Document:LNC Minutes 8-9 December 1990

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                    Minutes of the Meeting of the
                    Libertarian National Committee
                          8-9 December 1990
                        White Plains, New York
Members Present:
     Chair      Dave Walter
     Vice-Chair Mary T. Gingell
     Secretary  Joseph W. Dehn III
     Treasurer  Stephen R. Fielder
     At Large   I. Dean Ahmad
                Steven Alexander
                Toni L. Black
                William Redpath
                Norma D. Segal
     Region 1   Karen Allard
     Region 2   Geoffrey J. Neale
                George O'Brien
     Region 3   Stephen L. Dasbach
     Region 4   Ron Crickenberger
     Region 5   Clifford F. Thies
     Region 6   Vicki Kirkland
     Region 7   Steven I. Givot
     Region 8   Gary Johnson
1. CALL TO  ORDER: The regular  meeting of  the  Libertarian  National
Committee was called  to order by  Chair  Dave  Walter  at  9:15am  on
Saturday, 8 December  1990, at the White Plains Hotel in White Plains,
New York.
2. CREDENTIALS: Dehn  reported that there  had been no change  in  the
membership of the Committee since the last meeting.
3. APPROVAL OF  PREVIOUS MINUTES: Due  to the late distribution of the
minutes, Ahmad moved  that this item  be deferred to  Sunday  morning;
there was no objection.
4. SETTING OF  THE AGENDA: Walter  moved to add a  presentation by the
Marrou for President campaign as item 10A for 45 minutes; there was no
Ahmad moved to  consider the Budget as item 24A rather than at the end
of the meeting; the motion passed on a voice vote.
Gingell moved to add a question and answer session on the MKR proposal
as item 12A for 10 minutes; there was no objection.
Kirkland moved to  add 5 minutes  to her regional report  to allow  W.
Gary Johnson of  New York to  speak, and to allow 5 minutes at the end
of the meeting  for another individual  from New York to  speak; there
was no objection.
Ahmad moved to  expand the time for the Management Committee Report to
30 minutes; there was no objection.
Crickenberger move to  add 5 minutes to his regional report to discuss
the Georgia lawsuit  against PBS, and  Thies moved to add 5 minutes to
his regional report to discuss a matter relating to the state chair of
Delaware; there were no objections.
Fielder moved to  reduce the time  for all items by  25  percent.  The
motion failed on a voice vote.
5. CHECK OF  PAPERWORK: Walter reviewed  the paperwork that  had  been
distributed up to that point.
6. CHAIR'S REPORT:  Walter reviewed the  accomplishments of the  Party
during 1990. He  described the growth  during the year  as  moderately
successful, but noted  that some states  actually lost members despite
the efforts at  the national level.  He said the 1990 election results
were the best  ever, but that we would have done even better if we had
had the  enthusiasm  of  the  early  1980s.  He  speculated  that  our
increased success and  the fact that Libertarians held the "balance of
power" in various  races would lead  to more opposition to  our ballot
access efforts, but  said that we  still had not reached the threshold
where we can keep the attention of the major media.
He said the goal for 1991 is to get ready for 1992, and for 1992 to be
the balance of power in enough races to make the media pay attention.
He  reviewed  the   results  of  some   particular  1990   races   and
congratulated those states  which had made  important contributions to
achieving or maintaining ballot status.
He commented on  the financial crunch  in the second half, noting that
although we had more contributors they were each giving less, and said
we need to get our fundraising back on track.
He said this  LNC was the  best ever, citing its  smaller size as  the
probable  reason,  and   noted  the  increased  activity  of  all  the
He expressed concern about the lack of growth of some of the affiliate
parties which had not kept pace with the overall trend.
Assistant to the  Chair Don Ernsberger  presented a strategic view  of
the Party.  He  characterized  the  team  put  together  at  the  1989
convention as probably  the most efficient  that the LP had  had since
the Clark campaign.  He said that  in 1989 it was clear that the focus
had to be  on building the  infrastructure of  the  Party,  to  pursue
programs  of  aggressive  finance  and  aggressive  outreach,  and  to
establish a pattern of steady growth to replace the "rollercoaster" we
had in previous  years.  He said that 1991 is the time when, all these
things being in  place, we should  be  "gearing  up",  but  questioned
whether we were ready.
He said that  the mid-year halt in membership growth and the increased
difficulty in fundraising  made 1990 like  two  different  years,  and
focussed on lack  of "aggressiveness" in  fundraising and outreach  as
the problem.  Displaying  graphs  of  monthly  revenue,  he  cited  in
particular the failure  of the Liberty  Pledge program  and  telephone
fundraising to meet  expectations, and said  there were also  problems
with dues income.  He said there had been ambitious plans for outreach
but that they had not been implemented.
There was a  general discussion of  possible causes for the  increased
difficulty of  fundraising  in  the  second  half.   Reasons  proposed
included: competition from campaign fundraising, lack of "fresh" lists
to work, softness in the economy, and lack of positive public exposure
(such as that  provided earlier by  the convention TV  coverage).   In
reply to a  question about cycles,  Ernsberger said  that  performance
since the last  presidential election has  been atypical: instead of a
drop in membership and a buildup in debt, we have grown and stayed out
of debt, and while December has traditionally been the worst month for
fundraising, December 1989 was great.
7. VICE-CHAIR'S REPORT: Gingell submitted a written report [Attachment
She reported that  there was an error in a fundraising letter that had
just gone out  -- once writein  votes were counted, Richard Shepard of
Washington  had  not  come  in  second  in  his  race  for  the  state
legislature -- but  that the letter  had  already  been  approved  and
prepared before this information became known.
She announced that  an anti-war demonstration would be taking place at
the Waldorf Astoria on Sunday evening.
She also announced  that she would be moving back to California by the
end of the year.
8. TREASURER'S REPORT: Fielder submitted a written report covering the
period through 30 November [Attachment R].  In reply to questions from
Thies, he said  that delays in  preparation of financial  reports  had
been due to  personal problems which  would not be  a  factor  in  the
future, and that  a positive cash position had been maintained despite
the revenue shortfall  because the Executive Committee had taken steps
to cut expenses.   Ernsberger remarked that  the biweekly meetings  of
the Executive Committee  have enabled the  Party to  react  much  more
quickly than in the past to changes in our financial situation.
In response to  questions from O'Brien about preparation of additional
reports to show  month-to-month trends and  seasonal  cycles,  Fielder
said that the  office was too busy to do that but that the numbers are
in a spreadsheet.
There was a  discussion of  accounting  for  Ballot  Access  Committee
finances and the  need to separately  report BAC transactions for  FEC
purposes. Dunbar said  that although we have not been getting reports,
the information is in the computer.
Fielder reported that  we had received  a communication from  the  FEC
regarding  a  complaint  filed  by  Alan  Lindsay  against  people  in
Washington  State,  and  recommended  that  we  hire  an  attorney  to
represent us in  this matter. He  reported that he would  be sending a
reply to the  FEC indicating that  we had filed the  reports  we  were
required to during that period.
Givot said that  it was important for us to understand the allegations
in this case, so as to avoid problems with future conventions.
