Document:LPCA Affiliate Support Handbook
This handbook is maintained by the LPCA Affiliate Support Committee.
The full text will be added below. It is currently a work-in-progress, so refer to the PDF for complete information and formatting. KatM (talk) 16:02, 3 May 2023 (CDT)
The purpose of this Affiliate Support Handbook is to serve as an all encompassing guide designed to help County Affiliate Executive Committees, as well as their Central Committee Members, understand how affiliates operate at the county level in relation to the Party at the state level. It is purposely intended to be as comprehensive as possible, and updated as soon as information changes or new information becomes available. It’s broken up into into six main sections:
General Information
This section covers the most basic and important information about the Libertarian Party of California (LPCA) in detail.
New & In-Progress Affiliates
This section covers detailed steps new and in-progress affiliates looking to be recognized by the Party need to take, as well as best practices to increase its membership involvement and success rate. Some of what is in this section may be beneficial to already organized affiliates as well.
Organized Affiliates
This section covers detailed best practices already organized affiliates should be participating in, in order to increase their level of professionalism as well as outreach, presence, membership growth, involvement and engagement.
Web Presence
This section covers detailed steps and best practices affiliates of all sizes and stages can take to reach new members through their social media platforms, website, and email, as well as how to get started, and how to maintain a strong online presence.
Affiliate Index (Organized)
This section outlines every established affiliate’s most crucial information, such as their official: website, social media accounts, contact email, and Executive Committee.
Affiliate Index (Unorganized)
This section outlines every in-progress affiliate’s most crucial information, such as their official: website, social media accounts, contact email, and Executive Committee.
It is our hope that this comprehensive guide assists your affiliate building and maintenance efforts, in addition to serving as your first point of reference for any information you may need.
In Liberty,
Affiliate Support Committee (2022)
Chairs, Adrian F Malagon (Feb. 2022 - July 2022) / Theodore Gercken (July 2022 - Feb. 2023)
General Information
Libertarian Party of California (LPCA)
The LPCA website is Make sure to check it periodically for Party updates and information.
The LPCA website is managed by a webmaster. Any recommendations, updates, corrections, and the like you have for the Party website should be be submitted to the webmaster for consideration.
Webmaster(s): | Ms. Carrie Eiler & Mr. Theodore Gercken |
Email: | |
Official Social Media Presence
The Party has official social media accounts and presence that it uses to inform members about what is happening internally (e.g., meetings, Party business, etc.). They also serve as a medium from which to provide messaging about important and current issues in real time to help educate and spread our libertarian principles to those who may be otherwise unfamiliar with them. Everyone is encouraged to subscribe and/or follow these accounts from their official affiliate accounts, as well as their personal ones.
Official Page | |
Jefferson Region | |
Northern Area | |
Central Area | |
Southern Area | |
@LPofCal | |
@LPofCalEs (Spanish) | |
@libertarianpartyofcalifornia | |
MeWe | Official Page |
The site where you can join your county party, the state party and the national party, just the county and state parties, or renew your already existing membership can be found here.
If you’re already a member and you’re looking to update your information (e.g., address, phone number, email, membership tier, county affiliation, etc.) you can login via the LPCA customer relationship management system (CRM), otherwise known as Neon. Once logged in, click on the dropdown menu, select “Update My Profile,” make the desired changes, scroll down to the bottom and click the “Submit” button in order for the changes to take effect.
Neon is also used to gain access to the list of current or lapsed dues paying members in your county. Once logged in, click on the dropdown menu and select “County Directories.” Select your county, and then click on the “Click Here” link. You’ll be prompted to enter an access code to see the report for your county. Enter the access code for your county in the text box, and click the “Submit” button. (The site glitches from time to time so you may have to do this more than once.) Once you see the report, you’ll be able to download it as an Excel or CSV file should you wish to do so. (Please note: only County Officers, i.e., the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer have access to membership lists for their respective counties. If you’re an Officer and don’t know the access code for your county, please reach out to your Area Coordinator.)
