James Hudler
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James Lewis Hudler (1952 - ) ran for office, including University of Michigan Regents, 2012.
Organizational Positions
- Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan, 1973
- Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan, c. 1975
- Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan, 1975 - 1978
- Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan, 1979 - 1980?
- Hillsdale County LP, c. 1984
- Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan, c. 1984
- Region 10, Libertarian National Committee, 1983 - 1985
- Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan, 1985 - 1986
- Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan, c. 1991
- Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan, 2002 - 2003
- Secretary, Libertarian Party of Michigan
- Judicial Committee Memmebr, Libertarian Party of Michigan
- Nominating Caucus Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan
- This list is known to be incomplete
- U.S. Congress, Michigan 2nd District, 1980
- U.S. Congress, Michigan 2nd District, 1984
- University of Michigan Regents, 2006
- University of Michigan Regents, 2010
- University of Michigan Regents, 2012
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- Party Activists from the 1980s
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