Givot moved to  obtain an attorney  to represent us in  this case  pro
bono, or for  a fee if  necessary. There was a discussion of who might
be able to  do this work,  given the specialized  nature  of  campaign
finance law.
Thies moved to  delete "or for  a fee if necessary",  arguing that  we
should not be  spending money on this at a point when we have not been
charged with anything.
There was a  discussion of various  aspects of the allegations.  Ahmad
observed that it was important to have signed contracts for convention
arrangements to make relationships clear.
Thies' amendment passed  on a vote  of 7 to 6.  The main motion passed
on a voice vote.
9. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT: In response to a question from Redpath,
Walter said that  major topics addressed  by the  Executive  Committee
since the last  LNC meeting  included  cutting  of  expenses  and  the
decision not to move the office. In response to a question from Givot,
Thies indicated that  there had been some people willing to pledge for
purchase of a  building, and that  such a project  should  be  pursued
again in a few years.
10. HEADQUARTERS REPORT:  Dunbar said that the experience of searching
for a new  office helped him  understand what was needed,  and said he
would be asking  for some money  to fix up the current office. He said
improvements were being  made in the  computer system,  and  that  the
computers and workloads  would be rearranged  as part of fixing up the
He noted a  problem with processing  BAC pledgers and said it would be
resolved by the January cycle.
He reported that  he is negotiating  with an outside company to broker
rentals of our mailing list.
In reply to  a question from  Crickenberger, Dunbar said that some BAC
pledges had not  been collected. He said the system was unable to deal
with people who  were making pledges  both to the general fund and for
ballot access, and  that he would be contacting the people involved to
resolve the problem. Redpath noted that the number of BAC pledgers was
much lower than previously, and said that he would go back and contact
everyone who had lapsed.
There was a  discussion of accounting for services provided to the BAC
by the office, so that the BAC can either pay for them or show them as
an in-kind contribution from the LNC on its FEC reports.
Givot said that all the BAC accounting functions had been moved to the
office for better coordination, but now the reporting situation seemed
to be even worse than before.  He said that the number of transactions
was small enough  that they could  do the job by  hand, and  suggested
that if this  arrangement did not  work we should consider merging the
BAC back into  the LNC even  though that might require  us to file FEC
reports on everything.
Redpath said that  he viewed the  office as the proper place to do the
BAC accounting. In  response to a  question from Dasbach, Dunbar  said
that the holdup  in  getting  proper  reports  was  due  to  the  time
necessary to set up the accounts properly, and suggested that Redpath,
Ahmad, and others come help him set things up.
Walter and Givot  remarked on the apparent simplicity of the task, and
said it was  the responsiblity of  the BAC chair to  see that the  job
gets done even  if it has  to be done on  paper. Redpath said he would
personally go to the office and see that the situation is resolved.
10A. MARROU FOR PRESIDENT: Michael Emerling introduced Andre Marrou.
Marrou commented on  progress in the  North Carolina ballot drive,  on
the November election  results, and on  the issues he expected  to  be
important in the 1992 presidential election.
Jim Lewis spoke about his experience in doing outreach at colleges and
the importance of  using the campaign  to let new  people  know  about
libertarianism.  He  described  the  Marrou  effort  as  a  "two  year
campaign", with much  that can be done even before the nomination, and
outlined some features  of their plans  including  the  Liberty  First
newsletter and the  possibility of running TV commercials prior to the
Emerling commented on  the error that  had been made in describing the
rules for matching  funds, and encouraged anyone who had complaints or
suggestions about the campaign to contact them.
Marrou presented and  signed three pledges relating to use of matching
funds for TV  [Attachment S], ownership  of new names generated by the
campaign  [Attachment  T],   and  auditing  of   the  campaign   books
[Attachment U].
In response to  various questions, Marrou  said that he  would  rather
there be no  matching funds system,  that  he  intends  for  the  1992
presidential and vice-presidential  candidates to  run  a  coordinated
campaign, and that  his contribution forms  have a place for people to
check off that  they don't want  their contributions matched. He  said
that he considers  matching funds to  be "stolen loot",  and  that  it
would be impossible  for the recovery  of matching funds to exceed the
amount paid by Libertarians in taxes.
Ahmad objected to  the idea that the Libertarians who paid taxes could
be presumed to  authorize the spending  of that  money  on  Marrou  TV
commercials, and said it looks bad for us to be using tax funds at the
same time as  we are campaigning  that if elected we will be returning
taxes to the people.
In response to questions from Ernsberger, Emerling said he was looking
into having the  campaign sign a  contract with the  LNC,  and  Marrou
explained that he  currently has three separate committees: Marrou for
President, the 1988 vice-presidential committee, and 51-'92.
In response to a question from Dunbar, Marrou said that if he does not
get the nomination  the funds raised will be used for some Libertarian
political purpose.
In response to  a question  from  Thies  about  the  possibilities  of
getting additional matching  funds by achieving 5% of the vote, and of
Marrou being the candidate again in 1996, Marrou indicated that it was
too early to say.
In response to  questions from Givot  about making the books of 51-'92
available for audit,  Emerling said that  any contributor who comes to
Las Vegas can  look at them.   In response to a  question  from  Ahmad
about the amounts involved, Emerling said that about $106,000 had been
raised since the beginning, about $29,000 of that in the current year,
and that there was a balance of about $4,000.
11. RESOLUTION CLEANUP:  Dasbach asked for a sense of the Committee on
whether the standing  resolutions should be  reorganized by topic into
something like the  Bylaws; there was  general support for  the  idea.
Ahmad said that  he thought this  was something  that  the  Management
Committee should do, and that he would take on the project.
Dasbach moved to  delete Resolution 353,  concerning relocation and/or
purchase of the  national office, on  the grounds that if  we want  to
authorize such action in the future we might want to specify different
criteria.  The motion passed on a voice vote.
[The meeting was  recessed at 12:30pm  and was called back to order at
1:33pm by Dave Walter.]
11A. FREE MARKET  FOUNDATION -- USSR:  Alexander moved to suspend  the
rules to hear  from Victor Davidoff;  there was no  objection.   Perry
Willis introduced Davidoff.
Davidoff said he  was pleased to  be the first Russian to speak to the
LNC. He said that people in the Soviet Union are sick of socialism and
receptive to libertarian ideas. He said he is going back to the Soviet
Union in May,  and that the  FMF-USSR provides a great opportunity for
libertarians around the  world to help.   He said that  anti-communist
activists still faced  the possibility of  persecution, citing various
cases of repression.  He asked  that  Libertarians  write  letters  in
support of those who share our values, especially freedom of speech.
12. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE  REPORT: Ahmad submitted  a written committee
report [Attachment B]  and  a  headquarters  operations  audit  report
[Attachment V], and summarized the findings of his audit.
There was a  discussion of whether  or not we should  be sending thank
you notes to  contributors. Ernsberger reported that comments had been
received from contributors  asking why we  are wasting money on  them.
Arguments in favor  of sending them included: people expect them, even
if they don't  say so; other  organizations appear  to  consider  them
worthwhile; they provide  an additional contact  with the contributor.
Arguments against included:  more negative comments than positive from
contributors; very few  resulted  directly  in  another  contribution.
