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New York Libertarian Party State Committee Minutes: August 26, 2000 Westbury (Downstate) and Clifton Park (Upstate) Present: Rich Cooper (Chair), Blay Tarnoff (Vice Chair), Audrey Capozzi (Vice Chair), John Clifton (Treasurer), Caryn Tarnoff (Secretary), Bob Goodman (At-Large), John Ayling (At-Large), Bonnie Scott (At-Large), Don Silberger (At-Large; Hudson Valley Rep.), Chris Garvey (Suffolk Rep.), Vince O'Neill (Nassau Rep.), Jeff Russell (Capital District Rep.), Bridget Rutty (Central NY Rep.), Stephen Healey (Monroe Rep.), (Absent: Brad Arter, Queens Rep., Brooklyn Rep.) The meeting was called to order at 10:57 am. Secretary's Minutes: The minutes of the July 8, 2000 meeting were approved with no changes. E-Mail Voting: Bonnie Scott moved that the State Committee be able to vote on non-monetary matters via e-mail. Blay Tarnoff offered friendly amendment that the Committee wait five days from the time that a motion is introduced via e-mail before concluding that the vote totals are final. The motion (with the amendment) passed with eleven voting for the motion and three voting against. Treasurer's Report: John Clifton distributed a report. The ending balance, as of 8/25/00, was $11,855.70. John offered to either step down from his treasurer duties or defer reporting to BOE, FEC, and IRS until after the election, due to time constraints. A discussion was held regarding the LPNY's need to file reports. Dave Harnett declined a request to fill in as treasurer. Rich Cooper will ask Bill McMillen and will speak to the National Committee for advice. John Clifton informed the Committee that the LPNY's income this year is approximately $20,000. Blay Tarnoff suggested that we hire a company to complete the reports. There was a question regarding how organizations provide signatures when forms are completed electronically. Apparently a written form must also be submitted. Old Business: Petition Drive Jeff Russell reported that the LPNY submitted approximately 32,000 signatures for the Harry Browne and John Clifton campaigns. About 85% of these were paid for. There were about 5,000 volunteer signatures. The LPNY paid for around 7,000 and National paid for 20,000. Bill Van Allen has filed a challenge to all independent nominating petitions. He has until 8/30 to provide the details of his challenge. Rich Cooper informed the Committee that Ron Crickenberger would like the LPNY to kick back some money to the National Party because LPNY spent less money than it had intended on the petitioning process. Blay Tarnoff informed that Committee that Steve Dasbach had said that National would reimburse LPNY for the money it spent on petitioning, which would be about $6,800. The Committee agreed that we would not offer to reimburse National and would wait to see if the issue is brought up again. New Business: State Fair: Bridget Rutty had raised the issue, via e-mail, regarding the LPNY sponsoring an annual booth at the New York State Fair. She reported that the local chapter is not doing anything at the Fair at this time and probably is not in the position to handle this project. There was a discussion regarding the feasibility of the State Committee handling this. It was generally agreed that this project is not feasible at this time, however, the Committee suggested that the local chapter hand out literature to fairgoers. Chris Garvey moved that the State Committee provide $100 to the Central New York Chapter for an ad in the local paper to advertise their upcoming convention. This motion passed with one nay vote and one abstention. The convention will be on Sunday, September 17, at 2:00 PM. Decals: Don Silberger and Bonnie Scott described an idea to publicize the legalization of marijuana with "legalize" decals, imprinted with a special National LP phone number. The National Party may be looking into the idea. Chris Garvey stated that there is a law, which imposes fines, against such decals in NY City. Rich Cooper has done a cost analysis and determined that 100,000 stickers would cost around $1,200. Donor Thank You Notes: Rich sends postcards, or packages with news clippings, to donors, depending on the size of the donation. Upcoming Events: October 7: NY State Pistol and Rifle Association Meeting October 24: Rally for St. Luke's Church John Clifton Campaign: Chris Garvey moved that the Committee approve $1,000 for John Clifton's campaign; the motion passed unanimously. Next Meeting: The date for the next "face-to-face" meeting has not yet been determined. In the meantime, State Committee business will be conducted via e-mail discussion. The meeting recessed at 1:04 PM, with official business to be conducted via e-mail, when necessary.