Clint Rapp

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Clint Rapp
Rapp-Clint 2013.jpg
Libertarian Party of Oklahoma
At-Large Representative, Field Development
Cleveland County Libertarian Party
Personal Details
Residence: Oklahoma
Party: Libertarian
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Clint Rapp is an At-Large Representative in the Oklahoma Libertarian Party. Elected as the Field Development At-Large, his role involves not only representing the OKLP membership, but working with the Vice-Chair to develop and implement an overall strategy to maximize outreach and engagement with Members, registered Libertarians, volunteers, and the community at large. He is a member of the OKLP Advertising and Publications Review Committee.

Clint is Chair of the Cleveland County Libertarian Party affiliate, which he helped launch in 2021.

In 2023 Clint ran for Cleveland County Commissioner, District 2, in a special election. He received 28.75% of the vote overall but in precincts where voter outreach efforts were targeted he averaged almost 37% and won two precincts.

Organizational Positions

Oklahoma Libertarian Party
  • Field Development At-Large Representative (2021-present)
  • Advertising & Publication Review Committee (2021-present)
Cleveland County Libertarian Party
  • Chair (2021-present)

Convention Delegate

National Convention