Party Caucuses
While everyone in the LPCA organizes together to elect Libertarians and advance liberty around the State, many members choose to create groups within the Party known as caucuses. A caucus is any political group which organizes to further a special interest or cause. Libertarian Party caucuses attempt to influence the direction of the Party through particular focus, issues, or messaging. No dues-paying member is required to join a caucus, and being a member of, or donating to a caucus does not make you an automatic dues-paying member of the Party. Below is a list of all of the LPCA-recognized caucuses, and a brief description of their goals.
Libertarian Party Mises Caucus (LPMC)
The Mises Caucus focuses on promoting Austrian economic literacy, and advocates applying the science of taking human action within the Libertarian Party to counter all forms of statism. They promote a strong opposition to war, advocacy of decentralization, and privatization in all of its forms. Through their Political Action Committee (PAC) they support candidates running serious campaigns and continue in the tradition of Dr. Ron Paul by coalition-building with any person or group willing to engage in good faith on liberty issues, in order to achieve political objectives in the real world, while exposing non-libertarians to free market ideology. The Mises Caucus also promotes strong, unapologetic libertarian messaging when it matters most, and is passionate about making, and keeping the Libertarian Party libertarian.
CA-LPMC Chair | Mr. Adrian F Malagon |
Contact Email | |
@camisescaucus | |
@camisescaucus | |
CaliforniaLPMC | |
National Website | |
California Website | |
Libertarian Youth Caucus (LYC)
The Libertarian Youth Caucus is the youth wing of the Libertarian Party, and the only partisan libertarian organization for young Americans in the country. They charter and support affiliates at college and high school campuses across the country, and help to build the next generation of Party activists. In contrast with other liberty-minded youth organizations, they focus their students’ activism solely on Libertarian Party campaigns, committees, and various legislative efforts.
LYC National Chair | Mr. Theodore Gercken |
Contact Email | |
National Website | |
Operations Manual | |
Libertarian Party Classical Liberal Caucus
The Classical Liberal Caucus promotes a human-rights-based view of libertarianism as well as professionalism within the Party. They believe that the government's ultimate goal is to protect their citizens' rights, so their focus on messaging revolves around compassionate politics. They seek to professionalize the Libertarian Party by moving away from seemingly “edgy takes,” and embrace positions that would appeal to the majority of the country.
Libertarian Party Radical Caucus
The Radical Caucus stands for the re-radicalization of the Libertarian Party. They disagree with sanatizing the views of the Party in order to appeal to the majority. They favor standing boldly on traditional libertarian values, and wish to push the Overton window from a place of principle.
Libertarian Party Veterans Caucus
The Veterans Caucus is organized to promote the issues of Veterans in the Libertarian Party. They push for proposals like Defend the Guard, and consider ending foreign wars to be at the front of the Libertarian Party’s platform and messaging.
Governing Documents
The Bylaws and Convention Rules] is the primary governing document of the LPCA which defines and controls how internal affairs are handled. Amendments to this document are voted on every year by the Central Committee Members who are delegates at the LPCA Annual Convention (i.e., persons who are eligible to vote on Party business consistent with the Bylaws and Convention Rules), after which the document is updated accordingly by the Party Secretary. Proposed amendments can be submitted by any member in good standing via: the Bylaws Committee, general advance notice to the membership, or a motion on the Convention floor. While all affiliates are required to operate within the scope of the LPCA Bylaws, it’s important for every county affiliate to have its own set of Bylaws which should be tailored to serve its respective needs. If your affiliate does not have Bylaws, you should look to adopt some formally (via an official recorded vote) as soon as possible. A Bylaws template can be provided by your Area Coordinator if needed. If you already have Bylaws for your affiliate, you should make it standard practice to review them at least once a year to ensure that they aren’t obsolete, and to update them as needed to prevent future issues that may arise. Anytime that an affiliate formally adopts a new set of Bylaws or makes any change to an existing set, the new document should be immediately sent to the Secretary so that the Party always has a copy of your most current Bylaws, which will be posted on the Bylaws page of the website for transparency and accessibility.
The Operating Procedures Manual (Ops Manual) is a special compilation of rules governing the Party that is not already reflected in the Bylaws or Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR). Amendments to this document are generally proposed by a member of the LPCA Executive Committee via a motion (in-person or email), and then voted on by the entire Executive Committee. It is not necessary or general practice for affiliates to have their own Ops Manual (although they can should they choose).
