LPedia:Featured Articles Suggestions

Please add articles to the list below that you think would be suitable to feature.

Criteria to keep in mind:

  • The article should provide enough coverage of the topic to satisfy a typical reader, without obvious major gaps.
  • In general it should not have been featured previously. (If there is an article which you believe is worthy of consideration in spite of this, please include an explanation of why.)
  • It should include one or more graphics.
  • It should be at least mostly in compliance with the rules outlined in the Manual of Style.
  • It should not contain obvious grammatical or spelling errors.
  • If it addresses an evolving topic, it should be up-to-date (e.g., if it lists officers of an organization, it should list the current officers).

Of course articles that are deficient in one or more of these respects can usually be fixed. If there is an article that has one of these problems but which you believe would otherwise make a great candidate for being our Featured Article, please go ahead and work on making it better!

List of Suggested Articles