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Minutes. Libertarian National Committee. Regular Meeting, Saturday and Sunday, April 5 and 6, 1997. [Corrected.] The Libertarian National Committee met on Saturday and Sunday, April 5 and 6, 1997, in Washington, D.C., at the Georgetown Suites Hotel. The chair, Steve Dasbach, called the meeting to order on Saturday, April 5, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Jesse Markowitz announced that he had been elected to be the alternate from Region 2 to replace Bennett Rutledge and that the appointment was temporary. Steve Dasbach noted that Ron Crickenberger had resigned from the National Committee when he was hired as the political director at the national headquarters and a new at-large member needed to be elected. Ken Bisson nominated Barbara Goushaw, Dan Karlan nominated himself, and Joe Dehn nominated John Buttrick. Barbara Goushaw was elected. The vote by paper ballot was Goushaw 8, Karlan 3, and Buttrick 2. Present for all or part of the meeting were the following: chair, Stephen L. Dasbach; vice chair, Karen A. Allard; secretary, Gary E. Johnson; treasurer, Hugh A. Butler; at-large, Barbara Goushaw; at-large, William W. Hall; Region 1 representative, Joseph W. Dehn III; Region 1 representative, Paul Smith; Region 3 representative, Ken Bisson; Region 4 representative, Candi Copas; Region 6 representative, Mark A. Tuniewicz; Region 7 representative, Robert H. Franke; Region 8 representative, Geoffrey J. Neale; Region 2 alternate, Jesse Markowitz; Region 5 alternate, Daniel M. Karlan; and Region 7 alternate, Mike Ginsberg. Gary Johnson noted that Ron Crickenberger's resignation reduced the membership of the LNC Executive Committee. Gary Johnson nominated Joe Dehn for membership on the Executive Committee The motion passed on a voice vote. Minutes. Karen Allard moved to approve the minutes for the November 16 and 17 meeting. Dan Karlan said his name was once misspelled as "Kan." Joe Dehn said the word "distributing" was once misspelled as "distributine." Joe Dehn said a phrase in a resolution about LP News should be "a change of this magnitude," not "a change of the magnitude." Candi Copas said her name was misspelled as "Copus." The minutes as amended were approved. Joe Dehn said John Famularo had prepared a report on the 1996 national convention but it contained some errors. Agenda. Gary Johnson said he would like to see a separate item on the agenda at each meeting for discussion of LP News. Karen Allard noted that the meetings were producing a lot of paperwork. The national director, Perry Willis, said that at future meetings the agenda packet could be sent to members in advance, possibly by e-mail. Then, copies of all of the agenda material could be distributed by the staff in 3-ring binders to the LNC at the meeting, saving members from having to carry the large amount of paperwork to and from the meeting. The preparation of monthly financial reports was discussed. Executive Committee Minutes. Minutes of the LNC Exeuctive Committee were discussed. Hugh Butler said that the minutes for the March 12 meeting did not place enough emphasis on the desire to contact John Famularo about his possession of the corporate seal and a computer before sending him a letter from the legal counsel. Bill Hall, the legal counsel, said the minutes should said the letter would have asked, not demanded, the return of the property. Karen Allard said that sending a letter was discussed, but a motion to send a letter was not voted on. Joe Dehn said that the minutes for the December 18 meeting should have said changes in the data base system were being worked on by Daniel J. Gallagher, the director of operations, not Daniel Smith, the affiliates services coordinator. Chair. Steve Dasbach reported on the Success '97 seminars. Steve Dasbach reported on his plans for LP News, including his preference to produce it in-house at the headquarters with Bill Winter as editor. Joe Dehn complained that the editor, Randy Langhenry, was not getting communication from the national headquarters. For example, the editor did not receive copies of the LNC agenda packet or the monthly reports to state chairs. Perry Willis promised he would. Bill Winter said the staff would communicate more with Randy Langhenry. Gary Johnson said he thought LP News should stop running advertising. The policies for LP News advertising were discussed. Steve Dasbach noted that Randy Langhenry has had to decide what ads were acceptable. National Director. Perry Willis said the party was in debt, with $50,000 in past due payables. He said the petition drive for ballot access in North Carolina had been suspended and a graphic designer had not been hired. He said he wanted to test mailings for new membership using mailing lists and demographic data. There was a discussion of whether to pay for such a project while bills were due. Perry Willis said Dan Gallagher was working on a new Management Information System for the office computers. Perry Willis said a written report on the Presidential campaign would be finished in a week. Steve Dasbach described an arrangement where contributors to the Harry Browne for President campaign received a subscription to LP News and the campaign gave $25 to the party. He