Page history
6 June 2019
12 November 2018
Added quote by Marge Parkhurst on the problem with giving power to politicians you like
→Harry Browne: Added quote by Harry Browne on what government is good at
→Karl Hess: Added quote that Karl Hess wrote for Barry Goldwater
Added quote by Jeanine Ring on respect for openess and individualism as a corollary to a politics of liberty
Added quotes by Harry Brown on immigration and the welfare state, and by Robert Heinlein on secrecy
Added quote by John Gilmore on giving power to government
Added quote by Mary McCarthy on bureaucracy and despotism
Added quotes from Karl Hess on revolution and Murray Rothbard on the fundamental axiom of libertarianism
Added quote by Bill Niskanen on the shortcomings of modern liberals and conservatives
→Starchild: added extra spacing
Added quotes from Starchild on black markets and ignorance of the law