Percy Greaves
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Percy L Greaves, Jr (August 1906 - August 1984) ran for office, including US President, 1980 (with the American Party).
He was a speaker, author, Austrian School economist, and historian, financial editor and research economist for US News (1934-1936), and an associate and friend of Ludwig von Mises.
- Is Further Intervention a Cure for Prior Intervention? (On Freedom and Free Enterprise: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises, 1956)
- US-Japanese Relations before WWII (with Bettina Bien Greaves), Mises Daily 2010
- Does Government Spending Bring Prosperity?, Mises Daily 2009
- The Causes of the Economic Crisis: And Other Essays Before and After the Great Depression (with Ludwig von Mises)
- Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy, (2010)
Article: Why Speculators?
- the Freeman November 1964
Organizational Positions
- Research Director for the Republican National Committee (1943-1945)
- US Senate, New York, 1974 (with the Libertarian Party)
- US President, 1980 (with the American Party)
Public Offices
- Chief of Minority Staff for the 1945-46 Joint Congressional Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack (with the Republican Party)
External Links
- author page
- Why Speculators? (article)
- Is Further Intervention a Cure for Prior Intervention? (article)
- S-Japanese Relations before WWII (article)
- Does Government Spending Bring Prosperity? (article)
- obituary (Institute for Historical Review)
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