noted a correction to the 1996 income statement: it should show a $58,050 credit to membership income representing the dues payments and a $58,050 debit to prospecting expenses representing the value of the names provided by the campaign. Joe Dehn questioned the propriety of the original arrangement and the lack of documentation. It started before Harry Browne won the nomination and there was no written agreement. Joe Dehn said it violated the bylaws because the LNC sets dues and the LNC did not pass a resolution on this policy. Steve Dasbach said the policy was discussed at LNC and LNC Executive Committee meetings. Perry Willis said a policy on the relationship between the party and the Presidential campaign should be set. Steve Dasbach said the computer system being developed should make it easier to keep track of financial arrangements between the party and the Presidential campaign. Legal Counsel. Bill Hall reported on legal matters. The LNC went into executive session from 12:10 to 12:40 p.m. to hear from legal counsel. The meeting recessed from 12:40 to 2:20 p.m. EST for lunch. Director of Communications. The director of communications, Bill Winter, presented a written report. He said the platform has been brought up to date, thanks to Joe Dehn. Political Director. Ron Crickenberger said he had moved from Georgia to Arlington, Virginia. He said campaign consultant Jerry Russell would speak at Success '97 in Boston. Bob Franke asked about the list of Libertarians in office. Ron Crickenberger said it included elected and appointed officials, but he would like for it to eventually include only elected. Mike Ginsberg and Mark Tuniewicz said appointed officials were important. Ron Crickenberger said he was exploring ways to get donors to candidates to give to the party, perhaps through a fund for local targeted races or for advertising. National Conventions. Dan Karlan of the Convention Oversight Committee reported on the 1996 national convention. He said the independent contractor, FEE, had completed its work and provided an income statement. Since future conventions would be handled by the party instead of outside contractors, the Convention Oversight Committee dissolved. Steve Dasbach reported that a contract had been signed with the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, D.C., for the July 1998 national convention. The ballroom would have twice the space as the 1996 convention. Kris Williams described the 1998 hotel arrangements. The room rate was $105 per night for a single or a double. Perry Willis said the theme would be "The Road to Victory." Kris Williams said he was working on a site for the 2000 convention. Geoff Neale said it should be on the west coast. Treasurer. Hugh Butler presented a written report. He said he was looking forward to the new computer system. The issues of being in debt and which expenditures were deferrable were discussed. Candi Copas noted that the national party's support for the North Carolina ballot drive had been withdrawn suddenly. Audit. A written report by the Audit Committee chair, Tim Moir, was distributed. Bob Franke complained that the Audit Committee had met by telephone and he had not been told of the meeting. Geoff Neale said he was asking 20 CPA firms for information about the auditing services they offer and how much they would provide for $12,000. Regional Reports. Joe Dehn reported on Alaska, California, and Hawaii in Region 1 and Paul Smith reported on Oregon and the state of Washington in Region 1. Jesse Markowitz reported on Region 2. Ken Bisson reported on Region 3. Candi Copas reported on Region 4. Mark Tuniewicz reported on Region 6. Bob Franke reported on Region 7. Geoff Neale reported on Region 8. The meeting recessed at 6:00 p.m. EST. The meeting was called to order Sunday, April 6, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Dan Karlan reported on Region 5. Appointments. Karen Allard nominated David Bergland, Joe Dehn, and Bruce Baechler for the Advertising and Publications Review Committee. The motion passed on a voice vote. Mark Tuniewicz nominated Michael Tanner, Cecil Bohanan, and Paul Smith for the Program Committee. The motion passed on a voice vote. LNC Meetings. The site of the August 16-17 LNC meeting was discussed. Candi Copas suggested Raleigh, North Carolina. Karen Allard suggested Seattle, Washington. Hugh Butler suggested Salt Lake City, Utah. Paul Smith and Dan Karlan suggested Portland, Oregon. Geoff Neale moved to hold the August 16-17 LNC meeting in a "major hub city" and to authorize the LNC Executive Committee to make the decision. He said Kris Williams could gather information on possible sites and present it to the Executive Committee. The motion passed on a voice vote. 1996 Convention Report. Dan Karlan discussed the written report on the 1996 national convention prepared by the secretary John Famularo. Dan Karlan and Joe Dehn noted some typographical errors in the report. Bob Franke moved to postpone consideration of the convention report until the next LNC meeting. Director's Insurance. The subject of insurance for party officers and directors was briefly discussed. Perry Willis said John Famularo had researched the subject. The meeting recessed from 9:50 to 10:10 a.m. EDT. Resolution. Mark Tuniewicz