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The third issue of the LP News publication was primarily focused on setting the party up after the party's foundation in [[1971]]. It was published by The [[Libertarian Party|Libertarian Party's]] National Headquarters in Colorado.  
[[Media:LPNews 1972-2_N3.pdf|'''<big>VIEW ENTIRE ISSUE HERE</big>''']]
=LP's public debut a smashing success=
On January 31, the National Office of the Libertarian Party held its first Press Conference, to publicly announce the formation of the Party, publicize libertarian stands on the issues of the day, and reveal goals and strategies for [[1972]].<ref>On April 29, 2020, [[Caryn Ann Harlos]] ran a newspaper archive search and was unsuccessful in locating any articles.</ref>  The results were tremendous.
Lengthy (and largely favorable) stories were carried in every major paper in Colorado.  In addition, we received coverage on one TV station and four radio stations; two radio stations have requested in-depth interviews.  The <u>New York Times</u> ran a major story in its February 6th edition.  And UPI interviewed Temporary LP Chairman [[David Nolan|Dave Nolan]] for a major feature story, to be sent out over their national wires, to all papers and radio/TV stations.
As a result of this publicity, over 50 people contacted Party HQ in the first week after the conference -- including several who called long distance.  And inquires are still coming in.
In sum, our first press conference generated <u>more publicity</u> for the libertarian movement than <u>any other single event</u> since the publication of <u>Atlas Shrugged</u>... at least, as far we know.  This completely vindicates our original belief that libertarians can do more to reach the public by becoming involved in the political process than by any other means... and demolishes forever the claim that political action is "futile" or "inconsistent with libertarian principles."
During the past month, the National LP has also been active in building organizational strength. A [[Temporary Executive Committee]], made up leading libertarians around the country, has been formed (see p. 2).  State organizations now exist in Colorado, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming, with California, Michigan, Florida, and New York on the verge of organizing.
Membership has nearly doubled in the last 30 days, with our goal of 1,000 members by June now appearing conservative.  But, our growth and progress depends almost entirely on <u>your</u> getting out there and hustling.  Only <u>you</u> can reach the libertarians in your area; we'll provide material, but you must do the rest.  And remember, those cash prizes for recruiting the most members can be yours as well as anyone else's.
We'll do our part; full-page ads are scheduled in <u>[[Reason]], [[Individualist]],</u><u> and [[Abolitionist]]</u> (which is changing its name to <u>[[Outlook]]</u>).  And we've sent out over 2,000 ad reprints, to date. Nonetheless, the bulk of the recruiting effort must come from <u>you</u>.
An example of what can be done is the leaflet produced by the [[Colorado Libertarian Party]] (enclosed).  LP organizations and members in other states are welcome to copy this leaflet, with such modifications as they desire.
=Temporary Executive Committee=
Unlike some organizations, the Libertarian Party is not going to be one of those outfits where a small clique of self-appointed leaders runs the show, and everyone else does all the work. At the Convention in June, National Officers and an Executive Committee will be elected: for the interim, however, a Temporary Executive Committee has been appointed, to hasten the process of decentralization.  To assure geographic balance, the country has been divided into eight regions, and one or more Party members from each region have been appointed the Temporary Executive Committee.  These individuals were chosen on the bases of past achievements and degree of enthusiasm shown for the LP concept, plus a determined effort to make that all age-groups and philosophical schools are represented according to their strength in the Party.
==[[LNC Region 1 (2016-2018)|Region 1]] (West)==
[[John H. Taylor]]
7407 Alvarado Road, SP 48-C
La Mesa, Calif. 92041
==[[LNC Region 2|Region 2]] (Mountin)[[Karl Bray]]==
425 Bray
425 W. 800 N.
Provo, Utah 84601
==[[LNC Region 3|Region 3]] (Midwest)==
[[Guy Curtis]]
229 W. 9th
Imperial, Neb. 69033
==[[LNC Region 4|Region 4]] (S. Central)==
[[Mike Holmes]]
Box 66321
Houston, Texas 77006
==[[LNC Region 5|Region 5]] (Great Lakes)==
[[June Grem]]
P.O. Box 385
Oak Park, Ill. 60303
[[Pete McAlpine]]
12297 Pine
Taylor, Mich. 48180
==[[LNC Region 6|Region 6]] (South East)==
[[Mark Coleman]]
805 1/2 Miccosukee Road
Tallahassee, Fla. 32303
==[[LNC Region 7|Region 7]] (East)==
Vacancy; Applications Welcome
==[[LNC Region 8|Region 8]] (Northeast)==
[[Mark Fraizer]]
Lowell D-11, Harvard Univ.
Cambridge, Mass. 02138