The Platform sets forth our basic libertarian principles, and enumerates various policy stands derived from those principles. The LPCA Platform is the national Libertarian Party (LP) Platform.
Executive Committee (ExCom)
The LPCA Executive Committee is composed of 4 Officers, 3 Area Coordinators, 8 At Large Members, and 2 At Large Alternates (in ranked order) elected by the Central Committee at the Annual Convention (generally for two-year terms, except for the alternates who are always elected for one-year terms) as prescribed by the aforementioned Bylaws and Convention Rules. The ExCom is responsible for the control and management of all affairs, properties, and funds of the Party. The Executive Director is a non-voting, paid position that is appointed and serves at the pleasure of the ExCom. The ExCom is required to attend in-person, quarterly meetings. The location of these meetings traditionally rotates between the Northern, Central and Southern areas of the state, after which, a fundraiser of some kind (whether it’s for a candidate in the area or the Party itself) traditionally takes place. Guests are always welcome and encouraged to attend both the meeting and the fundraiser. (See Bylaw 12 and the Ops Manual.) The most current ExCom, along with their contact information, is as follows:
Chair | Mr. Adrian F Malagon | |
Vice Chair | Mr. Gary Alvstad | |
Secretary | Mr. Chris Edgar | |
Treasurer | Mr. Jason Regehr | |
Northern Area Coordinator | Ms. Elizabeth Stump | |
Central Area Coordinator | Mr. Matthew Butts | |
Southern Area Coordinator | Mr. Garrison Ham | |
At Large | Mr. Alberto Alvarez | |
At Large | Mr. Graham Brown | |
At Large | Ms. Trendalyn Hallesy | |
At Large | Ms. Victoria Lapacek | |
At Large | Mr. Michael Lema | |
At Large | Mr. Chris Minoletti | |
At Large | Mr. Tom Nichols | |
At Large | Mr. Craig Strachan | |
At Large (1st Alternate) | Mr. Max Jimenez | |
At Large (2nd Alternate) | Mr. David Gorshe | |
Libertarian National Committee (LNC) Region 4 Representatives
The Libertarian Party is run by the Libertarian National Committee, which is responsible for the control and management of all affairs, properties, and funds of the LP. The LNC has divided the country into nine separate regions. Each Region has its own elected Representative and Alternate who sit on the LNC to represent their Region’s respective interests on a national level. As a result of its number of LP dues paying members relative to the rest of the country, the State of California is the only state which maintains independent regional status (i.e., it doesn’t belong to a Region that includes other states) and that Region is known as Region 4. California’s regional independence allow the state’s Central Committee to elect its LNC Representative and Alternate at the LPCA Annual Convention before that year’s LP National Convention as prescribed by the aforementioned Bylaws and Convention Rules, as well as the Libertarian Party Bylaws and Convention Rules. (Every other Region is required to elect their Representative and Alternate at the LP National Convention which takes place every two years). Both the Region 4 Representative and the Alternate are elected for a two-year term. The most current Region 4 Representative and Alternate, along with their contact information, is as follows:
Region 4 Representative | Ms. Adrian F Malagon | |
Region 4 Alternate | Mr. Joshua Clark | |
Judicial Committee (JC)
The LPCA Judicial Committee is composed of 5 members and 2 alternates (in ranked order) elected by the Central Committee at the Annual Convention as prescribed by the aforementioned Bylaws and Convention Rules. A Judicial Committee member may not be a member of the ExCom, the Operations Committee, or the Program Committee. The Judicial Committee is the final body of appeal in all Party matters and disputes, serving as a kind of internal court, subject to the provision that a decision of the Committee may be overturned by a three-quarters vote of a Convention. (See Bylaw 14, Sections 1-9.) The most current Judicial Committee is as follows:
Members: | Mr. David Bowers | Chair |
Ms. Susan Aquino | ||
Mr. Loren Dean | ||
Dr. Elisheva Levin | ||
Mr. Loren Springer | ||
Mr. Matthew Hartley | 1st Alternate | |
Ms. Meredith Hays | 2nd Alternate | |
Email: | |
Party Committees
Committees serve specific functions and can directly or indirectly affect how affiliates operate. Any Central Committee Member is eligible to be on any committee. Most committees are filled by the ExCom within 90 days of the LPCA Annual Convention. Most elected committees chose their own Chairs, and meeting schedule (usually virtual). In addition to serving their primary function, most committee chairs are required to submit a report on their committee to the ExCom a week before a particular meeting every quarter. If you or any member of your affiliate is interested in joining any of these committees, a résumé and any further statement of qualification should be sent to the ExCom before the announced meeting where elections take place for the committee of interest, for the purpose of seeking nomination.