moved to adopt the following resolution: "Whereas, The LNC was recently notified of the untimely passing of Jim Lewis; "Whereas, Mr. Lewis was a noted libertarian author and local activist, in addition to his service on the Libertarian National Committee; and "Whereas, Mr. Lewis wonderfully demonstrated a long history of service to the Libertarian Party and distinguished himself as our 1984 Vice Presidential candidate; "Resolved, Therefore, that the LNC mourns the passing of its friend Jim Lewis, a true defender of liberty." The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote. Policy Manual. Steve Dasbach and Joe Dehn presented a series of proposals they had written to revise the Policy Manual. Policy Manual, 1. Joe Dehn moved to: (1) Delete Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 9, Written Reports, "Any report that is to be presented at an LNC meeting should be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 18 days prior to the meeting. Reports should be submitted in computer readable form if possible. The Secretary shall develop the agenda for the meeting with the advice and consent of the Chair. The Secretary shall print the agenda and all reports and mail them to the LNC at least 14 days prior to the meeting." (2) Add the following language as Article I, General Policy; Section 1, Meetings; Part A, "Agenda and Reports: The agenda for each LNC meeting shall be jointly prepared by the Chair and the Secretary. Any report that is to be presented at an LNC meeting should be submitted at least 18 days prior to the meeting, preferably in computer readable form. The agenda and all reports shall be distributed to the LNC at least 14 days prior to the meeting." (3) Renumber Article I, General Policy; Section 1, Meetings; Part A, Open Meetings, to Part B. Renumber Article I, General Policy; Section 1, Meetings; Part D, Audio Tape Recordings, to Part C. Renumber Article I, General Policy; Section 1, Meetings; Part E, Alternates' Participation, to Part D. Renumber Article I, General Policy; Section 1, Meetings; Part B, Agenda, to Part E. Renumber Article I, General Policy; Section 1, Meetings; Part C, Procedure for Roll Call Votes, to Part F. The motion passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 2. Mark Tuniewicz moved to: (1) Delete Article III, Officers; Section 2, Position Description of National Secretary; Part C, "The Secretary shall keep a tally of mail ballots between meetings, and shall destroy the ballots after each meeting. Mail ballots shall not include accompanying argument for or against the passage of the motion. An LNC member may change his or her vote on a mail ballot. The change must be signed and dated and received by the Secretary by the deadline for return of ballots." (2) Add the following language as Article I, General Policy; Section 2, "Mail Ballots: "A. Mail ballots shall not include accompanying argument for or against passage of the motion. "B. An LNC member may change his or her vote on a mail ballot, provided that the change is signed, dated, and received by the Secretary by the deadline for return of ballots." (3) Renumber Article III, Officers; Section 2, Position Description of National Secretary; Part D to Part C, Part E to Part D, and Part F to Part E. (4) Renumber Article I, General Policy; Section 2 to Section 3, Section 3 to Section 4, and Section 4 to Section 5. The motion passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 3. Bob Frank moved to: (1) Change the language of Article III, Officers; Section 2, Position Description of the National Secretary; Part B, from "The Secretary shall prepare a synopsis of convention business, including committee reports and the records of voting for offices, for approval by the LNC." to "The Secretary shall prepare the official record of convention business, including adopted changes to the Platform and Bylaws, committee reports, resolutions, and the records of voting for offices, for approval by the LNC." The motion passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 4. Candi Copas moved to: (1) Change the title of Article IV from "National Headquarters" to "Staff." (2) Change the title of Article IV, Section 1, from "Responsibilities" to "LP Headquarters Responsibilities." The motion passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 5. Joe Dehn moved to: (1) Delete Article I, General Policy; Section 3, Conflict of Interest; Part D, "Neither the National Director nor any other employee of the Party shall: "1. Endorse, support, contribute any money, or use his or her title or position to aid any candidate in any Party primary, or in any campaign for office, or nomination, within the Party or any State Party. "2. Serve as a delegate to any National or State Party convention. "3. Permit LPHQ to be used by anyone at any time to aid any candidate in any Party primary, or in any campaign for office, or nomination, with the Party or any State Party." (2) Delete Article I, General Policy; Section 3, Conflict of Interest; Part E, "Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prevent the National Director or any employee of the Party from providing the same information and services that would be provided to any member of the Party to any such candidate." (3) Delete Article