   * John Rosemond
   * Mary Ruwart
   * Sandy Shaw 
   * Michael Shermer
   * Mark Skousen
   * George Smith
   * Vin Suprynowicz
   * Joan Kennedy Taylor (1926-2005)

Science Fiction Writers

   * David Brin
   * James P. Hogan
   * Robert Heinlein (1907-1988)
   * Victor Koman
   * Brad Linaweaver
   * John Norman
   * Charles Platt
   * Terry Pratchett
   * J. Neil Schulman 
   * L. Neil Smith 
   * F. Paul Wilson
   * Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007)
   * John C. Wright

Mystery Writers

   * Nelson DeMille
   * Stuart M. Kaminsky
   * Troy Soos


   * Richard Dooling
   * Karen Kay
   * Thomas Monteleone
   * Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
   * Lauren Royal

Members of Congress

   * Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
   * Ron Paul, M.D. (R-TX)

Other Elected Officials

   * Leon Drolet, State House (R-MI)
   * Bill Masters, Sheriff (San
     Miguel County, CO)
   * Toby Nixon, State House (R-WA)
   * Randy T. Simmons, Mayor (Providence, UT) NEW!

Libertarian Presidential Candidates

   * Michael Badnarik (2004)
   * Bob Barr (2008) NEW!
   * David Bergland (1984)
   * Harry Browne (1996, 2000)
   * Ed Clark (1980)
   * John Hospers (1972) 
   * Roger MacBride (1976) 
   * Andre Marrou (1992)
   * Ron Paul (1988)

Celebrity Chefs

   * Charlie Trotter NEW!

Heads of Think Tanks, Political Organizations, Educational Organizations

   * John Baden, Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE)
   * Joseph Bast, Heartland Institute 
   * Steve Buckstein, Cascade Policy Institute
   * Alejandro Chafuen, Atlas Institute 
   * Ed Crane, Cato Institute 
   * Richard M. Ebeling, Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)
   * Marshall Fritz, Alliance for the Separation of School & State
   * Sharon Harris, Advocates for Self-Government 
   * Jacob G. Hornberger, Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF)
   * Roy Innis, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) 
   * Doug Lorenz, Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC)
   * William Mellor, Institute for Justice
   * Terry Michael, Washington Center for Politics & Journalism NEW!
   * Vince Miller, International Society of Individual Liberty (ISIL)
   * William Redpath, Libertarian Party USA 
   * Robert Poole, Reason Foundation  
   * Lew Rockwell, Ludwig Von Mises Institute 
   * Father Robert Sirico, Acton Institute 
   * Fred Smith, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)
   * David J. Theroux, The Independent Institute 

Founders of the Modern Libertarian Movement

   * Don Ernsberger 
   * Karl Hess 
   * Manny Klausner 
   * David Nolan 
   * Robert Poole 
   * Dana Rorabacher
   * Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995)
   * David Walter 
   * Jarret Wollstein

Historical Champions of Liberty

   * Lord Acton (1834-1902)
   * Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)
   * John Bright (1811-1889) 
   * Frank Chodorov (1887–1966)
   * Richard Cobden (1804-1865)
   * John T. Flynn (1882-1964)
   * Garet Garrett (1878–1954)
   * F.A. Harper (1905-1973)
   * Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992)
   * Henry Hazlitt (1894-1993)
   * Patrick Henry (1736-1799)
   * Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
   * Rose Wilder Lane (1886-1968)
   * Lao Tzu (600 BC?) NEW!
   * Robert LeFevre (1911–1986)
   * John Locke (1632-1704)
   * George Mason (1725-1792)
   * H.L. Mencken (1880–1956)
   * John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
   * Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)
   * Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945)
   * Franz Oppenheimer (1864-1943)
   * James Otis (1725-1783)
   * Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
   * Lane Isabel Paterson (1886-1960)
   * Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
   * Leonard Read (1898-1983)
   * Algernon Sidney (1622–1683)
   * Adam Smith (1723-1790)
   * Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
   * Lysander Spooner (1808-1887)
   * Willis Stone (1899-1989)
   * Benjamin Tucker (1854-1939)

Friends of Libertarianism

(Celebrities who have not publicly declared themselves libertarian, but who have said good things about libertarians or libertarianism.)

   * Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)
   * Ralph "Sonny" Barger
   * Graydon Carter
   * Exene Cervenka (X)
   * Hugh Downs
   * John Fund
   * Alan Greenspan
   * Internet Users
   * Governor Gary Johnson
   * Dean Koontz
   * Denis Leary
   * David Letterman
   * Bill Maher
   * Mary Matalin
   * Dennis Miller 
   * Tyffany Million
   * Moby
   * Michael Moriarty
   * Mancow Muller
   * Lyn Nofziger (1924–2006)
   * Michael Novak
   * Camille Paglia
   * Tom Peters
   * Mike Piazza
   * Charley Reese
   * Reggie Rivers
   * Wayne Allyn Root
   * Richard Tafel
   * Bruce Tinsley (Mallard Fillmore)
   * Governor Jesse Ventura
   * Robert James Waller
   * Frank Zappa (1940-1993)