[[Media:LPNews 1972-2_N3.pdf|'''<big>VIEW ENTIRE ISSUE HERE</big>''']]
[[Paul Lepanto]]
P.O. Box 1221
Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602

===LP's public debut a smashing success===
:The article describes the [[Libertarian Party]]'s first press conference, all major Colorado newspapers reported on it. It celebrates membership doubling and it announces the formation of The [[Libertarian Party of Texas]], [[Libertarian Party of Colorado]], [[Libertarian Party of Utah]], and [[Wyoming Libertarian Party]].
===Temporary Executive Committee===

[[File:LPNews 1972 N3.JPEG|thumb]]
[[File:LPNews 1972 N3.JPEG]]

*[[LNC Region 1 (2016-2018)|Region 1]] (West) - [[John B. Taylor]]
*[[LNC Region 2|Region 2]] (Mountin)- [[Karl Bray]]
*[[LNC Region 3|Region 3]] (Midwest)- [[Guy Curtis]]
*[[LNC Region 4|Region 4]] (S. Central)- [[Mike Holmes]]
*[[LNC Region 5|Region 5]] (Great Lakes)- [[June Grem]], [[Pete McAlpine]]
*[[LNC Region 6|Region 6]] (South East)- [[Mark Coleman]]
*[[LNC Region 7|Region 7]] (East)- VACANT
*[[LNC Region 8|Region 8]] (Northeast)- [[Mark Fraizer]], [[Paul Lepanto]]

<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[LP News|'''<big>GO BACK TO INDEX OF LP NEWS</big>''']]</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">[[LP News|'''<big>GO BACK TO INDEX OF LP NEWS</big>''']]</div>

===Political Perspective===
=Political Perspective=
:This issue contains a political article criticizing [[Richard Nixon]] over his visit to [[Bejing|Peking]] among other things. It is quite harsh calling him deceitful, tricky, the great deceiver, and a rascal.  The article goes on to insist that Libertarians shouldn't find hope in Nixon calling the idea "retarded". In addition other prominent politicians involved in the [[Republican Party|GOP]] primary such as [[Pete McCloskey]] and [[John Ashbrook]] are criticized, Ashbrook to a much lesser extent. The article concludes with a prediction for the primary and sets out the fololowing recommendations for the Libertarian Party to take in order to increase the chance of libertarian ideals being heard:
:This issue contains a political article criticizing [[Richard Nixon]] over his visit to [[Bejing|Peking]] among other things. It is quite harsh calling him deceitful, tricky, the great deceiver, and a rascal.  The article goes on to insist that Libertarians shouldn't find hope in Nixon calling the idea "retarded". In addition other prominent politicians involved in the [[Republican Party|GOP]] primary such as [[Pete McCloskey]] and [[John Ashbrook]] are criticized, Ashbrook to a much lesser extent. The article concludes with a prediction for the primary and sets out the fololowing recommendations for the Libertarian Party to take in order to increase the chance of libertarian ideals being heard:
# Libertarians should support Ashbrook in the Republican primary in order to harass Nixon
# Libertarians should support Ashbrook in the Republican primary in order to harass Nixon
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# Continuing to strengthen the Libertarian party to give Ashbrook supporters a second choice if point 2 doesn't come to fruition.   
# Continuing to strengthen the Libertarian party to give Ashbrook supporters a second choice if point 2 doesn't come to fruition.   