I, General Policy; Section 3, Conflict of Interest; Part F, "No Party funds may be expended in any of the types of campaigns described in this section." (4) Delete Article I, General Policy; Section 3, Conflict of Interest; Part G, "No employee of the Party shall be a member or alternate of the Libertarian LNC. Any person employed by the Party shall be terminated immediately upon his or her election to the LNC. This resolution shall be included in all employment agreements and contracts between the Party and its employees." (5) Delete Article I, General Policy; Section 3, Conflict of Interest; Part H, "Candidates: Nothing in the standing resolutions shall preclude the National Director and members of the LPHQ staff from being candidates for public office." (6) Add the following language as Article IV, Staff; Section 3, "Employment Policies. "A. Employees are bound by the Bylaws and the policies adopted by the LNC. A statement to this effect shall be included in all employment agreements and contracts between the Party and its employees. "B. No employee of the Party shall be a member or alternate of the LNC. Any person employed by the Party shall be terminated immediately upon his or her election to the LNC. "C. No employee shall serve as a delegate to any National or State Party convention. "D. No employee of the Party shall: "1. endorse, support, or contribute any money, "2. use his or her title or position, or "3. work as a volunteer, employee, or contractor, to aid: "1) any candidate for public office prior to the nomination or "2) any candidate for Party office. "However, this shall not preclude any Party employee from being a candidate for public office." Geoff Neale objected to telling staff members what they could do on their own time. Hugh Butler said the party had the right to set conditions of employment to which the staff agreed. Ron Crickenberger asked if the restrictions on helping candidates would prevent him from doing his job as political director. Ken Bisson moved to amend the motion by adding the language "Except as otherwise noted in the Policy Manual," at the start of Part D. The motion to amend passed on a voice vote. Paul Smith moved to amend the motion by changing Part D to "Except as otherwise noted in this policy manual, no employee of the Party shall use his or her title or position for any Libertarian candidate for public or Party office prior to their nomination." The motion to amend failed on a voice vote. Geoff Neale moved to amend the motion to change "be terminated" in Part B to "resign." The motion to amend failed on a voice vote. Hugh Butler moved to amend the motion by deleting Part B and renumbering the remaining parts. The motion to amend failed on a voice vote. Hugh Butler moved to amend the motion by deleting Part C and renumbering the remaining parts. Candi Copas, Joe Dehn, and Bill Hall asked for a roll call vote. Hugh Butler, Barbara Goushaw, Paul Smith, Ken Bisson, Mark Tuniewicz, and Geoff Neale voted in favor. Gary Johnson, Bill Hall, Joe Dehn, Jesse Markowitz, Candi Copas, Kan Karlan, and Bob Franke voted against. The motion to amend failed, 6 in favor and 7 against. The motion as amended passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 6. Dan Karlan moved to: (1) Change Article VIII from "Federal Elections" to "Campaigns." (2) Move Article V, Finances; Section 1, Financial Procedures; Part B, to Article VIII, Campaigns; Section 1. "The Party may financially support the candidacies of persons who meet the following requirements: (a) that they are running as candidates of the Party unless the laws in their state make it necessary or desirable for ballot access purposes that they run as independents; (b) that they are certified as libertarian candidates by the governing board of the Party in their state; and (c) that they refrain from supporting any Presidential ticket other than the Party candidates." (3) Add the following language as Article VIII, Campaigns; Section 2, "Party resources shall not be used to provide information or services to: "1) any candidates for public office prior to nomination or Party office or "2) any candidates for Party office "unless such information or service: "1) has been approved by the LNC and are offered on an equal basis to all Libertarians seeking that nomination, or "2) are generally offered to all Party members." (4) Move Article V, Finances; Section 1, Financial Procedures; Part A, to Article VIII, Campaigns; Section 3. "The LNC will not be responsible for the debts incurred by future presidential campaigns or any other campaign. However, the LNC may vote to make monetary and nonmonetary contributions to such campaigns under the limits prescribed by law. If such contributions are made, they shall be made only after such candidate or campaign has agreed to meet the reasonable financial and budgetary controls set by the LNC. No candidate or staff member of a campaign is permitted to place orders, make purchases, or sign contracts in any manner that would lead a person to assume the LNC is liable for the debt. The Secretary is responsible for publicizing this policy to all candidates for the Presidential nomination and other candidates who seek aid from the LNC or the national office." Change "Secretary" to "Director." (5) Renumber