Affiliate Support Committee (ASC)
The Affiliate Support Committee shall consist of the three Area Coordinators and up to four members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Affiliate Support Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Affiliate Support Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Affiliate Support Committee, pg. 9)
Responsibilities Include:
- Providing affiliate growth strategy and support.
- Providing assistance drafting and amending affiliate bylaws.
- Teaching affiliate Executive Committees Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR).
- Providing assistance with resources, including but not limited to promotional flyer/pamphlet templates, website templates and/or website design.
- Providing assistance with basic marketing and public relations instruction.
Members: | Northern Area Coordinator | Ms. Elizabeth Stump | |
Central Area Coordinator | Mr. Matthew Butts | ||
Southern Area Coordinator | Mr. Garrison Ham | ||
Mr. Adrian F Malagon | Chair | ||
Dr. Kathryn McElroy | Secretary | ||
Mr. John Due | |||
Vacant | |||
Email: | |
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee shall consist of up to five members elected by the Executive Committee within the first six months after the Annual Convention. The Awards Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Awards Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Awards Committee, pg. 9)
Responsibilities Include:
- Establishing the award(s) and the names of the award(s) to be given at the Convention presentation.
- Setting and managing the nomination process.
- Selecting the award winner(s) by Committee vote.
- Securing the award(s).
- Presenting the award(s) at the Convention.
Members: | Mr. Loren Dean |
Ms. Meredith Hays | |
Ms. Victoria Lapacek | |
Mr. Michael Lema | |
Dr. Marybeth Yuskavage | |
Email: | |
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and up to four members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Budget Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Budget Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. The operations of the LPCA shall be governed by a budget adopted by the Budget Committee and approved by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may amend the budget by deletion at any time with a majority vote. Any other changes by the Executive Committee will require a two-thirds vote. The Treasurer shall present the Budget Report and the adopted budget at the Annual Convention. (See Ops Manual: Budget Committee, pg. 10)
Responsibilities Include:
- To consider and construct a budget of income and expenditures for a period of January 1 through December 31 and distribute the budget to the Executive Committee by its final meeting of the fiscal year for ratification.
Members: | Treasurer | Mr. Jason Regehr | Chair |
Ms. Trendalyn Hallesy | |||
Mr. Matthew Hartwig | |||
Mr. Adrian F Malagon | |||
Dr. Kathryn McElroy | |||
Email: | |
Bylaws Committee
This Committee is made up of 5 members, all of which are elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: recommending changes in the Bylaws and Convention Rules, and for drafting an initial and final report for the delegates prior to Convention. (See Bylaw: 15 Committees, Section 2: Bylaws Committee)
Members: | Mr. Gary Alvstad | Chair |
Mr. Chris Edgar | Secretary | |
Mr. Graham Brown | ||
Ms. Trendalyn Hallesy | ||
Vacant | ||
Email: | |
Candidate Support Committee (CSC)
This Committee is made up of 7 members: the Chair, a Treasurer appointed by the Chair and up to 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: raising money to support qualified state and federal Libertarian candidates in California, campaign publicity, reviewing unrestricted account records for accuracy and assisting the Treasurer with timely filing of FPPC and FEC reports. (See Ops Manual: Candidate Support Committees, pg. 10)
Members: | Chair | Mr. Adrian F Malagon | Chair |
Mr. Graham Brown | Treasurer | ||
Mr. Matthew Hartwig | Assistant to CSC Treasurer | ||
Mr. Alberto Alvarez | |||
Mr. Matthew Butts | |||
Mr. Tom Nichols | |||
Mr. Craig Strachan | |||
Email: | |
Communications and Media Committee (CMC)
The Communications and Media Committee shall consist of up to seven members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Communications and Media Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Communications and Media Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: The Communications and Media Committee, pg. 11)
Responsibilities Include:
- Working as the LPCA’s public relations and internal communications department.
