Richard Longstreth

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Richard Longstreth
Longstreth profile 2020.png
Region 1 Representative
Libertarian National Committee
July 3, 2018—present
Predecessor: Caryn Ann Harlos
Successor: Incumbent
Libertarian Party of Colorado
March 26, 2017—March 25, 2018
Predecessor: Wayne Harlos
Successor: Marc Montoni
Campaigns Director
Libertarian Party of Colorado
May 9, 2016—March 26, 2017
Predecessor: Jack Woehr
Successor: Kim Tavendale
Personal Details
Birth: November 30, 1986
Waynesboro, PA
Education: Austin Peay State University (BS)
Occupation: Inventory Auditor
Residence: Apache Junction, AZ
Party: Libertarian Party
Facebook: Facebook
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Richard Tietjen Longstreth, III is the current Region 1 Representative of the Libertarian National Committee. Richard is also a former officer of the Libertarian Party of Colorado, serving from 2015-2018 as the Regions Director (2015-2016), Campaigns Director (2016-2017), and Vice-Chair (2017-2018). In 2016, he was the Libertarian Candidate for Colorado's 2nd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Early Life and Education

Richard Tietjen Longstreth was born on November 30, 1986 in Waynesboro, PA. He is the first of three children to parents Christine Longstreth and Richard Longstreth. Richard spent his childhood in several different places throughout the United States and Germany. Both his brothers, Alexander Longstreth and Michael Longstreth were born in Germany near Frankfurt. Richard's primary education began in New Jersey, however his family was relocated from Fort Dix, NJ to Fort Campbell, KY when he was about 5 years old. Richard continued his primary edcucation in Clarksville, TN.

Upon Richard's father leaving the military, his mother began a career in the hospitality industry which eventually moved the Longstreth family to Sheboygan, WI when Richard was 13 years old. He completed his middle school and much of his high school education in Sheboygan where he was active with the National Forensics League, now the National Speech and Debate Association, and competed at a national level in the categories of Policy Debate, Mock Congress, and Extemporaneous Speaking. Richard's family moved to Tennessee just before his senior year of high school. As a result, Richard finished his High School education at Mount Juliet High School in Mount Juliet, TN, graduating in the summer of 2005.

After graduating high school, Richard received a 4-year Army ROTC scholarship to Austin Peay State University where he studied Political Science. During his contract, which ended in 2008 due to medical reasons and prior to his commission, Richard earned his Air Assualt wings. While in college, Richard was very active with several organizations. He worked with the College Republicans, College Democrats, and helped found the short-lived College Independents. He also served as a peer mentor, assisting new freshman with the transistion from high school to college. He also served as a member of leadership for the Mu-Tau Chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity from 2005-2008. Richard graduated from Austin Peay State University on December 16, 2011 with a BS in Political Science and minor in International Relations.

ADHD Diagnosis

In 2008, while attending Austin Peay State University, Richard began to experience trouble sleeping, sometimes getting less than 5 hours of sleep every three days. The result was that his performance in ROTC and the rest of his academics began to slip. Richard sought medical assessment outside of the university and military and was originally diagnosed as depressed and prescribed anti-depressants. Richard attempted to use the medications for nearly a month but found his condition did not improve. When he followed up with his physician, he was diagnosed ADHD and given medication accordingly which greatly improved Richard's quality of life.

Richard, diagnosis in hand, went to his superior officer in the ROTC program for Austin Peay in the spring of 2008. He was told that, while the Army was glad to have him feeling better, he could not be on the medications he was on and be active in the program or receive his commission. Richard was advised to either use the medicine and be removed from the program or to not use the medication and find a way to cope with the ADHD. Richard weighed his options heavily and ultimately decided to follow his doctor's instructions rather than the military's.

The result of the diagnosis and continued use of medication led to Richard being discharged from his contract with the US Army prior to receiving a commission and while he was still in the ROTC Program. He then left college due to a lack of scholarships and funding. Further, the US Army sent Richard notification indicating that he had to return all previously earned scholarship funds due to breaking the contract that had been initiated in 2005. Richard fought the Department of Defense Medical Review Board for 18 months having to prove his diagnosis and in an effort to not pay back the scholarship funds due to the untennable decision his superior officers had given he. Ultimately, Richard won his battle and returned to Austin Peay to finish his degree in 2010.

Marriage and Children

Richard is not currently married and does not have any children. Richard identifies as pansexual and has been in a long-term relationship with Jake Campbell since April 2011.

Political Views

Richard is an ideological minarchist who has anarchist leanings. His main reason for not supporting anarchism is that he does not believe a society free from government can exist in his lifetime and so he operates under the guidance of the Dallas Accord. He seeks to build bridges between anarchists, minarchists, and others while holding true to libertarian philosophies of self-ownership, self-determination, and property rights. He is an open borders and evictionist libertarian. Richard hopes to see the Drug War ended in his lifetime and it is probably his most passionate issue. Richard supports anyone's right to defend themselves, their family, or their property however they deem necessary so long as the freedoms of others are not impeded.

Organizational Positions

Libertarian National Committee

  • Region 1 Representative (2018 - Present)
  • Candidate Support Committee (July 2018 - Present)
  • Affiliate Support Committee (July 2018 - Present)

Arizona Libertarian Party

  • County Development Committee (February 2019 - January 2020)
  • Platform Committee (February 2019 - January 2020)

Libertarian Party of Colorado

  • Policy Manual Committee (November 2018 - April 2019)
  • National Platform Committee (January 2018 - March 2018)
  • Vice-Chair (March 2017 — March 2018)
  • Convention Standing Rules Committee (January 2018 - March 2018)
  • Constitution and By-Laws Committee (September 2017 - March 2018)
  • Style Committee (September 2017 - March 2018)
  • Policy Manual Committee (April 2017 — March 2018)
  • Campaigns Director (May 2016 — March 2017)
  • Convention Standing Rules Committee (December 2016 - March 2017)
  • Constitution and By-Laws Committee (September 2016 - March 2017)
  • Constitution and By-Laws Committee (January 2016 - March 2016)
  • Regions Director (November 2015 - May 2016)

Libertarian Party Radical Caucus

  • Endorsements Committee (January 2017 — September 2017)

National Convention Delegate

  • 2020 Delegate from Arizona
  • National Bylaws and Rules Committee - LNC Appointee (2020)
  • National Platform Committee - LNC Alternate (2020)
  • 2018 Delegate from Colorado (New Orleans, LA)
  • Platform Committee - Colorado Representative (2018)


US House of Representatives (2016)

2016 US House, Colorado District 2
Party Candidate Name Percent Votes
Democratic Jared Polis 56.9% 260,175
Republican Nicholas Morse 37.2% 170,001
Libertarian Richard Longstreth 5.9% 27,136