Roland Riemers

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Roland Riemers
Libertarian Party of North Dakota
c 2011—November 7, 2015
Predecessor: Unknown
Successor: Anthony Mangnall
Personal Details
Party: Libertarian Party

Roland Riemers was the 2016 State Auditor candidate in North Dakota.


"Riemers believes that the state auditor “should not be part of the ruling political class.” As North Dakota’s State Auditor, he would require all audits to include suggestions on how agencies can become more efficient and reduce spending. He would like to see the auditor’s office implement a hotline so employees and the public can report misuse of public funds. Riemers ran for North Dakota Secretary of State as a Libertarian in 2014, earning 5.3% of the vote, and his efforts in the political arena are the reason the ND Libertarian Party exists today."[1]