- Writing and disseminating press releases, and highlighting the Party’s activities and public positions in a constructive and inclusive manner through social media engagement, thoughtful political analysis, and at least quarterly newsletters.
Members: | Ms. Elizabeth Stump | Chair |
Mr. Viktor Srivastava | Vice Chair | |
Mr. Alberto Alvarez | ||
Mr. John Due | ||
Ms. Carrie Eiler | ||
Mr. Patrick Nicholson | ||
Vacant | ||
Email: | |
Convention Committee
The Chair of the Convention Committee shall be elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Committee Chair shall appoint as many members as deemed necessary. The Committee Chair shall have the authority to dismiss any members at their discretion. The Convention Committee Chair serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Convention Committee, pg. 11)
Responsibilities Include:
- Planning all aspects of the LPCA Annual Convention.
- Providing a written Convention report to the Executive Committee within
90 days of the close of Convention.
Members: | Mr. Michael Lema | Chair |
Vacant | ||
Vacant | ||
Vacant | ||
Vacant | ||
Email: | |
Credentials Committee
The Credentials Committee shall consist of the Secretary and up to six members elected by the Executive Committee within the first six months after the Annual Convention. The Credentials Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair, who shall not be the Secretary. The Credentials Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Credentials Committee, pg. 12)
Responsibilities Include:
- Assisting the Secretary at the Annual Convention by retaining a list of all delegates in attendance, and providing periodic credentials reports to the Secretary during the Convention to be reported to the Chair and the delegates.
Members: | Secretary | Mr. Chris Edgar |
Mr. Gary Alvstad | ||
Mr. Joshua Clark | ||
Mr. Loren Dean | ||
Mr. Chris Ganiere | ||
Dr. Kathryn McElroy | ||
Mr. Tom Nichols | || |
Financial Standards Committee (FSC)
The Financial Standards Committee shall consist of the Vice Chair and however many other members the Vice Chair deems necessary, elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The FSC members shall elect the Committee Chair. The FSC serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. The FSC shall obtain, no later than 30 days after the creation of the Committee, the financial records of the LPCA for the prior fiscal year ending December 31.
A written report shall be prepared as to the FSC’s findings, to be submitted to the LPCA Secretary no later than two days prior to the commencement of the Annual Convention and included in the year-end report. Additional audits shall be performed upon request by the Executive Committee or the Operations Committee.
The FSC shall have access to all financial records required to perform the required audits. (See Bylaw 11: Finance and Accounting, Section 7 & Ops Manual: Financial Standards Committee, pg. 12)
Responsibilities Include:
- Review of all reports produced by an outside CPA, as permitted by the LPCA’s budget, and incorporation of that review into their annual report to the Convention.
- Review of the receipts and expenditures for authorization and proper coding according to the LPCA budget.
- Verification of the existence and valuation of the assets and liabilities of the LPCA.
- Review and evaluation of the system of internal controls and making recommendations as needed.
- Review of the reports generated and providing an opinion as to their accuracy and adequacy.
- Review and confirm compliance with reporting to all government financial reporting agencies.
Members: | Vice Chair | Mr. Gary Alvstad | Chair |
Ms. Trendalyn Hallesy | |||
Mr. Kirk Sullivan | |||
Email: | |
Historical Preservation Committee (HPC)
The Historical Preservation Committee shall consist of up to five members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Historical Preservation Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Historical Preservation Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Historical Preservation Committee, pg. 13)
Responsibilities Include:
- Directing the preservation and publication of Party historical documents and reporting its activities and decisions to the Executive Committee at each Executive Committee meeting it is asked to attend.
Members: | Mr. Joe Dehn | Chair |
Mr. Graham Brown | ||
Ms. Gail Lightfoot | ||
Mr. Patrick Nicholson | ||
Vacant | ||
Email: | |
Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee shall consist of up to seven members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Legislative Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Legislative Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Legislative Committee, pg. 13)
Responsibilities Include:
- Educating about, and advocating for, LPCA positions on California state legislation, in communications with Party affiliates, Party members, legislators, and the general public.