Other suggestions included:  providing a box  for the  contributor  to
check off whether  he or she wants to get a note, and saying thank you
by stamping the contributor's check.
In response to  questions about smoke  damage to the computers, Dunbar
said that smoking  and non-smoking are  both allowed everywhere in the
office, and that  while Ahmad and  John Famularo both think that smoke
may be causing  computer problems, he thinks that dust from paper is a
larger  problem.   He  said  he  is  looking  into  providing  a  more
controlled environment for the computers.
In response to  a question from  Dasbach about candidates not  getting
the lists they  need, Ahmad said  this was a case  of the national and
state parties pointing  their fingers at  each  other,  requiring  the
attention of the Affiliate Parties Committee.
In response to  a question about  use of volunteers, Ahmad  said  that
there is a  volunteer program but  it needs to be  strengthened to the
point that people are always dropping by and available when work needs
to be done. Dunbar said that when there is a project to be done enough
volunteers can be rounded up, but that a four-day work week with later
hours might help  encourage more volunteers to drop by. Various people
suggested other schedules.
12A. MKR PROPOSAL:  Gingell presented Me  Me King to answer  questions
about the proposal  of MKR Associates  to perform work on  a  contract
basis for various committees.
Johnson asked where they would be working and how much time they would
be  spending,  citing  concern  about  their  availability  for  media
relations work.  King  said that they would work at their own offices,
that the amount  of time was  not specified and they would probably be
working on different  things different weeks,  but that they would  be
In response to  a question from  Fielder, King  said  that  for  their
entire proposal the  cost would be  $44,000 plus 15%  of  gross,  plus
13. AFFILIATE PARTIES  COMMITTEE REPORT: Gingell  circulated summaries
of two proposals for APC contract work [Attachment W], and pointed out
that there was  also a related proposal from Tonie Nathan to the Media
Relations Committee.
She submitted a  written report [Attachment  C], and  highlighted  her
appointment  of  Dasbach   as  APC  Vice-Chair,   Marla  Bottemiller's
assumption of the  role of telephone tree manager, and the publication
of a new edition of the activist directory.
In response  to  a  question  from  Ahmad  about  the  status  of  the
contractor proposals, Gingell  said that decisions  about most of them
would not be made at this meeting.
There was a  discussion of the  effectiveness of the  telephone  tree,
with several people  questioning how many activists it really reaches;
lack of participation  in Taxpayer Action  Day was cited  as  evidence
that the messages are not getting through.  Gingell said that 20 to 30
states were definitely contacted, and that for any given project it is
likely that no more than 20 states will respond.
Givot suggested that,  given our limited  resources,  higher  priority
should be given  to directly building  the state parties  rather  than
encouraging projects that  lead people off  in  different  directions.
Gingell said that  trying to build state parties before they are ready
to grow did not work, and that the survey of already organized parties
showed they considered  help with organizing lower priority than other
things. O'Brien commented  that there  was  increasing  resistance  to
doing protests since they have become too commonplace.
written report of  Campaign  '90  Highlights  [Attachment  D]  and  an
analysis of 1992  U.S. Senate and House races [Attachment X]. He noted
that we had  much more information about our candidates this time than
two years ago.  He said that we know how to fix problems that arose in
operation of the Libertarian Election Service for 1992, except for the
biggest problem: that  many states are not bothering to report results
on election night.
He said that  election results were  much better than last time, often
twice as high.
He said that the money raised for state legislative races was targeted
as well as  it could have  been given what we knew then; there were no
better opportunities.  He recommended keeping the same basic criteria,
but also paying  more attention to  polling information, general level
of  Libertarian  support   in  an  area,  and  the  success  of  local
fundraising. Thies commented that attempts to unseat an incumbent were
not worth pursuing  unless the incumbent  had been elected by  only  a
small margin or had a big ethics problem.
Dasbach said that  in the next  cycle we should focus  on four things:
(1) winnable races  for non-partisan office,  (2) getting  someone  to
work with legislative  candidates, (3) expanding the number of federal
candidates, (4) conducting  candidate training workshops.  He proposed
that we budget  for staff to  research "talking points" on issues that
candidates could use, as well as other training materials and the cost
of mailing these things to candidates.
Ernsberger noted that  although 1982 was  our peak year  in  terms  of
number of candidates,  the vote percentages  now are much higher,  but
only a handful  of states have  consistently run full slates  over the
years.  He also  said that  few  candidates  have  provided  lists  of
prospects from their campaigns.
15.  REGIONAL  REPRESENTATIVE  REPORTS:  Walter  asked  that  Regional
Representatives concentrate on  telling us how  things look  for  next
year, rather than repeating what is in their written reports.
Allard (Region  1)  distributed  an  updated  version  of  her  report
[Attachment Y] and reviewed highlights from it.
Neale (Region 2)  submitted a written  report [Attachment Z]. He noted
that there has  been conflict within  California about the role of the
state Executive Committee,  and that state membership has been lagging
behind national. He  said they were  studying the candidates who  were
elected to local  office and that  the main factor  in  their  success
appeared to be money.
Dasbach (Region 3)  submitted a  written  report  [Attachment  E]  and
reviewed highlights from it.
Crickenberger (Region 4)  submitted a written  report [Attachment AA].
He said there  are three types  of state chairs: ones  who are gung-ho
and know what  they are doing,  ones that are gung-ho  but don't  know
what to do,  and ones who  don't know why they  are  chair.   He  said
Georgia would probably  need help with expenses for an appeal in their
public television debate lawsuit.
Thies (Region 5)  submitted a written  report [Attachment F]. He  said
that petition signatures for 1992 had been filed in Maryland, and that
a change of  our nominating convention  from 1995 to 1996  would cause
ballot access problems  for New Jersey.  He described a letter sent by
the Delaware state  chair to Joe  Trollinger, a member in Alabama; the
letter contained vulgarities  prompted by Trollinger's  mention of God
in an earlier  communication. Thies suggested that party officers have
an obligation to  stay in office rather than allow people who will act
this way to  take over, and  said that even though we cannot interfere
in the  affairs  of  an  affiliate  party  we  should  take  steps  to
disassociate ourselves from this state chair.
Kirkland (Region 6)  submitted a written  report [Attachment BB].   W.
Gary Johnson, 1990  candidate for Governor  of New York,  presented  a
review of his  campaign and reported  that for the first time New York
City Libertarians were  permitted to examine  canvass sheets at police
headquarters. He said that Lenora Fulani, who campaigned full time and
spent about $100,000,  got only about  6,000 more votes  than  he  did
spending about $10,000.
Givot (Region 7)  summarized the status  of the state parties  in  his
region.  He said  the Kansas party was disappointed about the apparent
failure of their  ballot drive, and  that the Illinois party was "down
in the dumps"  because of not  getting on the ballot this year and the
court ruling against a tax limitation initiative.
Johnson (Region 8)  submitted a written  report  [Attachment  CC]  and
reviewed highlights from it.
Walter said that these were the best regional reports he had seen, and
noted that everyone  seemed to know what was going on in their states.
He proposed that  we allow five  minutes each for discussion  of three
action items that had come up during the reports.
