Dave Benner

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Dave Benner
Region 2 Representative
Libertarian Party
Predecessor: None
Successor: TBD
Communications Director
Libertarian Party of Tennessee
Judicial Committee
Libertarian Party of Tennessee
Personal Details
Education: Bachelor in History Education
Occupation: Business Systems Analyst
Residence: Nashville, Tennessee
Party: Libertarian Party
Website: https://www.davebenner.com
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter
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Dave Benner is the current Region 2 Representative on the LNC, Communications Director of the Libertarian Party of Tennessee, former member of the Judicial Committee of the Libertarian Party of Tennessee, and former At-Large member of the Libertarian Party of Minnesota. He is also on the national APRC Committee.

Dave is a self-described ideological and methodological radical. While acknowledging the value of every strategy to actualize a world set free, he places greater personal emphasis on libertarian education and messaging campaigns, and on concerted efforts to obstruct and undermine existing state policy and its law enforcement apparatus, than on traditional electoral politics. His biggest issue of passion is political decentralization, manifested through nullification and secession campaigns, which he works to advocate in every corner of the union, from the state to the individual level.

He is the author of Compact of the Republic: The League of States and the Constitution, The 14th Amendment and the Incorporation Doctrine, and a forthcoming biography on Thomas Paine. He contributes articles to the Mises Institute and Tenth Amendment Center, and has associated with the Libertarian Party since 2004, in three different state affiliates, with an interregnum from 2008-2014.

Dave credits his original awakening to libertarianism to Murray Rothbard, whose work he discovered during a 2004 college research project into the history of money and banking in the United States. He credits John Locke, Algernon Sidney, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, Ron Paul, Robert Higgs, Walter Block, and Tom Woods as his greatest philosophical influences.

Organizational Positions

Libertarian Party
  • Region 2 Rep, LNC (May 2022-present)
  • Communications Committee (May 2021-present)
Libertarian Party of Tennessee
  • Communications Director (May 2021-present)
  • Judicial Committee (January 2021-present)
Libertarian Party of Minnesota
  • At-Large (2018)