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The Libertarian Party of Orange County, California. (LPOC,CA)

This organization is the duly authorized Orange County affiliate of the Libertarian Party of California Central Committee under the Bylaws of the Libertarian Party of California and pursuant to the California Election Code.

We are currently the second strongest regional party in California. Our territory is Orange County.

Orange County is the home of Norm "Firecracker" Westwell, winner of a position on the Ocean View School District.

Here is a list of tasks to be done when a new set of officers are elected.

  1. Change the website passwords and give to the webmaster, Chair and Secretary. Website currently at POWWEB.COM.
  2. Change the administration password for Wordpress and give to the webmaster, Chair and Secretary.
  3. Change the names on the PO Box and recover all keys or change the locks. Decide who picks up the mail because often the secretary lives far from the PO box. The PO box is at the Santa Ana post office on Sunflower Street.
  4. Change the email addresses chair@lpoc.org, etc. to reflect the new officers.
  5. Announce officer elections 30 to 60 days in advance according to LPC bylaws.

Here is the LPOC,CA Calendar

External Links

Discussion Groups

  • LPOC-ECHO Official Discussion group for the LPOC, moderated.
  • LPOCECHO Unofficial discussion group for the LPOC, membership requires approval, owned by Norm Westwell.
  • OCLIBS Unofficial discussion group for the LPOC. Ross Steiber owns it but has been inactive for many months, and Bruce Cohen has moderation rights.

Web sites