[Gingell assumed the chair.]
Allard reviewed the  history of the  incorporation of the Alaska LP as
"ALP Inc." due  to the prior  incorporation by another group using the
name "Libertarian Party  of Alaska, Inc."; the Alaska LP has requested
documentation from the  national LP that  they are the real affiliate.
Ahmad moved to  affirm that ALP  Inc. is the affiliate. Givot moved to
substitute that we  ask  both  groups  for  information  and  let  the
Executive Committee  decide  between  them.  Gingell  noted  that  our
records of state  party officers show  that the current chair  of  ALP
Inc. is the  successor of the  person who was chair  prior  to  either
incorporation.  Ahmad noted  that the delegates  selected by ALP  Inc.
had been seated at the last convention with no objection.
[Walter resumed the chair.]
Givot said he  was uncomfortable deciding  without  more  information.
Allard moved to postpone consideration to tomorrow and try to get more
information. Andre Marrou  was allowed to  address the Committee,  and
said that "ALP"  was the historical  name used by the Alaska party and
that ALP Inc.  is the true successor organization. Allard withdrew her
motion to postpone,  and Givot withdrew his motion to substitute.  The
main motion passed unanimously.
Dasbach said that  the Georgia lawsuit situation shows that we need to
allow room in  the budget  for  miscellaneous  legal  action.  Redpath
suggested deferring discussion  until after making  a  decision  about
holding a convention  in 1996, since  that would lead  to  many  other
legal cases.
Givot moved that  we pay for  the legal expenses so far, approximately
$600.  Dehn said  that this would be setting a precedent that we might
not want to set, and that we shouldn't necessarily be paying the whole
O'Brien moved to  postpone until discussion  of the budget; the motion
failed on a  voice vote.  The  main motion failed  on  a  voice  vote.
Dasbach noted that  although he supported  paying for taking this case
to the Supreme  Court, he voted  no at this time  because there is  no
money in the 1990 budget for it.
Robert Creager  (Region  5  alternate,  temporarily  substituting  for
Thies) moved to  instruct the  Secretary  to  send  a  letter  to  Joe
Trollinger  from  the   LNC  saying  that  "the  Libertarian  National
Committee totally  disagrees  with  Larry  Sullivan's  opinions  about
religious people and his vulgar expression of his opinions. We welcome
the participation of  all people, religious  as well as non-religious,
sharing the Libertarian  non-aggression  principle.  We  believe  your
reaction to Sullivan's  vulgarity  demonstrates  that  you  share  our
socially tolerant views, and we ask you to reconsider your decision to
resign from our party."
Redpath noted that Trollinger apparently resigned for other reasons.
Ahmad moved to  insert "irrational  display  of"  before  "vulgarity".
Alexander objected that  we should not  be making  a  statement  about
someone's state of  mind. Ahmad commented:  "I  am  amazed  that  some
people still can't  grasp the difference  between expressing your  own
opinion and professing  to express someone else's; it is _our_ opinion
that Sullivan's vulgarity  is irrational,  not  his."  Ahmad's  motion
failed on a show of hands.
Redpath moved to  delete "opinions about religious people"; the motion
passed on a  voice vote with  Ahmad voting no.  The main motion passed
on a voice vote.
16. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE  REPORT: Allard submitted  a  written  report
[Attachment G] and  a budget proposal [Attachment H] and had a display
of membership-related material  set up on  the wall. She reported that
the "good as  gold" mailing was  very successful, and handed the coins
over to Dunbar.  She noted that  the renewal  letters  which  she  was
planning  to  have  Committee  members  sign  this  weekend  contained
incorrect information about  Richard Shepard's election  results,  but
could be reprinted at a cost of about $14.
Allard moved to  delete section III  of Resolution 65, which  provides
for contributions to  be automatically treated as membership renewals.
Dasbach noted that  something in the  resolution needs to define "dues
are  current".   Ernsberger   said  that  in  the  past  few  years  a
significant portion of our renewal rate has been accounted for by such
automatic rewewal based  on contributions. Other comments included: we
can  still  solicit   such  people  for  dues  in  addition  to  their
contribution; we should  decide one way or another how we are going to
handle this and stick with it; it can be confusing for someone to give
a contribution and  shortly thereafter be solicited for dues; renewing
as a member should be a conscious choice; a checkoff could be provided
on contribution forms  to indicate whether  it should  be  counted  as
dues; some people  want to  contribute  without  being  counted  as  a
member.  Alexander said that a problem with the current system is that
it treats people  differently based on  what form they use  for  their
contribution and on  whether they make their contribution in one chunk
or several.  Walter said that a change like this would make comparison
of membership statistics  less meaningful.  Dehn  said  he  would  not
support this change  by itself because  large  contributors  would  be
getting notices telling  them they won't  get LP News unless  they pay
another $15.  Dasbach  suggested considering the  package  of  changes
proposed by Perry  Willis first, and coming back to individual changes
only if that doesn't pass.
Allard withdrew her  motion  and  moved  that  we  adopt  the  changes
contained in Willis' plan [Attachment DD].
Willis pointed out  that the only  standing resolution affected by his
proposal is Resolution  65; the other policy changes are ones that can
be implemented by  the various committees on their own.  In reply to a
question from Ernsberger,  Willis said  that  we  should  be  able  to
improve our renewal  rate and that  the renewal  rate  should  not  be
seriously affected by  an  increase  in  the  dues.   Allard,  O'Brien
[Attachment EE], and  Ahmad expressed reservations  about raising  the
dues.  (Thies also  submitted written comments  concerning dues levels
[Attachment I].) Redpath said that he has supported an increase to $25
for a long  time, and that  we need as members  not  just  people  but
"people with money  and energy".  There  was general approval  of  the
concept of integrating the pledge program with premium memberships and
giving meaning to  the premium memberships.   In reply to  a  question
from Johnson, Willis said it was his intent that the new plan would go
into effect 1  February.  Ernsberger warned  that if this plan doesn't
work our efforts  to get ready  for 1992 could collapse, and suggested
putting off the  change until after  that election.  Walter  expressed
concern that a  drop in membership  statistics resulting from a policy
change would be  badly perceived.  Givot said that now, right after an
election, was the least risky time to make such a change.  In response
to questions from Neale, Dunbar said that about 30% of our members are
currently at the  "subscribing" level, and  that some sort of increase
was called for  because of postal rate increases.  Dasbach and Redpath
commented that our current policy is not providing the funds necessary
for what we  need to do.   Ahmad  said  that  arguments  for  specific
features of the  plan did not  justify the whole package,  and that  a
revenue decline was  probable as a  result of the dues  increase.   In
reply to questions  from Dehn,  Willis  clarified  that  what  he  was
proposing was the  membership schedule on  pages 4-5 of his memo, plus
the provision for  $10 dues payment  by affiliate parties, to  replace
the existing sections  I-III of Resolution  65.   O'Brien  noted  that
categories "subscribing" and  above  would  be  counted  for  delegate
allocation purposes.
