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Its facebook page declares that the Audacious Caucus is for "people who are too radical for the [[Radical Caucus]]."<ref></ref>
Its facebook page declares that the Audacious Caucus is for "people who are too radical for the [[Radical Caucus]]."<ref></ref>
Adopted August 8, 2018.
The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus (LPAC) is an audacious group that puts principles first, setting
personalities free. We assert the primacy of the Principle of Non-aggression enshrined in the Libertarian
Party's Statement of Principles. Our silence here pertaining to any particular subject should not be interpreted
as indifference, but rather as an acknowledgement that our stance on the issue can be easily derived from our
firm stance of non-aggression.
Instead, we choose to use this platform as a tool to set ourselves apart from other factions within the party.
We choose to use this document to boldly proclaim what other Libertarians dare not whisper. The intent of
the planks found here is to provoke and inspire those who fear a world set free in our lifetimes. Our goal is
not to parrot those who have come before us, but to delineate what makes us unique.
We, the members of the Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus, proudly adopt the following platform:
===Statement of Principles===
The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus holds firm to the Principle of Non-aggression. Around the globe,
people live, work and die under the shackles of the state. We stand as not only a challenge to the cult of the
omnipotent state, but a threat to it.
We hold one goal above all others, a world set free in our lifetimes. We will not limit ourselves to one tactic,
instead, we set individuals free to choose their own paths, asking only that they hold firm to the Non-
Aggression Principle.
We wish to see the Non-Aggression Principle as a valuable vehicle for reshaping society into one that
respects the rights of individuals. We know that replicating the failed ways of the old parties that dominate
political discourse is a recipe for stagnation, not growth.
All we ask is that you lose your chains, and join us in our fight to liberate mankind. Be audacious!
===I. Rothbard's Button===
The Audacious Caucus accepts incrementalism only as a last resort. Recognizing that social change can occur
gradually, or through massive upheaval, we favor the method of change that gets us to our goal as quickly as
possible. If we are to achieve a world set free in our lifetimes, we cannot fear change, we must embrace it.
While the abrupt elimination of the state may have a negative impact on many of those who depend upon it,
we see this as an acceptable trade for eliminating it as an impediment to achieving liberty. We advocate
maximum freedom, achieved as quickly as possible, by any means necessary. The Libertarian Party
Audacious Caucus considers temporary chaos to be an acceptable risk, if the reward is a chance at a world set
free from the tyranny of the state.
===II. Criminal Justice===
We believe that the state is an invalid institution, and thus we believe all convictions and punishments meted
out by a state sponsored criminal justice system are equally invalid. We call for the immediate release of all
persons currently incarcerated by the state and federal government, regardless of the nature of the offense for
which they were convicted. We also demand the immediate expungement of all criminal records created by
state and federal courts.
===III. Drugs===
The LPAC supports an end to the war on drugs. Our support is not limited merely to legalization of
marijuana, we support the full removal of all government intervention in any drug usage, production, sale or
distribution. We encourage individuals to reject the war propaganda that surrounds drug use. We support the
individual right to experiment with any substance consumed voluntarily.
===IV. Unions===
We support the right of the people to voluntarily associate in, or to establish, labor unions. We believe that an
employer may recognize a union as the collective bargaining agent of some or all of its employees. We
oppose governmental interference in bargaining, such as banning of closed shop contracts. We demand that
so called "Right to Work" laws be repealed. We recognize voluntary contracts between employers and labor
unions as being legally and morally binding on the parties to such contracts.
===V. Immigration and Borders===
The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus is not for closing or opening national borders, it is for eliminating
national borders. Borders exist only as the limit of the jurisdiction of gangs, competing over control of
territory, resources and people. Until those gangs are tossed into the trash bin of history where they rightfully
belong, we will tolerate them staying out of the movement of people across these arbitrary lines. We will fight
against any attempt to enforce the tyrannical dictates that tear apart families and punish people for not asking
permission to cross an imaginary line.
===VI. War, Violence and Military===
War, being state sanctioned mass murder, is steadfastly opposed by the LPAC. Its ramifications,
economically and morally, are never justifiable. We do not accept the need for violence outside of defense,
and disavow all those who voluntarily support the military, war or who participate in violence outside of
===VII. Policing===
The police exist as the domestic enforcement arm of the gang known as the state. Without their constant
aggression, the state would be powerless to enact the theft, coercion and degradation that is it's modus
operandi. There is no such thing as a "good cop" because by their very nature police are compelled to enforce
edicts that even full-blown statists would consider immoral. The LPAC rejects the Nuremberg Defense that
"just following orders" is a valid excuse for immoral actions.
===VIII. Children's Rights===
We believe that "children" are human beings and, as such, have the same rights as any other human beings.
Any reference in this platform to the rights of human beings includes "children." We believe that "children"
have the moral authority to live their lives independent of externally imposed authority, and challenge the
right of anyone to impose restrictions on them based solely upon their age.
===IX. Reproductive Rights===
The only right and proper action for government to take in the role of reproductive choice is to immediately
extricate itself, end all programs, repeal all regulations, and leave all decisions up to individuals and their
healthcare professionals.
We support the right of individuals to make their own decisions regarding abortions, birth control,
vasectomies, hysterectomies, hormonal and fertility treatment, and gender reassignment procedures.
===X. Sex Worker's Rights===
Sex workers are the unsung heroes of freedom in America, many of our social freedoms were pioneered by
prostitutes, strippers and porn stars throughout our history and continue today as the sex industry moves to
capitalize on modern innovations. As such the Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus will take up the banner of
sex work as a genuine and worthwhile profession that puts food on the table in thousands of American
households. We oppose the regulation and banning of any area of this industry by moralizing busybodies.
We support the repeal of all laws regulating or prohibiting the possession, use, sale, production or
distribution of sexually explicit material. We reject the tying in of human trafficking with sex work and
recognize that by pushing what could be a lucrative industry for millions of Americans into the shadows, it is
those who oppose it that fuel human trafficking.
===XI. Intellectual Property===
Intellectual property exists as a form of government fiat over the ideas and property of all those under its
jurisdiction. As technology advances through the innovative sharing of ideas and digital goods, it is up to
those creating such goods to innovatively guarantee their own revenue stream, without reliance on
government to protect their monopoly. We support an end to the war on file sharing and "piracy" which is
both an immoral, and an ineffective, means of preventing the sharing of ideas.
==Endorsed Candidates==


