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| Section 1. The State Chair shall serve as chair of his or her delegation, unless that delegation selects some other member of that delegation to serve as its chair, and so notifies the Secretary.
| | 1. The State Chair shall serve as chair of his or her delegation, unless that delegation selects some other member of that delegation to serve as its chair, and so notifies the Secretary. |
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| Section 2. In cases where a roll-call vote is required, polling shall be by state. The Secretary will ask for the vote from each state in alphabetical order, and the chair of each delegation shall report the vote for his or her state. The Convention seating will be by state delegations. If someone challenges the vote reported by any state's chair, the Secretary shall poll the delegates from that state individually.
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| Section 3: Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominations and elections for officers and at-large National Committee members shall be made from the convention floor by the delegates. Each delegation shall tabulate its total vote, and the delegation chair shall deliver a written total to the Secretary. When all delegations have submitted their votes, the Secretary shall declare the voting closed. At this point, a roll-call announcement of each delegation's vote total shall be made by delegation chairs in the order received.
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| Section 1. The current Platform shall serve as the basis of all future Platforms. At Regular Conventions, the existing Platform may be amended. Additional planks or additions to planks must be approved by two-thirds of the delegates present and voting. A platform plank may be deleted by a simple majority vote of the delegates present and voting.
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| Section 2. The Platform Committee shall meet to consider proposed amendments, prior to the Convention, and shall issue a report to the Convention. Its recommendations shall be reported to the floor on a plank-by-plank basis, and each shall be debated and voted upon separately, in the following order:
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| a. Those recommendations receiving a unanimous favorable vote in Committee;
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| b. Those recommendations receiving a unanimous favorable vote, less abstentions, in Committee;
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| c. Those recommendation receiving a favorable majority vote from the Committee, regarding which there is no minority report. (A minority report shall be defined as a report submitted to the Convention and Platform Committee Chairs in writing, by four or more members of the Platform Committee.)
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| d. Those recommendations receiving a favorable majority vote from the Committee, but with a minority report attached.
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| Section 3. Recommendation falling into the first three categories shall be debated and voted upon in the following manner:
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| a. The Platform Committee Chair, or some other person designated by him or her, shall read the proposed recommendation, and shall have up to two minutes to give the Committee's thinking in formulating the reconm1enda tion.
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| b. The Convention Chair shall then open the recommendation to discussion, for a period of 15 minutes. Amendments may be proposed from the floor, one at a time. The d leg te shall then vote on proposed amendments, with a simple maJority sufficient to amend. At the end of 15 minutes, a vote will be taken on whether to bring the recommendation (as amended, if this is the case) to a final vote for acceptance or rejection. If a majority vote is in favor of immediate consider ation, the vote to accept or reject the recommendation will follow immediately. If a majority vote against immediate con sideration, the proposed recommendation shall be tabled for later consideration, after all other recommendations receiving a favorable majority vote from the Platform Committee have been considered.
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| Section 4.- When all recommendations in the first three categories have received at least initial consideration, those in the fourth category shall be considered, in the following manner:
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| Spokesmen for both the Majority and Minority positions shall each have two minutes to present their views. The Chair shall then open consideration of both positions for 5 minutes, during which time any delegate may express his or hew views, but without offering amendments to either the Majority or Minority report. After 5 minutes, there will be a vote on which of the two reports shall be considered for purposes of adopting a recommenda tion. The report receiving the greater number of votes shall then be discussed and voted upon in the manner described in Section 3.
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| Section 5. After all recommendation receiving a favorable vote from a majority of the Platform Committee have received at least initial consideration, any delegate may proposed any Platform change from the floor. He or she may take up to two minutes to state and explain his or her proposal, with debating and voting procedure as described in Section 3.
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| Section 6. Finally, if time permits, proposals which were con sidered by the Platform Committee, but which receive an unfavor able vote from a majority of the Committee, may be considered; with a spokesman for the minority position giving the reasons in favor, and the Platform Committee Chair--or some other representa tive of the majority position--giving the reasons why it was voted down, before the proposal is taken to the floor for debate.
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| Section 7. At any time during the discussion on any Plank, any delegate may move to close debate on the Plank or amendment under discussion; a two-thirds vote is required to close debate.
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| | 2. In cases where a roll-call vote is required, polling shall be by state. The Secretary will ask for the vote from each state in alphabetical order, and the chair of each delegation shall report the vote for his or her state. The Convention seating will be by state delegations. If someone challenges the vote reported by any state's chair, the Secretary shall poll the delegates from that state individually. |
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