===Bits & Pieces===
=Bits & Pieces=
:This part of the issue keeps readers up to date on what's happening in the Libertarian Party and what's happening to her ideals in general.
:This part of the issue keeps readers up to date on what's happening in the Libertarian Party and what's happening to her ideals in general.
====[[Willam Rickenbacker]]====
=[[Willam Rickenbacker]]=
:Willam Rickenbacker sent an article written by LP member [[Ken Ryan]] into the National Review, it was published in the January, 21 1972 edition. The article published in the National Review calls for the end of stamp on sin laws that ban things such as drug laws, bedroom laws, usury laws, and vice laws.
:Willam Rickenbacker sent an article written by LP member [[Ken Ryan]] into the National Review, it was published in the January, 21 1972 edition. The article published in the National Review calls for the end of stamp on sin laws that ban things such as drug laws, bedroom laws, usury laws, and vice laws.
====Good Guys and Bad guys====
=Good Guys and Bad guys=
:Here the LP News article points out a new and revised way to score federal representatives created by A Review of the news. It  uses a rubric that determines how libertarian someone is. It ensures for a representative to get a 100 that representative must vote for liberty 100% of the time.
:Here the LP News article points out a new and revised way to score federal representatives created by A Review of the news. It  uses a rubric that determines how libertarian someone is. It ensures for a representative to get a 100 that representative must vote for liberty 100% of the time.
====A Case for the Libertarian Party====
=A Case for the Libertarian Party=
:This part of bits and pieces celebrates an article written by chair of the LP chair, [[David Nolan]] getting published in the July/August issue of the The Individualist
:This part of bits and pieces celebrates an article written by chair of the LP chair, [[David Nolan]] getting published in the July/August issue of the The Individualist
====Platform Plank Already Has Much Support====
=Platform Plank Already Has Much Support=
:This portion of the issue celebrates the potential to legalese the ownership of gold, it urges members to contact their congressmen for the purposes of gathering their support for the legislation that would legalese gold.
:This portion of the issue celebrates the potential to legalese the ownership of gold, it urges members to contact their congressmen for the purposes of gathering their support for the legislation that would legalese gold.
====Newspaper Readers Needed====
=Newspaper Readers Needed=
:This is serving as an announcement of an offer to anyone that can submit clippings from their newspaper containing articles about the [[Libertarian Party]]. One dollar in cash or two dollars in party materials for each clipping.  
:This is serving as an announcement of an offer to anyone that can submit clippings from their newspaper containing articles about the [[Libertarian Party]]. One dollar in cash or two dollars in party materials for each clipping.  
====Campaign Technique Manual====
=Campaign Technique Manual=
:The LP is taking orders for a manual that deals with all phases of electioneering
:The LP is taking orders for a manual that deals with all phases of electioneering
====Membership Cards====
=Membership Cards=
:Members that joined the LP prior to January 1972 should have their cards enclosed in this LP News issue, those who joined after will find it in their membership kits.
:Members that joined the LP prior to January 1972 should have their cards enclosed in this LP News issue, those who joined after will find it in their membership kits.
====Subscribers + Many Thanks====
=Subscribers + Many Thanks=
:Members are encouraged to continue sending suggestions about the platform. Members should also get a subscription to [[LP News]] , this can be bundled with membership dues.  
:Members are encouraged to continue sending suggestions about the platform. Members should also get a subscription to [[LP News]] , this can be bundled with membership dues.  
:This simply is a correction on the date that the Missouri election takes place, Last issue it showed the date as 10/31/72 while the correct dates are 8/14/72-8/31/72.
:This simply is a correction on the date that the Missouri election takes place, Last issue it showed the date as 10/31/72 while the correct dates are 8/14/72-8/31/72.
====Latest Libertarian Rip-Off====
=Latest Libertarian Rip-Off=
:Here lies the denunciation of a group out in California that's trying to get Libertarians to join a "League of Non -Voters."
:Here lies the denunciation of a group out in California that's trying to get Libertarians to join a "League of Non -Voters."
===Texas Libertarians Interview LP Chairman on Radio===
=Texas Libertarians Interview LP Chairman on Radio=
:Texas LP leaders [[Keith Jones]] and [[Mike Holmes]] interviewed Temporary LP Chairman [[David Nolan|Dave Nolan]], via telephone, on the January 20th broadcast of their weekly radio program in Houston. For 15 minutes, the three discussed the Party's Temporary Platform, the underlying philosophy, and the Party's plans for action in 1972. This also was the way to contact the program if another radio station wished to air the interview.  
:Texas LP leaders [[Keith Jones]] and [[Mike Holmes]] interviewed Temporary LP Chairman [[David Nolan|Dave Nolan]], via telephone, on the January 20th broadcast of their weekly radio program in Houston. For 15 minutes, the three discussed the Party's Temporary Platform, the underlying philosophy, and the Party's plans for action in 1972. This also was the way to contact the program if another radio station wished to air the interview.  
===Convention News===
=Convention News=
:The dates of the first National Convention were finalized, the plans called for it to be held in Denver, June 8th through 11th. [[Dale Nelson]] was assigned the post of Convention Arrangements Chairman. More Spefic plans including accomadations were planned to be outlined in the next newsletter.  
:The dates of the first National Convention were finalized, the plans called for it to be held in Denver, June 8th through 11th. [[Dale Nelson]] was assigned the post of Convention Arrangements Chairman. More Spefic plans including accomadations were planned to be outlined in the next newsletter.  