[[Category:Libertarian Party Caucuses]]
[[Category:Libertarian Party Caucuses]]

Latest revision as of 04:51, 29 July 2020

Audacious Caucus
General Information
Facebook: Facebook

The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus is a caucus of the Libertarian Party.


The purpose of The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus is to advocate within the Libertarian Party for a more principled moral stance in opposition to government. It seeks to accomplish this by nominating candidates for both internal party positions and public office who have shown a strong commitment to the fundamental core beliefs of the libertarian philosophy. It is also committed to maintaining and increasing the Libertarian Party's involvement in outreach, education and activism, to promote the core beliefs of the libertarian philosophy in our community.

Its facebook page declares that the Audacious Caucus is for "people who are too radical for the Radical Caucus."[1]


Adopted August 8, 2018.


The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus (LPAC) is an audacious group that puts principles first, setting personalities free. We assert the primacy of the Principle of Non-aggression enshrined in the Libertarian Party's Statement of Principles. Our silence here pertaining to any particular subject should not be interpreted as indifference, but rather as an acknowledgement that our stance on the issue can be easily derived from our firm stance of non-aggression. Instead, we choose to use this platform as a tool to set ourselves apart from other factions within the party. We choose to use this document to boldly proclaim what other Libertarians dare not whisper. The intent of the planks found here is to provoke and inspire those who fear a world set free in our lifetimes. Our goal is not to parrot those who have come before us, but to delineate what makes us unique. We, the members of the Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus, proudly adopt the following platform:

Statement of Principles

The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus holds firm to the Principle of Non-aggression. Around the globe, people live, work and die under the shackles of the state. We stand as not only a challenge to the cult of the omnipotent state, but a threat to it. We hold one goal above all others, a world set free in our lifetimes. We will not limit ourselves to one tactic,

instead, we set individuals free to choose their own paths, asking only that they hold firm to the Non- Aggression Principle.

We wish to see the Non-Aggression Principle as a valuable vehicle for reshaping society into one that respects the rights of individuals. We know that replicating the failed ways of the old parties that dominate political discourse is a recipe for stagnation, not growth. All we ask is that you lose your chains, and join us in our fight to liberate mankind. Be audacious!