Article VIII; Section 1, Campaign Law Suits, to Section 4. Renumber Article VIII; Section 2, Equal Time Rule, to Section 5. (6) Renumber Article VIII; Section 3, Fair Election Laws, to Section 6. Delete "The Party pledges its full and unqualified support in the effort to pass a Fair into law." (7) Renumber Article V, Finances; Section 1, Financial Procedures; Part C to Part A, Part D to Part B, and Part E to Part C. Geoff Neale moved to amend the motion by changing "all Libertarians seeking" in Article VIII; Section 2, Part 2, Paragraph 1, to "all Libertarians who have declared they are seeking." The motion to amend passed on a voice vote. Bob Franke moved to amend the motion to renumber Article VIII; Section 2 by changing Part 1 to Part A and Part 2 to Part B and deleting the numbers 1 and 2 for the paragraphs in Part B. The motion to amend passed on a voice vote. Geoff Neale moved to amend the motion to change the two occurrences of the word "offered" in Article VIII; Section 2 to "available." The motion to amend passed on a voice vote. The motion as amended passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 7. Bob Franke moved to: (1) Delete Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 6, Development Area. Delete Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 7, Affiliate Support Area. Delete Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 8, Candidate Support Area. (2) Add to Article IV, Staff; Section 1, LP Headquarters Responsibilities; Part c., development activities, "10. large donor program "11. wills and bequests "12. donor thanks and recognition." (3) Change Article IV, Staff; Section 1, LP Headquarters Responsibilities; Part d., from "affiliate party services" to "LNC and affiliate party services." (4) Add to Article IV, Staff; Section 1, LP Headquarters Responsibilities; Part d., LNC and affiliate party services, "6. mailing the updated Bylaws and Platform to all LNC members, alternates, and state chairs "7. state, local, and campus organizing "8. activist training and support" (5) Add Part f. to Article IV, Staff; Section 1, LP Headquarters Responsibilities, "f. political action "1. ballot access "2. campus support "3. candidate recruitment and training" The motion passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 8. Paul Smith moved to: (1) Delete Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 2, Area and Project Managers. "2. Area and Project Managers "The activities of the Party, other than those activities performed by the LPHQ, shall be divided in to activity area. The Chair, with the advice and consent of the LNC, shall appoint a manager for each area that the Chair elects not to manage directly. "Unless explicit structures or appointment procedures are specified by the LNC, the area manager shall determine the area's organizational structure. The are manager, with the advice and consent of the Chair, shall appoint managers to oversee and implement those projects that area manager elects not to manage directly." (2) Delete the words "area managers" from Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 3, Terms of Office. (3) Delete the words "and activity areas" from Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 4, Organizational Chart. (4) Rename Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 5, from "Administration Area" to "Administration." (5) Delete from Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 5, Administration, the sentence "The purpose of the Administration area is to provide general oversight of the Party's office procedures, financial records, advertising, publications, legal activities, and standing committees." (6) Delete Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 5, Administration; Part C, Legal Action Committee. "C. Legal Action Committee "The Chair of the Legal Action Committee is responsible for investigating, recommending, and coordinating legal action on behalf of and in support of the Party, and shall recruit attorneys willing to support legal work on behalf of the Party." (7) Change the second paragraph in Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 5, Administration; Part D, Advertising & Publications Review Committee, from "The committee shall review periodicals published by the Party (including LP News, Liberty Pledge News, and the Libertarian Volunteer), in-house fund raising letters, renewal letters, and news releases after publication or distribution. The committee shall report to the relevant manager or editor, and to the Chair, any items which, in the opinion of the committee, were inappropriate." to "Copies of periodicals published by the Party (including LP News, Liberty Pledge News, and the Libertarian Volunteer), in-house fund raising letters, renewal letters, prospecting letters, and news releases shall be provided to the committee for review immediately upon publication and/or distribution. The committee shall report to the relevant manager or editor, and to the Chair, any items which, in the opinion of the committee, were inappropriate." (8) Renumber Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 3 to Section 2, Section 4 to Section 3, and Section 5 to Section 4. (9) Renumber Article VI, Organizational Structure; Section 4, Administration; Part D