[[Category: LP News]]
[[Category: LP News|1972-02]]
[[Category: National Party Newsletters from the 1970s|1972-02]]

Latest revision as of 17:03, 1 March 2021

ProntPage LPNews 1972-N3.JPEG


LP's public debut a smashing success

On January 31, the National Office of the Libertarian Party held its first Press Conference, to publicly announce the formation of the Party, publicize libertarian stands on the issues of the day, and reveal goals and strategies for 1972.[1] The results were tremendous.

Lengthy (and largely favorable) stories were carried in every major paper in Colorado. In addition, we received coverage on one TV station and four radio stations; two radio stations have requested in-depth interviews. The New York Times ran a major story in its February 6th edition. And UPI interviewed Temporary LP Chairman Dave Nolan for a major feature story, to be sent out over their national wires, to all papers and radio/TV stations.

As a result of this publicity, over 50 people contacted Party HQ in the first week after the conference -- including several who called long distance. And inquires are still coming in.

In sum, our first press conference generated more publicity for the libertarian movement than any other single event since the publication of Atlas Shrugged... at least, as far we know. This completely vindicates our original belief that libertarians can do more to reach the public by becoming involved in the political process than by any other means... and demolishes forever the claim that political action is "futile" or "inconsistent with libertarian principles."

During the past month, the National LP has also been active in building organizational strength. A Temporary Executive Committee, made up leading libertarians around the country, has been formed (see p. 2). State organizations now exist in Colorado, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming, with California, Michigan, Florida, and New York on the verge of organizing.

Membership has nearly doubled in the last 30 days, with our goal of 1,000 members by June now appearing conservative. But, our growth and progress depends almost entirely on your getting out there and hustling. Only you can reach the libertarians in your area; we'll provide material, but you must do the rest. And remember, those cash prizes for recruiting the most members can be yours as well as anyone else's.

We'll do our part; full-page ads are scheduled in Reason, Individualist, and Abolitionist (which is changing its name to Outlook). And we've sent out over 2,000 ad reprints, to date. Nonetheless, the bulk of the recruiting effort must come from you.

An example of what can be done is the leaflet produced by the Colorado Libertarian Party (enclosed). LP organizations and members in other states are welcome to copy this leaflet, with such modifications as they desire.

Temporary Executive Committee

Unlike some organizations, the Libertarian Party is not going to be one of those outfits where a small clique of self-appointed leaders runs the show, and everyone else does all the work. At the Convention in June, National Officers and an Executive Committee will be elected: for the interim, however, a Temporary Executive Committee has been appointed, to hasten the process of decentralization. To assure geographic balance, the country has been divided into eight regions, and one or more Party members from each region have been appointed the Temporary Executive Committee. These individuals were chosen on the bases of past achievements and degree of enthusiasm shown for the LP concept, plus a determined effort to make that all age-groups and philosophical schools are represented according to their strength in the Party.

