
Joined 8 years ago
641 bytes removed ,  28 May 2017
(Created page with "==Email formatting== Hi Joe, the documentation will be soon updated, but we are going to have a suggested Title Naming Convention that follows the file naming convention. So...")
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==Email formatting==

Hi Joe, the documentation will be soon updated, but we are going to have a suggested Title Naming Convention that follows the file naming convention.
So it would be first - put it in the document namespace by starting it with Document:
Afterwards, put document type, date (day, month, year format), description, and author if relevant.
For example:
Document: Email 29 April 2010 Please reserve hotel by May 6 for 2010 St. Louis Convention
This will eventually be updated at
[[User:CarynAnnHarlos|CarynAnnHarlos]] ([[User talk:CarynAnnHarlos|talk]]) 05:29, 27 May 2017 (UTC)