Document:LP News 1973 January-February Issue 12: Difference between revisions

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The following statement has been submitted by [[Paul Hodgson]]:
"The ExecComm motion for a latter to [[Ayn Rand]] called for a 'reply to her recent criticism and attacks on the LP', and specified the questions of: (a) 'prematurity' of political action, (b) LP opposition to RMN, and (c) validity of LP principles and objectives; and of whether she would reconsider supporting our effort to provide a principled alternative to statism while;e there is still time.
"I don't propose to 'point out her inconsistencies in endorsing Nixon' (per se) or to ask her 'to explain her position' (cf. last Newsletter).  That would be an exercise in futility; I hardly expect her to even read the letter which I have drafted it it is sent.  It is a statement for the record."
'''Declare Your Independence'''
==One dollar less for the government, one dollar more for the Party==
This year, for the first time, you have the opportunity to keep one dollar of your taxes out of Uncle Sam's pockets, and put it into the Libertarian Party's treasury. With your 1972 Federal Income Tax forms, you will find included a new item -- Form 4875, a piece
of paper you can fill out and attach to your other forms, to let the Feds know that one dollar of the money they are stealing from you is not to be put into the general boodle­ basket, but rather is to be set aside in· a special fund to be disbursed to the 1976 residential candidates.
All you have to do is fill in Libertarian Party in the appropriate blank, supply your name and SS number, and sign and date it.
If you're filing a joint return, husband ana wife may both file Form 4875 with their return.
Don't pass up this opportunity to make Uncle Sam a dollar poorer, and the LP a dollar richer!
==Latest Hospers- Nathan vote  figures==
Several members have written to National HQ asking us to explain the discrepancy between our estimate of 5000+ votes cast for the Hospers-Nathan ticket last November, and the figure of 2,648 reported in a UPI story sent out in late December.
The 2,648 figure represents only the votes received by Hospers and Nathan in the two states where the LP ticket was on the ballot -- 1,537 in Washington and 1,111 in Colorado. In addition, we now have the following figures for write-ins: California 980, Texas 394, New Hampshire 142, Wisconsin
101, Alaska 68, Illinois 46, Massachusetts
43, Missouri 25 and Utah 19. These bring the
total to 4,466.
We also know that in many States (e.g. New York) our write-ins were not counted at all, and that in others, they were tallied only sporadically. Thus, we still feel confident that the actual total number cast was over 5,000 ... although we will never know exactly how many, for sure.
The exact number is unimportant, in any case; we were not trying to roll up votes, but rather to spread libertarian ideas, and to lay the groundwork for effective political
action in future years. And in these respects, we succeeded.
We suggest that if anyone asks you how many votes we got in '72, you, si mply say 11 approxi­ mately 5,000 11 and let it go at that.
==The truth about · Congress==
Or at least an approximation thereof, can be gleaned from two recently-issued 11 s core­
sheets11. In the November issue of the
radical Libertarian Forum, there is a tally of the Senate, based on 45 unidentified votes, and in the October 25 issue of the conserva­ tive Review of the News, there are ratings
of members of both houses, based on 10 identi­ fied votes in each case.
Comparing the two Senate tallies, we find that six of the LF's top eleven are the same as six of RN's top eleven -- these being Byrd, Fannin, Curtis, Buckley, Hansen and Jordan. LF's other five are Roth, Ervin, Dominick, Proxmire, and Brock, while RN gives the nod to Tower, Stennis, Bennett, Allen, and Gambrell. LF's six 11 worsts" are Inouye, McIntyre, Williams (NJ), Jackson, Stevens, and Stafford, all of whom also score very poorly (20% or less) on the RN tally. Both LF and RN give low-to-abysmalratings to a majority of the Senate.
Although these ratings are probably not 100% in accordance with those we would assign if we made our own tally, they give a rough indication of who the best and worst cases are. Fortunately, we will not have to rely on second-hand appraisals much longer; Eric Scott Royce, our Region 7 ExecComm member, has volunteered to compile ratings of both Houses from now on, and we will th have
our own "report card" starting later this year.
==Sharing the responsibilities==
The LP has now grown to the point that . w e cannot efficiently handle all National business out of our Westminster office. For this reason, each member of the National ExecComm has been assigned certain respon­ sibilities. Some of these assignments are purely internal-administrative in nature, but several are of the sort that you, the members, can be of help in performing.
FUND-RAISING D. Frank Robinson will be working on ways to raise money for the Party.
If you have any ideas, or know of someone
who might be a good bet for a big contribution, contact Frank.
PRESS RELATIONS Mark Frazier of Massachusetts will be handling our nation press releases from now on. If you know of any libertarian-leaning people in media, send their name and address (along with an indication of what paper or radio/TV station they represent) to Mark.
V.I.P. LETTERS Liz Jacobsen and John Taylor in California will be writing letters to
any public figure who seems to be a good pros­ pect for conversion to libertarianism. Any time you hear or read of someone who looks like a good prospect, send all available info (clippings, address, etc.) to John or Liz.
Addresses of the above are on your Green Sheet.