New Orleans Accord
First Attempt (1 of 3):
"New Orleans Accord
Whereas people are only able to thrive in an environment in which their sole discretion over their own lives is respected, Be it resolved that the Libertarian Party welcomes and accepts members from various economic schools of thought, as long as those members accept the fundamental principle that each individual should be free from involuntary servitude to others."
Second Attempt (2 of 3):
"NOLA Accord
Whereas it is necessary for all who passionately oppose injustice to stand together, we the members of the LP hereby resolve that we welcome everyone who asserts the NAP, regardless of their preferences for what a voluntary world might look like."
Third Attempt (3 of 3):
"New Orleans Accord
Whereas people are only able to thrive in an environment in which their sole discretion over their own lives is respected, Be it resolved that the Libertarian Party welcomes and accepts members from various systems of governance, as long as those members accept the Statement of Principles."