to Part C, Part E to Part D, and Part H to Part E. Hugh Butler moved to amend the motion to delete Section 3, Organizational Chart, and renumber Section 4 to Section 3. The motion to amend was accepted as a friendly amendment. The motion as amended passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 9. Karen Allard moved to: (1) Change the first sentence of Article I, General Policy; Section 1, Meetings; Part B, Open Meetings, from "LNC Meetings are open to Party members." to "Except as expressly provided below, LNC meetings are open to Party members." (2) Add the following language as Article I, General Policy; Section 1, Meetings; Part G, "Report of General Counsel: "At the request of the General Counsel, any portion of an LNC meeting in which he or she delivers a report on pending legal matters that he or she deems subject to an attorney-client or attorney work product privilege shall be closed to all persons other than LNC members, alternates, and invited employees. All persons present at a closed session shall keep the information discussed at the closed session strictly confidential, except as otherwise permitted by a majority vote of the LNC." After discussion, the body agreed to accept as friendly amendments (1) changing the start of the first sentence from "At the request of the General Counsel," to "At the request of the General Counsel and approval of a majority of the LNC," and (2) changing the end of the first sentence from "all persons other than LNC members, alternates, and invited employees" to "all persons other than LNC members, alternates, invited employees, and special counsel." The motion as amended passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual, 10. The vice chair presided so the chair could participate in the debate. Joe Dehn moved to: (1) Add the following language as Article II, Membership; Section 7, "Unified Membership. "A. Affiliate parties which "1) provide dues-paying status for state purposes to everyone so qualified at the national level, and "2) do not solicit from their residents dues that do not include national dues," "shall receive monthly payments in the amount of $1 per member having national dues-paying status, including life members, or higher amounts according to the following schedule: "members who have contributed $100 or more to the national party in the last 12 months, $2/month; $250 or more, $3/month; $500 or more, $4/month; $1,000 or more, $5/month. "B. The Executive Committee shall establish transition policies for affiliates joining this program, covering such matters as phase-in of payments and treatment of existing state members. "C. Affiliates leaving this program shall receive 12 phase-out payments, starting with the amount they would have received for the month that they leave and decreasing by 1/12 of that amount each month." Steve Dasbach moved to amend the motion to change the beginning of Part A from "Affiliate parties which" to "Affiliate parties which join the Unified Membership Plan" and delete the words "1) provide dues-paying status for state purposes to everyone so qualified at the national level, and "2) do not solicit from their residents dues that do not include national dues." The motion to amend passed on a voice vote. Steve Dasbach moved to amend the motion to change the words "in the amount of $1 per member" in Part A to "in the amount of $1 per member or contributor" and change the words "members who have contributed" in Part A to "members or contributors who have contributed." The motion to amend passed on a voice vote. The motion as amended passed on a voice vote. The chair resumed presiding. Policy Manual, 11. Karen Allard moved to: (1) Change the words "The Development Area Manager" in Article II, Membership; Section 6, Premium Memberships, to "The Executive Committee." The motion passed on a voice vote. Policy Manual. Dan Karlan said that the Policy Manual did not reflect some changes made at previous meetings. Policy Manual, 12. Bill Hall moved to: (1) Delete Article V, Finances; Section 3, Personal Liability of LNC Members; Part C, "The Contract Provision Liability Clause shall be included in all contracts." Bill Hall said this was unnecessary since the LNC was now incorporated. The motion passed on a voice vote. Resolution. Mark Tuniewicz moved to adopt the following resolution: "Resolution Relation to the Political Director." "Whereas, The LNC has hired a Political Director with broad responsibilities relating to campaign development, management, and funding. "Whereas, The LNC has authorized campaign funding expenditures, "Whereas, The intent of the LNC is that the Political Director shall be heavily involved in supporting numerous campaigns on an ongoing basis, both during business hours and on his own time. "Resolved, Therefore, that the LNC authorizes the Political Director to develop, maintain, and implement campaign funding criteria notifying the LNC prior to making substantial criteria changes." Joe Dehn moved to amend the motion to delete the words "both during business hours and on his own time." The motion to amend was accepted as a friendly amendment. The motion as amended passed on a voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. EDT. Respectfully submitted, Gary E. Johnson, secretary.