McLean County Libertarian Party

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McLean County Libertarian Party
Logo - McLean County Illinois.jpg
General Information
Jurisdiction: McLean, Dewitt, Ford, Livingston, Logan, Piatt, and Woodford Counties, Illinois
Status: Active
Chair: Bennett Morris
Vice-Chair: Chris Howick
Secretary: Henry Wissmiller
Treasurer: Lex Green
Website: Website
Facebook: Facebook

The McLean County Libertarian Party is an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Illinois.


Lupe Diaz, the founder of the McLean County Libertarian Party organized the first meeting on March 22, 2009. We elected our first officers, which served until January 2011. They were: Lupe Diaz: Chair; Stephen Moist: Vice Chair; Kyle Kidwell: Young Libertarian Chair; Jeff Ready: Treasurer; Lex Green: Secretary. We also appointed Karen Green as our Webmaster.



Libertarian Party of Illinois
Affiliates: BondChampaignChicagoClintonDeKalbDuPageFox ValleyGreater PeoriaIllinois ValleyKankakeeLakeMaconMcHenryMcLeanMetro-EastSouth CentralSouth CookSouthern IllinoisTri-CountiesWestern IllinoisWhitesideWillWarren
Pending affiliates: MacoupinNorth Shore CookNorthwest CookNorthwesternWinnebago
Former affiliates: Capital Area
Other: Election ResultsThe Illinois Libertarian