Helen Gilson
Christian Liberty Caucus - Chair
CLCLP | 2019 – 2020 | National
Executive Committee – Vice Chair
Libertarian Party of Ohio | 2019 – 2020 | Columbus, OH
Central Committee Member
Libertarian Party of Ohio | 2018 – 2020 | Columbus, OH
Provided direct support and addressed a sensitive and difficult matter with CentCom on behalf of party volunteers and members.
In May 2018, I offered a stated goal of increasing delegate count with National by increasing state memberships to at least fifth place. In 7 months, memberships have gone up 45, approximately 8% since May. We moved from Number 7 in the country to Number 5. We are only 54 memberships from fourth place. We’ve just recently recruited an excellent Membership Coordinator who will take this effort to another level.
Executive Committee Member – At-Large
Libertarian Party of Ohio | 2018 – 2019 | Columbus, OH
Field Development Director
Libertarian Party of Ohio | 2018 – 2019 | Columbus, OH
Building a Field Team to develop a positive image of Libertarian approaches to public issues.
Recruited five Regional teams welcoming new members, organizing local county parties, developing members into future LPO leaders and candidates, speaking events, and outreach. Recruit, develop and support leaders for the creation of 88 county LPO Affiliates and County Development Groups, promoting the growth of present and future LPO membership. Organize the grass-roots support of Libertarian state and national campaigns. Connect volunteers through community outreach, petitioning, campaigning, speaking engagements as well as local social events. Recruited excellent Volunteer Coordinator who does a fabulous job recruiting for specific positions, like Membership Coordinator.
National Convention Delegate
Libertarian Party of Ohio | 2018 | New Orleans, LA
Was delegate in the National convention, actively campaigning on behalf of the members of the LPO.
State Convention Delegate
Libertarian Party of Ohio | 2018 | Columbus, OH
Was delegate in the State convention, actively campaigning on behalf of the members of the LPO.
Assistant Field Development Director
Libertarian Party of Ohio | 2017 – 2018 | Columbus, OH
Welcomed new members. Recruiting LPO membership. Provided technical support and training of LPO NationBuilder database. Circulated petitions.
==State Volunteer Coordinator== a Johnson Campaign | 2016 | Columbus, OH
Recruited and trained volunteers with campaign tools. Circulated petitions and engaged the community.