Members: | Mr. Alberto Alvarez | Chair |
Ms. Carrie Eiler | ||
Ms. Meredith Hays | ||
Mr. Zach Kincaid | ||
Mr. Tyler Collins | ||
Vacant | ||
Vacant | ||
Email: |] |
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of the Chair, the three Area Coordinators and up to four members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Membership Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Membership Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Membership Committee, pgs. 13)
Responsibilities Include:
- Managing the LPCA’s programs to maintain membership.
- Developing and implementing programs and materials for membership upgrade, including but not limited to encouraging upgraded membership levels, getting national-only members to join as state members, getting state-only members to join as national members, contacting lapsed members, contacting members not on auto-renew, membership promotion literature, direct mail letters, advertisements, and in-person contact.
- Developing and implementing programs and materials for membership retention, including but not limited to new member packets, renewal letters, renewal forms, and membership premiums.
- Tracking, sharing information and analyzing membership progress and the results of membership programs.
- Reviewing policies concerning membership qualifications and dues and report recommendations for improvements to the Executive Committee and/or Bylaws Committee for consideration.
- Working with other LPCA committees and the newsletter editor as necessary to coordinate activities which involve solicitation of new memberships or dues.
- The authority to establish membership categories and pricing for the LPCA.
Members: | Chair | Mr. Adrian F Malagon | Chair | |
Northern Area Coordinator | Ms. Elizabeth Stump | |||
Central Area Coordinator | Mr. Matthew Butts | |||
Southern Area Coordinator | Mr. Garrison Ham | |||
Mx. Alex Bielanski | ||||
Mr. Mark Hinkle | ||||
Mr. Kyle Thom | ||||
Mr. Alex Trujillo | ||||
Email: | |
Operations Committee (OpsCom)
This Committee is made up of 5 members: the Chair, and 4 members elected by the ExCom, usually at the Post-Convention Meeting. This Committee has the powers of the ExCom between meetings (with very specific exceptions) and may by unanimous vote, approve any other action that would otherwise require a two-thirds vote of the ExCom. The Operations Committee shall justify any vote or action taken in writing within 24 hours of the respective vote or action taken. (See Bylaw 13: Operations Committee, Sections 1-3 & Ops Manual: Operations Committee, pg. 14)
Members: | Chair | Mr. Adrian F Malagon | Chair |
Mr. Gary Alvstad | |||
Mr. Chris Edgar | |||
Mr. Jason Regehr | |||
Ms. Elizabeth Stump | ||| |
Program Committee
This Committee is made up of 5 members elected by the ExCom. This Committee is responsible for: developing the Party Program consisting of up to 5 planks which state interim measures and political policies designed to implement the Party position on issues of interest to California. (See Bylaw 21: Program)
Members: | Mr. Marc Joffe | Chair |
Mr. Zach Kincaid | ||
Mr. Shawn Osborne | ||
Dr. Marybeth Yuskavage | ||
Vacant | ||
Email: | |
Recruitment Committee
The Recruitment Committee shall consist of the Chair and up to seven other members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. Recruitment Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Recruitment Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Recruitment Committee, pg. 14)
Responsibilities Include:
- Managing the LPCA’s programs to recruit new members.
- Prospecting new dues paying members.
- Developing and implementing programs and materials for membership recruitment, including but not limited to contacting registered Libertarians and other prospective members, promotion literature, membership application forms, direct mailers, advertisements, and in- person contacts.
- Developing and implementing programs and materials for membership recruitment.
- Tracking, sharing information and analyzing recruitment progress and the results of recruitment programs.
- Working with other LPCA committees as necessary to coordinate activities which involve solicitation of new memberships or dues.
Members: | Chair | Mr. Adrian F Malagon | |
Mr. Christopher Kula | Chair | ||
Mr. Gary Alvstad | |||
Mr. Graham Brown | |||
Mr. John Due | |||
Mr. Kyle Thom | |||
Vacant | |||
Email: | |
Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)
The Strategic Planning Committee shall consist of up to five members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Strategic Planning Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Strategic Planning Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Strategic Planning Committee, pg. 15)
Responsibilities Include:
- Developing, and distributing to the membership, a strategic plan containing long-term and short-term strategies for expanding the influence and membership of the LPCA.
- Monitoring and assisting with the implementation of the strategic plan on an ongoing basis.