At Ahmad's request,  a roll  call  vote  was  conducted.  Voting  yes:
Gingell, Dehn, Fielder,  Black,  Alexander,  Redpath,  Allard,  Neale,
Dasbach, Crickenberger, Givot,  Kirkland; voting no:  Ahmad,  O'Brien,
Creager,  Johnson,  Walter;  abstaining:  Segal.   The  motion  passed
Allard said she would work with Dehn to write up the changes in a form
of an amendment to the existing resolutions.
[The meeting was  recessed at 6:19pm,  and was called back to order by
Dave Walter at 9:00am on Sunday, 9 December.]
16A. APPROVAL OF  PREVIOUS MINUTES, part 2: The minutes of the meeting
of 11-12 August 1990 were approved on a voice vote.
16B. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE  REPORT, part 2: Allard moved to suspend the
rules to approve  wording of changes  to Resolution 65 reflecting  the
plan adopted yesterday; there was no objection.
Allard moved that Resolution 65 be amended as follows:
   I. MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES. The membership categories of the Party
   shall be as follows:
   BASIC --
   Obligation: sign the certification statement.
   Benefits: membership packet, card, two issues of LP News, year end
      report, and delegate eligibility.
   Obligation: certification statement, plus $25 per year.
   Benefits: same as Basic Member plus LP News subscription and
      counts as current member toward affiliate's delegate
   Obligation: certification statement and $10 per month credit card
      or EFT pledge, or a one time $100 contribution, or $100 in
      cumulative contributions in a twelve month period.
   Benefits: same as Subscribing Member, plus Liberty Pledge News.
   Obligation: certification statement and $25 per month credit card
      or EFT pledge, or a one time $250 contribution, or $250 in
      cumulative contributions in a twelve month period.
   Benefits: same as Sustaining Member, plus the benefits of the Vice
      President's Club.
   PATRON --
   Obligation: certification statement and $50 per month credit card
      or EFT pledge, or a one time $500 contribution, or $500 in
      cumulative contributions in a twelve month period.
   Benefits: same as Sponsor, plus the benefits of the President's
   Obligation: certification statement and $100 per month credit card
      or EFT pledge, or a one time $1000 contribution, or $1000 in
      cumulative contributions in a twelve month period.
   Benefits: same as Patron, plus life membership and the benefits of
      the Torch Club.
   II. NATIONAL DUES REDUCTION. An affiliate party may obtain a
   national subscribing membership or LP News subscription for $10.
   If the affiliate organization agrees, this can be done through a
   local LP organization.
Thies, noting that  a person may be eligible to be a delegate by being
a member  of  an  affiliate  party,  moved  to  delete  "and  delegate
eligibility" from the description of basic member benefits; the motion
passed on a voice vote.
Dehn moved to  delete "or a one time $X contribution" from each of the
premium levels, on the basis that such a contribution would already be
counted under the  provision for cumulative  contributions of the same
amount; the motion passed on a voice vote.
Givot suggested that  a 60% discount  for state parties was  too much,
and said just LP News and processing costs would account for $10.
Black moved to  insert "for an individual" before "for $10" in section
II; there was no objection.
Givot moved to  amend the amount  paid by state  parties  to  be  $20.
Dasbach said that  the main objection  from state  chairs  to  a  dues
increase was that  the combination of state and national dues would be
too much; Crickenberger  observed that even at $10 we would be getting
more for memberships from state parties than currently.
Ahmad moved to  substitute that the  Basic dues  be  changed  to  $20,
saying that the  jump from $15  to $25 was too  great. Neale  said  it
would cause less  trouble  to  have  one  $10  increase  than  two  $5
Ahmad's motion to substitute passed 8 to 7. The substituted motion (to
make the Basic  dues be $20) failed 8 to 8.  The main motion (to amend
Resolution 65) passed on a voice vote.
17. PROGRAM COMMITTEE  REPORT: Givot presented proposed planks on "The
Savings and Loan  Fiasco" and "The  Right to Keep and Bear Arms" and a
letter from a  member concerning the  "Environment" plank  [Attachment
J].  He reported  that Tonie Nathan  was working on a plank concerning
Givot moved approval  of the savings  and  loan  plank,  with  several
modifications in wording  [Attachment KK]; he  explained that  he  was
asking just for an approval of the text, with a decision about whether
to actually replace  some existing plank  to be made  later.  After  a
brief discussion, the motion passed on a voice vote.
Givot moved approval  of the right  to keep and bear  arms plank, with
several modifications  in  wording  [Attachment  LL].  After  a  brief
discussion, the motion passed on a voice vote.
Givot asked for  comment from the  Committee on whether we should keep
the Environment plank  in the Program,  suggesting that even though it
is a popular issue it is one where our position is not easy to market.
The general reaction  was to keep  what we have for now even though it
is not entirely  satisfactory, and to invite those who object to it to
propose an alternative.
Givot moved to  drop the AIDS and Immigration planks from the Program,
explaining that he would have proposals for integrating the AIDS topic
into the Health  Care plank and  the immigration topic into  the  Free
Trade plank at the April meeting.  Ahmad moved to divide the question;
there was no objection.
The motion to drop the AIDS plank passed on a voice vote.
After some discussion  of whether it was really necessary to include a
plank on the right to keep and bear arms in the Program at this point,
given that the  text lacks any  specific interim  steps  and  that  we
already have a  brochure on  the  subject,  the  motion  to  drop  the
Immigration plank failed on a voice vote.
Givot moved to insert the savings and loan plank; the motion passed on
a voice vote.
18. OUTREACH  COMMITTEE  REPORT:  Black  submitted  a  written  report
[Attachment K].  She reported that there are people who are willing to
work on advertising  even if we don't have a large budget for it; they
are willing to work on print and radio as well as TV.
She  recommended  against  participation  in  the  "Third  Continental
Congress" because we  have other things  to work on. Other  members of
the Committee suggested  that we tell  them that we are  interested in
finding out more but that we cannot commit our members to the project.
She also recommended  against involvement in  the  "Coalition  Against
Child Abuse", which  appears to be concerned with Canadian divorce and
child custody laws.
Black moved to amend Resolution 187 to read:

   An Outreach Committee is created under the "General
   Guidelines for Action Committees" to develop and implement
   a program to educate the general public about libertarian
   ideas and to persuade individuals to join the party.  The
   program should include both electoral and non-electoral
   public relations activities. The committee shall be
   responsible for development and distribution of appropriate
   literature. In targeting groups, the committee shall
   consider minorities and campus populations.

The motion passed on a voice vote.
In response to a question from Fielder, Black said that she would like
to have money  next year for developing additional literature, running
print ads, participating  in conferences, and  revising Liberty Today.
She said that  if the Bill  of Rights project is  adopted we will need
additional literature and  probably radio ads.  Money for national  TV
ads would be great but not something that seems practical to ask for.
Ernsberger said he  wanted $8000 for  college outreach and $5000  seed
money for the  Bill of Rights  project.  He said that outreach in 1990
had not been  aggressive, but that  this was not due  to budget  cuts;
there was a  lack of activity  by the Outreach Committee  or  lack  of
interest on the  part of affiliate  parties and the budget  was cut to
reflect that.  Black  responded that budget  constraints did cause her
to defer  work,  and  that  she  stopped  working  on  developing  new
brochures because the  last one she  produced, on The Free Market, was
not printed for lack of funds.