Region 1 (West)

John H. Taylor 7407 Alvarado Road, SP 48-C La Mesa, Calif. 92041

Region 2 (Mountin)Karl Bray

425 Bray 425 W. 800 N. Provo, Utah 84601

Region 3 (Midwest)

Guy Curtis 229 W. 9th Imperial, Neb. 69033

Region 4 (S. Central)

Mike Holmes Box 66321 Houston, Texas 77006

Region 5 (Great Lakes)

June Grem P.O. Box 385 Oak Park, Ill. 60303

Pete McAlpine 12297 Pine Taylor, Mich. 48180

Region 6 (South East)

Mark Coleman 805 1/2 Miccosukee Road Tallahassee, Fla. 32303

Region 7 (East)

Vacancy; Applications Welcome

Region 8 (Northeast)

Mark Fraizer Lowell D-11, Harvard Univ. Cambridge, Mass. 02138

Paul Lepanto P.O. Box 1221 Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602


Political Perspective

This issue contains a political article criticizing Richard Nixon over his visit to Peking among other things. It is quite harsh calling him deceitful, tricky, the great deceiver, and a rascal. The article goes on to insist that Libertarians shouldn't find hope in Nixon calling the idea "retarded". In addition other prominent politicians involved in the GOP primary such as Pete McCloskey and John Ashbrook are criticized, Ashbrook to a much lesser extent. The article concludes with a prediction for the primary and sets out the fololowing recommendations for the Libertarian Party to take in order to increase the chance of libertarian ideals being heard:
  1. Libertarians should support Ashbrook in the Republican primary in order to harass Nixon
  2. Pass a resolution at the Libertarian Party convention endorsing Ashbrook and withdrawing Libertarian Presidential candidates conditional on Ashbrook endorsing at least 50% of Libertarian platform planks and Ashbrook's continued challenging of Nixon even after the Republican Primary
  3. Continuing to strengthen the Libertarian party to give Ashbrook supporters a second choice if point 2 doesn't come to fruition.

Bits & Pieces

This part of the issue keeps readers up to date on what's happening in the Libertarian Party and what's happening to her ideals in general.

Willam Rickenbacker

Willam Rickenbacker sent an article written by LP member Ken Ryan into the National Review, it was published in the January, 21 1972 edition. The article published in the National Review calls for the end of stamp on sin laws that ban things such as drug laws, bedroom laws, usury laws, and vice laws.

Good Guys and Bad guys

Here the LP News article points out a new and revised way to score federal representatives created by A Review of the news. It uses a rubric that determines how libertarian someone is. It ensures for a representative to get a 100 that representative must vote for liberty 100% of the time.

A Case for the Libertarian Party

This part of bits and pieces celebrates an article written by chair of the LP chair, David Nolan getting published in the July/August issue of the The Individualist

Platform Plank Already Has Much Support

This portion of the issue celebrates the potential to legalese the ownership of gold, it urges members to contact their congressmen for the purposes of gathering their support for the legislation that would legalese gold.

Newspaper Readers Needed

This is serving as an announcement of an offer to anyone that can submit clippings from their newspaper containing articles about the Libertarian Party. One dollar in cash or two dollars in party materials for each clipping.

Campaign Technique Manual

The LP is taking orders for a manual that deals with all phases of electioneering

Membership Cards

Members that joined the LP prior to January 1972 should have their cards enclosed in this LP News issue, those who joined after will find it in their membership kits.

Subscribers + Many Thanks

Members are encouraged to continue sending suggestions about the platform. Members should also get a subscription to LP News , this can be bundled with membership dues.


This simply is a correction on the date that the Missouri election takes place, Last issue it showed the date as 10/31/72 while the correct dates are 8/14/72-8/31/72.

Latest Libertarian Rip-Off

Here lies the denunciation of a group out in California that's trying to get Libertarians to join a "League of Non -Voters."

Texas Libertarians Interview LP Chairman on Radio

Texas LP leaders Keith Jones and Mike Holmes interviewed Temporary LP Chairman Dave Nolan, via telephone, on the January 20th broadcast of their weekly radio program in Houston. For 15 minutes, the three discussed the Party's Temporary Platform, the underlying philosophy, and the Party's plans for action in 1972. This also was the way to contact the program if another radio station wished to air the interview.

Convention News

The dates of the first National Convention were finalized, the plans called for it to be held in Denver, June 8th through 11th. Dale Nelson was assigned the post of Convention Arrangements Chairman. More Spefic plans including accomadations were planned to be outlined in the next newsletter.
  1. On April 29, 2020, Caryn Ann Harlos ran a newspaper archive search and was unsuccessful in locating any articles.