Bill Van Allen
Bill Van Allen, Jr. is a Florida Libertarian who ran for District 61 in 2002 and serves with the Sarasota County LP.
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External Link
- defunct 2002 campaign site
William D. (Bill) Van Allen, Jr. is a Florida Libertarian who ran twice for the Florida House of Representatives District 69 seat in 2002 and 2004. In a three-way race in 2002 against a Republican incumbent and a future Democrat Sarasota County Commissioner, he garnered 4.4% of the vote and one of the first newspaper endorsements of a Libertarian Party candidate in Florida when The Longboat Observer gave him the nod. In 2004, nearly 28% of voters supported him in a two-way race against the same Republican incumbent.
The Sarasota Tiger Bay Club invited Van Allen to join as the first Libertarian member following the 2002 campaign, and he has been a frequent contributor to their meetings, presenting a philosophy not often heard in the major-party dominated club.
An LP member since 1993, he has served as Treasurer and three times as Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Sarasota County, and as Region 9 Representative and At-Large Representative #1 to the Libertarian Party of Florida.