Ernsberger outlined plans  for a Bill of Rights project, starting with
a campus outreach  effort and a fundraising letter to expired members.
In response to  a question from  Walter, he said that  he expected the
project to be  profitable.  In response  to questions from Gingell, he
said that contributions  were being  solicited  in  the  name  of  the
"Committee for the Bill of Rights" but that the letter did not promise
that the money would be spent exclusively on one project.  In response
to questions from  Givot, he said  that he could not  say for sure how
many people actually join as members from this kind of project; Walter
said that we benefit when we can get non-members to fund our projects.
19. CONVENTION OVERSIGHT  COMMITTEE REPORT: Neale  submitted a written
report [Attachment FF].  He said that  LEI has  provided  a  tentative
schedule [Attachment L]  and has no  major problems to report.  He has
informed them that  the schedule has the pre-convention LNC meeting on
the wrong day, and that a Bylaws Committee meeting and post-convention
LNC meeting need  to be provided  for. LEI has suggested  that the LNC
meeting be on  Monday rather than  Sunday night, so as not to conflict
with our "Diehard  Dinner" fundraising event. He said he told LEI that
the presidential banquet  should be prime  rib if we expect  to  raise
lots of money;  Segal suggested that  there be a pasta alternative for
There was a  discussion of the  starting time for convention business,
which is shown  as 11:00am in  the schedule.  An  earlier  time  would
allow for more  business but, if it means that another event cannot be
held in the same room immediately before, could make it more difficult
to start on time and to get C-SPAN coverage of the business session.
Thies moved that  business begin  at  10:30am.   After  a  straw  poll
indicated that more  people supported starting at 11, O'Brien moved to
substitute 11.  After  further discussion, Neale  said he would inform
LEI that we  want to be  flexible and not commit  to a  starting  time
until arrangements are  made with C-SPAN.   O'Brien and Thies withdrew
their motions.
Neale reported that  LEI wants us  to buy a program  for  making  name
badges and rent it to them; his recommendation is that we not get into
the program rental business.
20. 1993 CONVENTION PROPOSALS: Neale noted that bids had been received
for two locations:  San Diego (letter  [Attachment M]) and  Salt  Lake
City [Attachment N].
Neale moved to  accept  Salt  Lake  City  as  the  site  of  the  1993
convention.  He  said  both  have  adequate  resources  to  put  on  a
convention, but that  he favored Salt Lake City because: (1) San Diego
is more of a media center and thus more appropriate for a presidential
year, and (2)  we should  offer  a  less  expensive  location  in  the
non-presidential year.  He said Pat Wright should be invited to submit
a bid for next time.
O'Brien said he favored San Diego because the larger population in the
area would result in greater attendance and that it was cheaper to fly
to California than  to Utah.  Dasbach  said he favored Salt  Lake City
because Bob Waldrop  promised to set  a new  standard  for  convention
The motion to accept Salt Lake City passed on a voice vote.
Dasbach moved to  invite Pat Wright  to submit  a  bid  for  the  next
convention.  Thies moved  to  substitute  that  we  thank  Wright  for
submitting a proposal  and motivating  a  response  from  the  winning
bidder. The motion  to substitute and  the main motion passed  without
[The meeting was  recessed at 11:25am  and was called back to order by
Dave Walter at 11:43am.]
21. 1996 CONVENTION:  Givot submitted a  written report [Attachment O]
on holding a  convention in 1996 rather than 1995. Advantages of doing
this include expanding  the window for  candidates who  wish  to  seek
matching funds and placing our nominating process during a period when
people are thinking  about it.  He  said we need to make this decision
now so that  we will have  legal standing to challenge  the laws which
set early petition deadlines.
Givot moved: (1)  that the 1996  Presidential Nominating Convention of
the Libertarian Party  shall be held  in the month of  June, 1996, and
(2) that bids  from prospective organizers of that convention shall be
reviewed by the National Committee between August, 1991, and December,
Redpath said he  thought that Richard  Winger overrates the ability of
the LP to  do petitioning, so  more states will be in danger of losing
ballot status than  Winger suggests in  his  report.   Various  people
pointed out that  it would be possible to switch back to 1995 if legal
efforts proved unsuccessful, but Givot said it was important to make a
commitment now or the legal work would have no basis.
Other reasons cited  for attempting to  go to an even  year  included:
providing more of  a chance to  see  potential  candidates  in  action
before making the  nomination; pushing more states into allowing us to
get on the  ballot  by  a  party  petition  rather  than  one  with  a
candidate's name, which might help us qualify for other races; opening
up the possibility  of  other  improvements  in  ballot  access  laws;
maintaining the interest  of supporters of all candidates through more
of the petitioning  process; and getting  the interest of the media in
the election year.
The motion passed on a voice vote.
23. MEDIA RELATIONS  COMMITTEE REPORT:  Johnson  reported  that  Tonie
Nathan's contract had  been shortened  by  several  weeks  because  of
budget problems.  Nathan  provide a  written  report  [Attachment  P].
Johnson moved  to  adopt  a  resolution  thanking  her  for  her  work
[Attachment MM]; the motion passed on a voice vote.
Allard reported that  Nathan will be finishing up the task of entering
information on her  media contacts into  her computer; Walter said the
file should be  turned over to  Johnson if  Nathan  is  not  hired  to
continue the work.
Johnson  reported  that  Nathan  wanted  to  be  reimbursed  for  some
additional expenses, but  that he did  not think this was  appropriate
because she went beyond her budget, was told that additional money was
not likely to  be available, and  did not seek approval  for projects.
Dasbach  said  that   we  should  reimburse  her  for  those  expenses
specifically resulting from  followup of the  election, as opposed  to
new projects.  Johnson noted that there is an 800 number which we will
have to move somewhere if Nathan does not continue with media work.
Johnson said that  almost any budget  for  media  relations  could  be
justified, and noted  that this was  an area of spending most approved
of by activists.  He said that  interest had been expressed  in  doing
media work by  Nathan, MKR Associates,  Jim McClarin, and Joe  Knight,
but that the  proposals did not  really say what they would do, except
for Nathan who  has defined the  current position. In  response  to  a
question from Ernsberger,  he said that the highest priority should be
given to responding  to inquiries, second to thanking media people for
good coverage and  maintaining a list of favorable contacts, and third
to sending out  news releases. Dasbach  said that lining up people for
talk shows is a cost-effective activity.
23A. BALLOT ACCESS  COMMITTEE REPORT: Redpath moved to consider ballot
access at this time; there was no objection.
He provided a  written report [Attachment  GG] outlining the status of
all the states, and noted two changes: Utah now has ballot status, and
petitioning in Oklahoma  can start as  soon as we know our candidates.
He said gross  fundraising requirements will  total about $400,000, of
which about $130,000 would be needed during 1991.
He said that  telemarketing efforts had  been pushed back by  the poor
response  to  the   Paul  Jacob  fundraising   letter,  but  that  the
approximately   $6,000   BAF    balance   resulted   primarily    from
telemarketing. He said  he expected fundraising for ballot access from
now on to be the responsibility of the Finance Committee.
