Libertarian National Committee (2018-2020)

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The Libertarian National Committee controls and manages the affairs, properties, and funds of the national Libertarian Party. During the current term it consists of the four party officers, five at-large members, and nine regional representatives (along with alternates).


Portrait Name Position Tenure
Nicholas sarwark1-200x250.png Nicholas Sarwark Chair 2014—present
Alex Merced.jpg Alex Merced Vice Chair July 2, 2018—present
CarynAnnHarlos-2017-LNC.jpg Caryn Ann Harlos Secretary July 2, 2018—present
Hagan, Timothy.png Tim Hagan Treasurer 2012—present


Portrait Name Position Tenure
Sam Goldstein At-Large May 2016—present
William "Bill" Redpath At-Large May 2016—present
Joshua Smith At-Large July 3, 2018—present
Joe Bishop-Henchman At-Large July 3, 2018—present
Alicia Mattson At-Large July 3, 2018—present


Preceded by:
Libertarian National Committee (2016-2018)
Libertarian National Committee
Succeeded by: