Document:National Bylaws and Convention Rules 1981: Difference between revisions

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3. In addition to the responsibilities listed above, the Judicial Committee shall be responsible for disciplinary actions against any Party member, in accordance with Robert's rules of Order, Newly Revised, except as otherwise provided herein.
3. In addition to the responsibilities listed above, the Judicial Committee shall be responsible for disciplinary actions against any Party member, in accordance with Robert's rules of Order, Newly Revised, except as otherwise provided herein.


Section 1. The fiscal term of the Party shall begin on the first day of each calendar year.
1. The fiscal term of the Party shall begin on January 1 of each year.  From January 1 until the National Committee has approved a budget, the National Director and/or the Treasurer are authorized to make expenditures for any items incorporated in the previous7 year's budget as long as the level of expenditure is consistent with that budget.

Section 2. The National Committee shall cause an efficient double-entry system of accounts to be installed and maintained.
2. The National Committee shall cause an efficient double-entry system of accounts to be installed and maintained.

Section 3. All disbursements exceeding $20.00 shall be made solely by check.
3. All disbursements exceeding $20.00 shall be made solely by check.

Section 4. The National Committee shall have the power to designate the depository of all funds of the Party, and shall appoint such officers and employees as in its judgment may seem advisable to deposit and withdraw funds from said depository.
4. The National Committee shall have the power to designate the depository of all funds of the Party, and shall appoint such officers and employees as in its judgment may seem advisable to deposit and withdraw funds from said depository.
5. The Party shall not borrow in excess of $10,000 total without prior approval by 2/3 vote of the National Committee.  This shall to cinldue current operating debt for trade payables.