Ahmad noted that some additional help might be needed for Maryland.
24. FINANCE COMMITTEE  REPORT: Alexander presented  a  written  report
[Attachment HH]. He  said that the trends for this year have been bad,
but noted a  recent peak in  contributions when fundraising for ballot
access and for  Campaign '90 are  counted.  He expressed hope that the
new membership and  pledge structure would  allow us to  better  cover
overhead,  making  possible   more  effective  fundraising  for  other
projects; he noted  that "overhead" is  not bad, and actually includes
many of the  things that members  expect us to be  doing.  He said  he
would be trying  harder on making the pledge program succeed, would be
working immediately on  the Torch  Club,  and  was  working  with  the
Convention Oversight Committee  on planning fundraising  activities at
the convention.
There was a  general discussion of  what our fundraising problems  are
and what can  be done to  solve them. Walter noted  that we have  more
contributors than before  but each is giving less. Ernsberger provided
statistics on the  performance of recent  letters, suggested  that  to
turn the pledge  program around would  require  a  contractor  working
specifically on that,  and criticized recent  fundraising  efforts  as
"not  aggressive".  Other  comments  included:  we  need  to  consider
separately "outreach" vs.  "fundraising" mailings; we  should be  more
conservative in our  revenue projections; some  forms  of  fundraising
work  better  for   certain  projects,  e.g.,  telemarketing  is  most
successful when applied  for ballot access  or TV ads; we  need to  do
better at asking for larger amounts.
24A. BUDGET COMMITTEE  REPORT:  Fielder  presented  a  written  report
[Attachment II], outlining  projected revenue and  projected  cost  of
headquarters operation and  LP News, and  proposing ways to spend  the
balance, based on requests from various committees.
There was  a  general  discussion  of  the  validity  of  the  revenue
projections, with various  people expressing concern  about the effect
of changes in  membership/pledge policy, the effect of integrating BAC
fundraising with the  rest of our  operations,  and  the  accuracy  of
projections for particular categories of revenue.  Fielder said he had
taken a "generalized  conservative optimistic approach", and cautioned
that attempts to  increase the accuracy  of isolated line items  would
not necessarily improve the accuracy of the total.
Gingell moved to  adopt the Headquarters Fundraising numbers in column
C on page 2 of Fielder's proposed budget.
Walter moved to  amend the Liberty  Pledge figures to $120,000  gross,
$30,000 cost, $90,000  net.  Redpath  moved  to  substitute  $100,000,
$15,000, $85,000.  Various  people argued against these changes on the
basis that they  involved a greater  percentage of cost  than  in  the
original proposal, that  the original numbers  already represented  an
increase over this  year, and that achieving such results for the year
as a whole would require unlikely improvements in the short term.
The motion to substitute Redpath's numbers for Walter's numbers passed
on a voice  vote. After some  further discussion of the  difficulty of
achieving incremental improvements  in this area, the motion to change
the numbers in the budget proposal failed on a voice vote.
Walter moved to  amend the Dues  via  Affiliates  figures  to  $75,000
gross, $45,000 cost,  $30,000 net, to  account for the new dues policy
and the increased  incentive for dues  payment through state  parties.
Several people argued  that the discount  to state parties should  not
show as a  "cost" on our  books, since we never  see the money and the
states are not required to charge any particular amount.
O'Brien moved to  substitute $20,000  gross,  $0  cost,  $20,000  net.
Ahmad moved to divide the question, considering the question of "cost"
separately from increasing  the net amount  to $30,000; there  was  no
objection.  The motion  to treat  gross  and  net  as  equal  in  this
category passed by a vote of 9 to 4.
Givot moved to  amend the remaining portion of the motion, which would
increase net dues  via affiliates to  $30,000, to also  reduce  direct
mail renewal gross  and net by $6,600, arguing that if more people are
going to renew  through state parties  fewer will do so directly.  The
amendment passed on a voice vote.
The motion to  apply these changes  to the proposed budget failed on a
voice vote.
Ahmad moved to reduce the figures for Direct Mail In House to $100,000
gross, $44,000 cost, $56,000 net, arguing that the dues increase would
mean a decrease  in other contributions.  The motion failed on a voice
The main motion  to adopt page  2 passed on a  voice vote. Ahmad noted
that he would have proposed other changes but it was obvious that they
would not have passed.
Walter moved to  adopt the remaining  revenue figures,  as  listed  in
column C on page 4, with the exception that convention revenue figures
be $20,000 gross,  $2,000 cost, $18,000 net.  Ahmad moved to amend the
convention figures to  be $11,000/$1,000/$10,000  as  in  the  report.
After  some  discussion   of  the  difficulty  in  projecting  banquet
fundraising performance and  the desirability of leaving the total net
unchanged, Ahmad's amendment  passed on a voice vote.  The main motion
to adopt page 4 passed on a voice vote.
After  Fielder  outlined  some  reshuffling  of  headquarters  expense
categories since last  year, Givot moved  to adopt the expense figures
in column C  on page 6.  In response to questions from various members
of the Committee,  Dunbar explained the  changes from 1990 in  various
figures. The motion to adopt page 6 passed on a voice vote.
Crickenberger moved to  adopt the Management  Expense figures  in  the
third column on  page 8.  Givot  moved to add a  line for legal costs,
not to include legal fees, of $5,000, saying that this would allow the
Executive  Committee  to   take  advantage  of   offers  of  pro  bono
representation.  There was  discussion of whether  this would  require
cutting out something  else, and whether  the normal authority of  the
Chair to spend  $1,000 was enough to cover this kind of thing. Dasbach
moved to substitute  $2,000 for  $5,000.   The  motion  to  substitute
$2,000 passed on  a voice vote.  The motion to add the legal cost line
passed on a  voice vote.  The  main motion  to  adopt  the  Management
Expense section passed on a voice vote.
Fielder moved to  adopt the Affiliate  Parties Services figures in the
third column on  page 8.  Gingell  moved to replace those figures with
the following:
     contractors              9,000
     committee expenses      12,500
     Campaign '91/'92         8,000
She explained that  this was a  significant cut from 1990, but allowed
for more staff  assistance in the  campaign area;  the  contract  work
would be part time and these figures would not include media work.
Ahmad moved to substitute $3,000 for the Campaign category; the motion
passed on a voice vote.
In response to  a question from  Thies,  Gingell  said  that  reducing
contractor expense to $3,000 would mean no money for an administrative
contractor.  Thies moved  to  substitute  $6,000  for  the  contractor
category; the motion failed on a voice vote.
Laura Stewart was  permitted to speak  on the importance of  funds for
campaign research; Dasbach  responded that we  should wait until April
to allocate funds for that since we don't have the money now to spend.
The motion to  replace the original  numbers by Gingell's  numbers  as
amended passed on a voice vote. The main motion to adopt the Affiliate
Parties section passed on a voice vote.
