Libertarian Party
The Libertarian Party is a United States political party founded in 1971. It is the largest third party in the United States.
While no Libertarian has ever won election to federal office, thousands have been elected to various state and local offices.
The stated platform of the Libertarian Party holds some positions that are considered by some on the far left and others that are considered by some on the far right. Unlike traditional "left" parties, Libertarians support the free unregulated market for goods as well as ideas; unlike traditional "right" parties, Libertarians support strong protection of civil liberties and the abolition of "victimless crimes."
All of the positions of the Libertarian Party are based on the defense of individual rights. In the eyes of a libertarian, all people should be free to live their lives as they see fit, under the condition that they do not initiate the use of force or fraud and take responsibility for their choices.
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