List of Libertarian Party Caucuses

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This page is both a listing and a point for collaborative work on identifying and documenting caucuses through our Party's history. This list is alphabetical and not intended to impart any rank or comparison other than active and inactive.

Active Caucuses

Caucus Mission
Libertarian Anarchist Caucus
Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus To advocate within the Libertarian Party for a more principled moral stance in opposition to government. It seeks to accomplish this by nominating candidates for both internal party positions and public office who have shown a strong commitment to the fundamental core beliefs of the libertarian philosophy. It is also committed to maintaining and increasing the Libertarian Party's involvement in outreach, education and activism, to promote the core beliefs of the libertarian philosophy in our community.
The Bear Nukes Caucus The Bear Nukes Caucus is a single issue advocacy group focused on encouraging the Libertarian Party of the United States and its affiliates to push for the legalization of private ownership of weapons of mass destruction. It defines weapons of mass destruction to include nuclear weapons using both fission and fusion, chemical agents, weaponized bio-agents, explosively pumped flux compression generators, HERF guns, dirty bombs, antimatter annihilation weapons or any other extremely dangerous device or substance conceivable.
Christian Liberty Caucus of the Libertarian Party Seeing the Libertarian Party through the eyes of Jesus and helping the Libertarian Party see Christ in Christians.

Christian Liberty Caucus of the Libertarian Party


Seeing the Libertarian Party through the eyes of Jesus and helping the Libertarian Party see Christ in Christians.

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Defense Caucus

Originally organized by controversial activist Eric Dondero

Libertarian Freedom Caucus

George Washington Liberty Caucus

The George Washington Liberty Caucus is a national Libertarian Party Caucus established in 2019 to promote the virtues of brotherhood, charity, and responsibility within the Libertarian Party and out in the world, and to encourage interest in Freemasonry. The GWLC is not sanctioned, endorsed, or sponsored by any Grand Lodge.


Grassroots Libertarians Caucus

The Grassroots Libertarians Caucus exists to promote the following "Five Key Values":

(I) BOTTOM-UP, NOT TOP-DOWN. We see a party that too often takes after the establishment parties and corporations rather than manifesting itself as a grassroots organization with revolutionary goals. We seek a decentralized Libertarian Party run by its members and activists rather than by a centralized clique of corporate-oriented professionals.

(II) POLITICALLY BALANCED. We see a party which has become too conservative in both style and substance. We seek to restore a balanced approach to Libertarian Party policy-making and outreach that strives to appeal to the political left as much as to the political right and emphasizes personal liberty no less than economic liberty.

(III) FUN, BOLD, AND FREE-SPIRITED. We see a party that has become too staid, timid, boring, and unimaginative. We seek a culture within the Libertarian Party that is bolder, more irreverent, more free-spirited, more creative, and more fun-loving.

(IV) RADICAL AND PROUD. We see a party that has become too ashamed of its own ideals, a place where "idealist" is too often treated as a dirty word. We seek a party in which Libertarians proudly share a sense of solidarity as radical freedom fighters in a larger movement committed to the vision of worldwide individual liberty expressed in the Preamble and Statement of Principles of the Libertarian Party's national platform.

(V) YOUTH-FOCUSED. We see a party that is largely failing to connect with young people. We seek a Libertarian Party whose style, structure, culture, and materials speak first and foremost to the younger generations who hold the future in their hands.

Libertarian Jazz Caucus

Formed to coordinate Libertarian musicians to perform at LP events.

Libertine Caucus of the Libertarian Party

Libertarian Millennial Caucus

Libertarian Party Mises Caucus (LPMC)

Public Facebook page Members discussion Facebook page

The purpose of the caucus is to promote Austrian economics within the Libertarian Party, to stress the importance of sound economics as critical to the Libertarian Party message, and to advocate applying the science of human action—praxeology—in Libertarian Party efforts to counter the statism of both Democrats and Republicans. It's platform emphasizes: Property Rights, Self-Determination, Economics and Money, as well as decorum in debate, tolerance of lifestyle choices and rejection of "tribal" identity politics.


OUT for Liberty

A LGBT caucus that focuses heavily on outreach

Outright Libertarians

The most well-known LGBT caucus

Paleolibertarian Caucus

Libertarians for Peace

Group created after the September 11th attacks to work against interventionist sentiments in the Libertarian Party.