Walter moved to adopt the Membership Services section as on page 8 but
with LP News  being $67,500 rather  than $70,000.   Dasbach  moved  to
amend the LP  News amount to $70,000, saying that he wanted to be sure
that there would  be enough pages  to include campaign information and
that having a  12 page issue  every month starting in  March  will  be
something we can  show to members  as improved service.  O'Brien  said
that since his  committee has no  budget of his own,  he also will  be
relying on an  enlarged LP News to get information to members.  Others
expressed concern about  increasing this category in light of the lack
of reserves.  The  motion to increase  LP News to $70,000  passed on a
vote of 9  to 5.  The  main motion to adopt  the  Membership  Services
section passed on a voice vote.
Johnson moved to  adopt the Outreach  figures in column A  on page  8.
Johnson then moved  to increase the Media Relations amount from $5,000
to $10,000 to  allow for the contract work no longer covered under the
Affiliate Parties section.  O'Brien moved to substitute that the Media
Relations line be increased to $10,000 and the CEDV line be reduced to
zero.  There was  a discussion of  whether we had made a commitment to
spend any particular  amount of money  generally fighting the  War  on
Drugs or specifically on CEDV.
At Ahmad's request,  a roll  call  vote  was  conducted  on  O'Brien's
motion.  Voting yes:  Gingell, Dehn, Fielder,  Ahmad,  Segal,  Allard,
O'Brien, Dasbach, Crickenberger,  Kirkland, Johnson; voting no: Thies;
abstaining: Neale. The motion passed 11:1:1.
Fielder said he  was disturbed that  we had budgeted lots of money for
outreach in 1990 and it didn't get used, and that we were allocating a
large amount of  our discretionary funds  the same way this  year with
the same Outreach  chair. He suggested  that the money would be better
spent on trying to get a few specific projects done.  Walter said that
Black had offered  to resign if  somebody else wanted to  do the  job.
Nobody volunteered.
Dasbach moved to  set the Outreach  Committee Other Projects  line  to
zero; the motion passed on a voice vote.
The main motion to adopt the Outreach section passed on a voice vote.
Walter moved to adopt a capital budget as follows:
        comprehensive software package    6,000
        furniture and fixtures            3,000
        leasehold improvements            3,000
        computer hardware                 2,000
Dunbar explained that  the software budget  was for a package  that he
might want to  buy, but that  he hadn't yet gone  over  it  with  John
Famularo; that the  furniture, fixtures,  and  leasehold  improvements
were for fixing  up the office on which we just signed a 3 year lease;
and the hardware  budget was  to  cover  the  expected  failure  of  a
computer due to  airborne particulates.  Dunbar said that the software
expenditure was not  certain; Ahmad moved  to delete it; there  was no
objection.  After a brief discussion of how the leasehold improvements
figure was arrived  at, Ahmad moved  to increase  it  to  $4,000;  the
motion passed on  a voice vote.   The main motion to adopt the capital
budget passed on a voice vote.
26. INTERNAL EDUCATION  COMMITTEE REPORT: O'Brien  submitted a written
report [Attachment JJ]  and highlighted  various  projects  including:
developing material  to  be  published  in  LP  News;  preparation  of
material for local activists; his Libertarian MBA manual; a leadership
training program he is working on with Janet Parkes.
APRC had received  some items from  the Outreach Committee  but  there
were no problems with them.
28. LP NEWS REPORT: Langhenry thanked various members of the Committee
for their help  and encouraged everyone to send in material from their
local areas. Walter suggested there should be more material on current
events rather than just LP activities.  In response to a question from
Ahmad, Langhenry said  he would probably  be printing the new  Program
plank we just  passed; he would  be willing to run  the whole  Program
again if we  want but would  prefer to do it  a plank at  a time.   In
reponse to a question from Thies, he said that he sometimes has had to
turn down large articles about activities in some states.  In response
to a question  from Alexander, he  said that he was not supporting any
particular presidential candidate  and would give  them coverage based
on what they do.
29. LEGAL ACTION  COMMITTEE REPORT: Walter  said that to the extent we
need legal help  he has been  relying on David Bergland and Bill Hall.
He said he  would include in  his column in the  LP News a request for
lawyers to do pro bono work.
30. AUDITOR'S REPORT:  Thies submitted a written report [Attachment Q]
which said that  there were no  financial statements for him to audit.
He said that  he would schedule  an audit of the  year end  statements
before our next meeting.
There was a  discussion of how  and when we should respond to Marrou's
offer to let  us audit his  campaign finances.  Dehn moved  to appoint
Thies to be  our auditor of  the Marrou for  President  Campaign.   In
response to a question from Segal, Thies said that if other candidates
made a similar  offer we would  establish criteria for when  to  start
auditing them, based  on something like  the amount of  money  raised.
The motion to appoint Thies passed on a voice vote.
32. CONCLUDING BUSINESS: Segal noted that the individual from New York
who had been  allocated time to speak at the end of the meeting was no
longer present.
In response to  a question from  Ahmad, Dehn said he  expected to have
the minutes of  this meeting prepared  in compliance with the deadline
set by resolution.
Marla Bottemiller thanked the Committee for giving her the opportunity
to work as Field Coordinator.
In response to  a question from  Walter, Crickenberger said  that  the
hotel for the next meeting had not been decided yet.
Walter noted that  after consultation with Gingell he had decided that
the Party should  not sign on  as friend of the  court in the  Rainbow
Lobby's case against  the Commission on Presidential Debates, since it
appeared to be an attempt to take away somebody's tax exemption.
Kirkland reported that as our representative to the Coalition for Free
and Open Elections  she had voted to allow the Populist Party to join;
the Greens were  the only other group voting yes. Thies noted that the
New Alliance Party voted no.
Ahmad moved to adjourn; the motion passed on a voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph W. Dehn III
[Attachments distributed prior to the meeting]
A. Vice Chair's Report
B. Management Committee Report
C. Affiliate Parties Committee Report
D. Affiliate Campaigns Subcommittee Report
E. Region 3 Report
F. Region 5 Report
G. Membership Committee Report
H. Membership Committee Budget Request
I. Thies Memo on Dues Levels
J. Program Committee Report
K. Outreach Committee Report
L. LEI Report
M. San Diego Convention Bid Letter
N. Salt Lake City Convention Bid Material
O. Report on Holding Convention in 1996
P. Media Relations Director Report
Q. Auditor's Report
[Attachments distributed at the meeting]
R. Treasurer's Report
S. Marrou Pledge on Matching Funds / TV Ads
T. Marrou Pledge on Ownership of Names
U. Marrou Pledge on Auditing
V. Headquarters Operations Audit
W. APC Contract Proposal Summaries
X. Analysis of 1992 Congressional Races
Y. Region 1 Report
Z. Region 2 Report
AA. Region 4 Report
BB. Region 6 Report
CC. Region 8 Report
DD. Perry Willis Membership/Finance Proposal
EE. O'Brien Comments on Dues Levels
FF. Convention Oversight Committee Report
GG. Ballot Access Committee Report
HH. Finance Committee Report
II. Budget Committee Report
JJ. Internal Education Committee Report
[Attachments not previously distributed]
KK. Program Plank Text: Savings and Loan Fiasco
LL. Program Plank Text: Right to Keep and Bear Arms
MM. Resolution Thanking Tonie Nathan
NN. Budget as Adopted