Libertarian National Committee (2010-2012)

Revision as of 10:04, 27 June 2006 by Strangelv (talk | contribs) (fixed link to Bill Redpath article)
Libertarian National Committee
as of 05 May 2006

Michael Dixon

Vice Chair
R. Lee Wrights

Mark Nelson


Bob Sullentrup

At Large

Bette Rose Ryan

At Large

Bill Redpath

At Large

Michael Colley

At Large

Rick McGinnis

At Large

Mark W. Rutherford

Region 1 East

Dan Karlan

Region 1 East (altenate)

Mark Cenci

Region 1 West

Ed Hoch

Region 1 West (alternate)

Joseph P. Thompson

Region 2

M Carling

Region 2

Aaron Starr

Region 2 (first alternate)

Scott Lieberman

Region 2 (second alternate)

Richard Burke

Region 3

Dena Bruedigam

Region 3 (alternate)

Emily Salvette

Region 4

Michael Gilson

Region 4 (alternate)

Trevor Southerland

Region 5 East

Jim Lark

Region 5 East (alternate)

Chuck Moulton

Region 5 West

Jeremy Keil

Region 5 West (alternate)

Tony Ryan

Region 6

George Squyres

Region 6 (alternate)

Tim Hagan

The Libertarian National Commitee controls and manages the affairs, properties, and funds of the national Libertarian Party. It is comprised of the party officers, five at-large representatives elected every two years at the national convention, and a theoretical maximum of ten regional representatives.

Recent national chairs

Michael Dixon 2004-2006

Geoff Neale 2002-2004

Jim Lark 2000-2002

David Bergland 1998-2000, 1977-1981

Steve Dasbach 1996-1998