Elizabeth Brierly

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Elizabeth Brierly
Assistant Editor
Libertarian Party
Predecessor: Unknown
Successor: Incumbent
Personal Details
Party: Libertarian Party
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Elizabeth C. Brierly is the Assistant Editor for the Libertarian Party.


Brierly is a long-time Libertarian activist from California, where she is partner at Induction Works Industries, a libertarian communications consultancy.

She served five years on the executive committee of the LP of California, where in 2015 she developed and launched the California Libertarian Activist newsletter, and she has edited and designed several libertarian books.

Elizabeth ran for State Board of Equalization in 2002 and managed the campaign of Libertarian Terry Savage for Assembly. Elizabeth served as president of Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association, helping to defeat a 2006 sales tax and win a lawsuit against the Open Space Authority in 2007. She was part of a research team at Stanford University which published a study on the true cost of taxation. Their report was presented to the Congressional House Ways & Means Committee in 2000. She has spoken before groups on matters of taxation, gun rights, and building coalitions. She has done public relations work for the Independent Institute. Elizabeth holds a B.S. in Marketing, and an MBA from Santa Clara University.