I. Rothbard's Button

The Audacious Caucus accepts incrementalism only as a last resort. Recognizing that social change can occur gradually, or through massive upheaval, we favor the method of change that gets us to our goal as quickly as possible. If we are to achieve a world set free in our lifetimes, we cannot fear change, we must embrace it. While the abrupt elimination of the state may have a negative impact on many of those who depend upon it, we see this as an acceptable trade for eliminating it as an impediment to achieving liberty. We advocate maximum freedom, achieved as quickly as possible, by any means necessary. The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus considers temporary chaos to be an acceptable risk, if the reward is a chance at a world set free from the tyranny of the state.

II. Criminal Justice

We believe that the state is an invalid institution, and thus we believe all convictions and punishments meted out by a state sponsored criminal justice system are equally invalid. We call for the immediate release of all persons currently incarcerated by the state and federal government, regardless of the nature of the offense for which they were convicted. We also demand the immediate expungement of all criminal records created by state and federal courts.

III. Drugs

The LPAC supports an end to the war on drugs. Our support is not limited merely to legalization of marijuana, we support the full removal of all government intervention in any drug usage, production, sale or distribution. We encourage individuals to reject the war propaganda that surrounds drug use. We support the individual right to experiment with any substance consumed voluntarily.

IV. Unions

We support the right of the people to voluntarily associate in, or to establish, labor unions. We believe that an employer may recognize a union as the collective bargaining agent of some or all of its employees. We oppose governmental interference in bargaining, such as banning of closed shop contracts. We demand that so called "Right to Work" laws be repealed. We recognize voluntary contracts between employers and labor unions as being legally and morally binding on the parties to such contracts.

V. Immigration and Borders

The Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus is not for closing or opening national borders, it is for eliminating national borders. Borders exist only as the limit of the jurisdiction of gangs, competing over control of territory, resources and people. Until those gangs are tossed into the trash bin of history where they rightfully belong, we will tolerate them staying out of the movement of people across these arbitrary lines. We will fight against any attempt to enforce the tyrannical dictates that tear apart families and punish people for not asking permission to cross an imaginary line.

VI. War, Violence and Military

War, being state sanctioned mass murder, is steadfastly opposed by the LPAC. Its ramifications, economically and morally, are never justifiable. We do not accept the need for violence outside of defense, and disavow all those who voluntarily support the military, war or who participate in violence outside of defense.

VII. Policing

The police exist as the domestic enforcement arm of the gang known as the state. Without their constant aggression, the state would be powerless to enact the theft, coercion and degradation that is it's modus operandi. There is no such thing as a "good cop" because by their very nature police are compelled to enforce edicts that even full-blown statists would consider immoral. The LPAC rejects the Nuremberg Defense that "just following orders" is a valid excuse for immoral actions.

VIII. Children's Rights

We believe that "children" are human beings and, as such, have the same rights as any other human beings. Any reference in this platform to the rights of human beings includes "children." We believe that "children" have the moral authority to live their lives independent of externally imposed authority, and challenge the right of anyone to impose restrictions on them based solely upon their age.

IX. Reproductive Rights

The only right and proper action for government to take in the role of reproductive choice is to immediately extricate itself, end all programs, repeal all regulations, and leave all decisions up to individuals and their healthcare professionals. We support the right of individuals to make their own decisions regarding abortions, birth control, vasectomies, hysterectomies, hormonal and fertility treatment, and gender reassignment procedures.

X. Sex Worker's Rights

Sex workers are the unsung heroes of freedom in America, many of our social freedoms were pioneered by prostitutes, strippers and porn stars throughout our history and continue today as the sex industry moves to capitalize on modern innovations. As such the Libertarian Party Audacious Caucus will take up the banner of sex work as a genuine and worthwhile profession that puts food on the table in thousands of American households. We oppose the regulation and banning of any area of this industry by moralizing busybodies. We support the repeal of all laws regulating or prohibiting the possession, use, sale, production or distribution of sexually explicit material. We reject the tying in of human trafficking with sex work and recognize that by pushing what could be a lucrative industry for millions of Americans into the shadows, it is those who oppose it that fuel human trafficking.

XI. Intellectual Property

Intellectual property exists as a form of government fiat over the ideas and property of all those under its jurisdiction. As technology advances through the innovative sharing of ideas and digital goods, it is up to those creating such goods to innovatively guarantee their own revenue stream, without reliance on government to protect their monopoly. We support an end to the war on file sharing and "piracy" which is both an immoral, and an ineffective, means of preventing the sharing of ideas.

Endorsed Candidates