Povertarian Caucus

Focuses on matters affecting people with lower incomes, both in terms of policy and in terms of internal party matters.

Libertarian Pragmatist Caucus

Pro-Choice Libertarians

Created in 1987, Pro-Choice Libertarians reaches out to Libertarian Party members and the general public regarding women's reproductive rights and abortion. Members of the group are strongly committed to the keeping the government out of the abortion issue, an essentially pro-choice stance. Its detailed website includes sections on the group's history and Mission Statement, principles, Libertarian Party platform history, extensive informational links and activist resources.

Radical Caucus (2006)

Also known as the Libertarian Party Radical Caucus and LPRadicals.

The Radical Caucus is a group of self-identified radicals working within the membership of the Libertarian Party (LP) who support the re-radicalization of the LP; and further to promote a clear, radical vision of libertarianism through education and electoral advocacy both within the LP and outside of it.

Reform Caucus of California

The Reform Caucus of California is a caucus formed on June 12, 2019 within the [[Libertarian Party of California by Brandon Nelson, Kenneth Brent Olsen, and other party members who opposed the decision of the Judicial Committee of the Libertarian Party of California on June 10, 2019, to overturn the vote of the delegates at the delete the Platform at the California Convention 2019 in Concord, California. It was named after the Reform Caucus which was behind the so-called "Portland Massacre" in 2006 at the National Convention 2006, when the national Platform was changed dramatically.

Libertarian Party Secular Caucus

The purpose of the caucus is to facilitate a discussion within the Libertarian Party for applying Libertarian principles to public policy, while also rejecting any theocratic influence within government law.

Libertarian Party Sex Caucus

Libertarian Socialist Caucus of the Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Socialist Caucus seeks to honor the principles of non-aggression through recognizing exploitation, and specifically economic exploitation, as aggression, which should therefore be opposed by the Libertarian Party.

State secured monopolies over the means of production and continuing state enforcement of unnatural, hierarchical property relations throughout the economy coercively limit choices, thwart individual autonomy, and artificially prop up generalized wage labor and non-labor incomes. As such, exploitation and its enforcement via state secured privilege necessarily constitutes both theft and aggression, and should be recognized as such by the Libertarian Party.

Libertarian Tie-Dye Caucus

Tie-dye is cool.

Libertarian Youth Caucus

National Organization of Libertarian Women

Reform Caucus of California

The Reform Caucus of California is dedicated to the reformation of the Libertarian Party of California in a manner that focuses on making us an effective political party rather than a social club. We affirm that a political party's goal is to disseminate its principles and to get candidates elected. We believe that California needs a Libertarian Party; a party that promotes liberty and is designated to win elections in the state of California.

Inactive or Potentially Inactive Caucuses

Adequate Defense Caucus

Brevity Caucus

A caucus committed to a shorter national platform. Known to be operating in 2015-2016.

End the Fed Caucus

Hands Off My Caucus

Formed to protect the structure of the Texas State Libertarian Executive Committee at the 2016 state convention in San Antonio. May be returning to a fully active state.

Libertarians for Life

May have fallen apart after the death of its founder Doris Gordon

Oklahoma Caucus

A marijuana-centric caucus during the 1970s. At least one of its members discussed returning it to an active state for the 2016 convention.

Radical Caucus (1979)

Inspiration for the current caucus, which seeks to be its continuation, but is still a distinct historical entity.

Radical Caucus (SEK3)

Seemingly unrelated to later caucuses bearing the same name, this caucus was seeking to use the Libertarian Party as a platform for opposition to voting.

Reform Caucus

This group was behind the Portland Massacre in 2006 and was strongly behind Bob Barr in 2008, but may have dissolved soon afterward.

The Rent is Too Damn High Caucus

A single-issue caucus, their point was acted upon when the LNC moved from the Watergate building to new offices in Virginia.

Rothbard Caucus

An attempted continuation from the 1979 Radical Caucus with a different name from the 2000s.

LP Sunshine Caucus

More information is needed

Socially Tolerant Caucus

This caucus existed in the mid to late 1990s and was connected to Focus PAC. Its goal was to bring in people left behind by the increasingly statist ideology of the political left.

Libertarian Transparency Caucus

This caucus was formed to hold the national Libertarian Party to a culture of transparency.