Members: | Mr. John Due | Chair |
Mr. Graham Brown | ||
Ms. Carrie Eiler | ||
Mr. Adrian F Malagon | ||
Vacant | ||
Email: | |
Website and Information Technology Committee (WITCom)
The Website and Information Technology Committee shall consist of up to five members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. Website and Information Technology Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Website and Information Technology Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. (See Ops Manual: Website and Information Technology Committee, pg. 15)
Responsibilities Include:
- Maintaining and making modifications to the LPCA’s website and information technology (IT) infrastructure.
- Maintaining and working with contractors, volunteers and other personnel with the goal of maintaining and modifying the website and IT infrastructure.
Members: | Mr. Theodore Gercken |
Mr. Sunil Chhabra | |
Mr. Marcus Schuff | |
Vacant | |
Vacant | |
Email: | |
Email Group
The Party has created an email group which allows the public to see everything the ExCom votes on or discusses which doesn’t contain sensitive information (e.g., members’ personal information, matters members consider private, etc.). Anyone who wishes to subscribe to this group may, and will receive notifications anytime the group is emailed. This group can also be accessed without subscribing.
Public Executive Committee Group Email: [|]
Public Executive Committee Group Inbox: ExCom Reflector Email Group
Email Lists
The Party has also created several internal email lists which allows members to contact an intended group with ease. These internal lists send forwarded emails to individuals who belong to these respective groups, and only them. These lists are private, and should only be used to communicate with the members that belong to these groups.
Private Executive Committee List
Every member of the Party ExCom is on this list (including the Alternates and the Executive Director). This list should be used anytime a member wishes to contact the entire ExCom for any reason.
Email: [[1]]
County Executive Committees List
Every County Affiliate Executive Committee member, and Chair Pro Tempore across the state is on this list. This list should be used anytime a member needs to pass along important, or time sensitive information statewide that they wish to bring to the attention of county leadership, or that they wish passed down to county leadership’s respective members (e.g., new state bills, activism opportunities, campaign information, calls to action, etc.). This list should not be abused or used for trivial matters.
Email: [[2]]
Judicial Committee List
Every Judicial Committee member is on this list. This list should be used anytime a member wishes to bring a case or an appeal for the Party’s judicial body to consider.
Email: [[3]]
Committees List
Every member of every Party committee is on this list. This list should only be used in the rare event that all committee members need to be contacted for something that simultaneously affects every committee.
Email: [[4]]
Northern Area Affiliated Executive Committees List
Every Northern Area County Affiliate Executive Committee member is on this list. This list should be used anytime a member needs to pass along important, or time sensitive information in the Northern Area that they wish to bring to the attention of county leadership, or that they wish passed down to their respective county members (e.g., new state bills, activism opportunities, campaign information, calls to action, etc.). It should not be abused or used for trivial matters.
Email: [[5]]
Northern Area Unaffiliated Executive Committees List
Every Northern Area County Affiliate Chair Pro Tempore and prospective Officer who is attempting to organize their county is on this list. This list should be used anytime a member needs to pass along important, or time sensitive information in the Northern Area that they wish to bring to the attention of unaffiliated county leadership, or that they wish passed down to their respective county members (e.g., new state bills, activism opportunities, campaign information, calls to action, etc.). It should not be abused or used for trivial matters.
Email: [[6]]
Central Area Affiliated Executive Committees List
Every Central Area County Affiliate Executive Committee member is on this list. This list should be used anytime a member needs to pass along important, or time sensitive information in the Central Area that they wish to bring to the attention of county leadership, or that they wish passed down to their respective county members (e.g., new state bills, activism opportunities, campaign information, calls to action, etc.). It should not be abused or used for trivial matters.
Email: [[7]]
Central Area Unaffiliated Executive Committees List
Every Central Area County Affiliate Chair Pro Tempore and prospective Officer who is attempting to organize their county is on this list. This list should be used anytime a member needs to pass along important, or time sensitive information in the Central Area that they wish to bring to the attention of unaffiliated county leadership, or that they wish passed down to their respective county members (e.g., new state bills, activism opportunities, campaign information, calls to action, etc.). It should not be abused or used for trivial matters.
Email: [[8]]
If you aren’t sure which groups you’re subscribed to (LPCA or otherwise) click here to see a complete list and manage them accordingly.